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to pronounce incorrectly or in a way regarded as incorrect


Don't say: Calvary | Do say: cavalry

Don't say: diptheria | Do say: diphtheria

Comment: The ''ph'' in this word is pronounced [f], not [p].

Don't say: elec'toral | Do say: e'lectoral

Don't say: jewlery | Do say: jewelry


A monophthong consists of only one vowel sound that does not change during its articulation; i.e., it starts and ends in the same quality, and the speech organs do not change their position during its pronunciation.  <α:, ∆, o, o:, ı, i:, u, u:, υ, e, ә, ә:>;


A word that consists of a single syllable eg cat,man,fat.

Mora  is a unit in phonology that determines syllable weight, which in some languages determines stress or timing. As with many technical linguistic terms, the definition of a mora varies. American linguist James D. McCawley: a mora is “Something of which a long syllable consists of two and a short syllable consists of one.”

Eg there are four morae in the word ‘Nippon’.

ni | p | po | n


All words are made up of morphographs. All morphographs have meaning. Some words have only one morphograph and other words are made up of more than one morphograph. All the words in these sentences are morphographs which have meaning. The word 'meaning' is made up of two morphographs 'mean' and 'ing'. The word 'words' is made up of two morphographs 'word' and 's'.

Morphophonology  is a branch of linguistics which studies, in general, the interaction between morphological and phonetic processes. When a morpheme is attached to a word, it can alter the phonetic environments of other morphemes in that word. Morphophonemics attempts to describe this process. A language's morphophonemic structure is generally described with a series of rules which, ideally, can describe every morphophonemic alternation that takes place in the language.


past tense marker "-ed". After a voiceless sound, "-ed" is generally realised as [t], as in walkedhopedwished, and so on. For an example of a morphophonological alternation in English, take the plural suffix. Written as "-s" or "-es" but generally understood to have the underlying representation /z/, the plural morpheme alternates between [s], [z], and [əz], as in catsdogs, and horses.

Moveable organ of speech- (organ of speech - any of the organs involved in speech production)

Movable organs of speech that are actively used during the production of speech sounds are called articulators or active speech organs. Active organs of speech are the lips, the lower jaw, the tongue, the soft palate with the uvula, the vocal cords, the lungs.


is a phonation in which thevocal cords vibrate, as they do in normal (modal) voicing, but are held further apart, so that a larger volume of air escapes between them. This produces an audible noise. A breathy-voiced phonation [h]. . One is to hold the vocal cords apart, so that they are lax as they are for [h], but to increase the volume of airflow so that they vibrate loosely.  Umlaut

is a form of assimilation, the process by which one speech sound is altered to make it more like another adjacent sound.  The term umlaut was originally coined and is used principally in connection with the study of the Germanic languages. In Germanic umlaut (also i-umlaut or i-mutation), a back vowel changes to the associated front vowel or a front vowelbecomes closer to /i/ when the following syllable contains /i/, /iː/, or /j/.

mutual assimilation

If there is a mutual influence between the two phonemes, it is reciprocal assimilation.

occurs when in the sequence of segments AB

segment B exerts influence on segment A, and, at the same time, segment A exerts influence

on segment B. In other words, both segments A and B are simultaneously assimilators and

assimilees: A ⇔ B


in the word more [m] receives labiality from [], and [] receives nasality from [m].

occurs when a relatively different sound is formed, e.g. get you [t] ⇔ [j] → [t].

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