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Variant 6.

Inflation and Deflation

The inflationary development is characterized by rising prices within a certain period of time.The rising prices is a consequence of an un­even development in the quantity of goods on of­fer and the quantity of money available, which it­self determines the demand and is the inflation rate.The causes of inflation are generally complex and can arise either from the goods or from the monetary side. The consequences of inflation are extremely damaging for the economy. Inflation becomes stagnation when economic growth decreases or comes to a halt, but inflation continues to rise. If the state does not take measures to combat stagnation, this leads to stagflation .Deflation, the opposite development to infla­tion, represents a reduction in the supply of money in comparison with the supply of goods. Perhaps we could look briefly at the way inflation has deve­loped during the period 1975 to 80 since this has certainly had en effect on our general performance. On the graph in front of you, the horizontal axis represents the years 75 to 80 divided up into six-monthly, periods. The vertical axis shows the % rate of inflation from zero to 25. Let us now look in detail at the deve­lopment...If we start with 1975 you can see that at the beginning of the year, inflation stood at 5%. It increased steadily over the next 12 months to 8%. Things improved at the beginning of 1976 and it leveled off for a six-month period. The improvement continued and inflation decreased gradually by 2% during the rest of the year.

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  2. . Випишить з тексту речення з присудком у пасивному стані (Passive Voice). Вкажить час присудків.

  3. Випишить з тексту речення з модальним дієсловом ,або його еквівалентом. Визначте його часову форму.

  4. Випишить речення з дієприкметником теперешнього часу ( The Participle І). Вкажить їх функцію у реченні.

  5. Випишить з тексту прикметники. Дайте їх усі ступені порівняння. Перекладіть прикметники.

  6. Випишить з тексту неправильні дієслова у функції присудка. Вкажить їх 3 основні форми.

  7. Випишить у тексті займенники, визначте їх розряд та перекладіть .

  8. Виділіть присудки у даних реченнях , визначте час та стан :

1. Money takes up very little space and if we want we may put it in a bank.

2.The grocer can in turn use the money received from the carpenter and others to purchase a suit from the tailor.

3. The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was nationali­zed in 1946, and it is the sole bank of issue in England and Wales.

4. In the modern world money has various uses.

5.You would want to define the exchange in terms of the relative value of the two items.

IX. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

l)What does the rising prices mean?

2) When does the inflation become stagnation?

3)What are the causes of inflation ?

4) What does the deflation mean ?

X. Випишить з тексту по 1 реченню з прийменниками. Визначте, до якої групи вони відносяться. Перекладіть.
