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Тексты 2 полугод для программистов.docx
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repairs water-pipes;

builds houses;

grows food in his field;

sells meat;

looks after sick people;

grows flowers and trees;

writes articles for newspapers;

writes novels;

looks after people's teeth.


  1. flies airplanes;

  2. designs houses;

  3. repairs cars;

  4. sells vegetables;

  5. works in an office and deals with filing, correspondence, etc.;

  6. treats domestic animals;

  7. drives automobiles;

  8. plays the piano.

Lesson 22 - 23 my future profession is a programmer

My name is ... I am a first - year student of Kursk State Polytechnic College.

I study at the department of informatics. In future I hope I will be a programmer. Why have I chosen this profession? I like it very much, because it is needed everywhere. In our time, people can't live without computers. They are in all spheres of our life: at factories, plants, shops, even in rocket industry. Computer is a machine which is used not only for the work; it is used for computer games.

You can meet new friends with the help of a computer.

By Internet, you can send pictures, texts and other information.

Graduates of our college work at plants, computing centers. We'll study many special subjects, such as: programming, electronics, analogue and digital computers, peripheral devices and others.

Our profession is of great demand in our country because computing machines are used practically everywhere in industry, agriculture, scientific research and our everyday life. Computers have changed our life.

Working vocabulary:

department – отделение

to choose (chose – chosen) – выбирать

hard – тяжелый

to send – посылать

graduate – выпускник

device – устройство

demand – спрос

scientific research – научное исследование

Lesson 24 – 25


Canada is situated in the northern part of the North-American Continent. The country has an area of nearly ten million square kilometers. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. There are many islands in the north of Canada

Canada has mountains, high plains and low plains. Canada is a country of lakes.Canada also has large rivers: the Mackenzie, the Yukon and the St. Lawrence River. The Niagara Falls are one of the most splendid sights in the world.

The population of the country is over 24 million people. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Canada has two official languages - English and French.

Canada is a highly developed industrial country. Among the most important industries are machine-building, motor-car and ship-building. The main agricultural products are wheat, meat, some kinds of fruit, dairy products. Canada's fishing industry is still important on both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts.

Formally the head of the state is the King or the Queen of England represented by the Governor-General. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Commons.


coast - побережье to be washed by - омываться sights - достопримечательности splendid - великолепный settler - поселенец, житель