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Вариант 3

Задание 1

A. Прочтите текст «Man and his environment», переведите его устно, пользуясь словарём.

Б. Выберите и запишите правильный ответ на вопрос: «О чём говориться в тексте?»

- В тексте в основном говориться о проблемах загрязнения окружающей среды.

- В тексте в основном говориться об экологических проблемах растительного мира.

- В тексте в основном говориться о благоприятных условиях окружающей среды.

- В тексте в основном говориться о влиянии сельского хозяйства на окружающую среду.

Man and his environment

The problem of man and his interaction with the environment has now become one of the most difficult problems for many sciences not because it is fashionable but because of its great significance for the whole of mankind. We see at present the signs of ecological imbalance, which may cause a crisis if due measures are not taken.

The air we breathe, the earth we live on and its rivers and seas are becoming polluted. The biosphere is strongly affected by all sorts of human activities. For example, man creates new compounds, new substances, pure chemical elements which are unknown to biosphere. They do not belong to the natural cycle of matter. They weaken the capacity of natural processes for self-regulation. Though not changing biologically, we change the environment in which we live. The Russian great scientist Vladimir Vernadsky was the first in the world to realize the necessity for quite a new approach to the biosphere as early as the midforties.

The increasing noise level is a special problem nowadays. We need silence as much as we need fresh air and unpolluted water. Noise does not only do physical damage to the hearer but can weaken his energy and break down his nerves.

Transport is a major source of environmental pollution. Every car consumes many tons of air. Its exhaust gases contain poisonous carbon dioxide which makes difficult the emission of the earth's heat into space. Many cities now are too noisy to live in. Los Angeles in the USA and Osaka in Japan are known to be the air pollution champions among major industrial cities.

Pollutants are not only harmful to health but to buildings as well. Our cities are dying physically. In most city centres some of the oldest and fine buildings are falling in pieces. On one hand, the foundations are being shaken by all the heavy traffic and, on the other hand, the bricks are being eaten away by fumes from the traffic. It is a slow process but it is going on even though you can't see it.

One more aspect of the problem is water pollution. Sea-and river-going ships pollute sea and river water with various oil products. At а rough estimate, no less than five million tons of oil are discharged into seas and oceans each year and one ton of oil can spread over about twelve square kilometres of the water surface as a thin film which prevents air-water oxygen exchange. One litre of oil makes one million litres of fresh water unfit for drinking. We must stop the contamination of our water-ways which comes from so many sources: chemical waste from factories, thermal waste from power stations, domestic waste from cities and towns and so on.

Задание 2

А. Расположите предлагаемые слова в соответствии с порядком слов в предложении, запишите полученное предложение и переведите его.

Pollutes, the transport, the air.

Б. Составьте из полученного предложения отрицательную и вопросительную формы.

Задание 3

Найдите предложения, которое соответствует русскому «Его сын занимается сельским хозяйством на родной земле» и перепишите его.

1. His son works in agriculture on the native land.

2. His sons work in agriculture on the native land.

Задание 4

Найдите предложения, в котором присутствует глагол to be в значении «быть, являться» и переведите данное предложение на русский язык.

1. One more aspect of the problem is water pollution.

2. In most city centres some of the oldest and fine buildings are falling in pieces.

Задание 5

Выберите предложение с глаголом – сказуемым в настоящем времени (Present Simple) и объясните, как Вы сделали свой выбор.

1. This farm will use new tractors.

2. This farm uses new tractors.

Задание 6

Перепишите предложение, подчеркните в нём глагол – сказуемое и определите его время.

The farmers bought new kind of sheep.

Задание 7

Выпишите то предложение, в котором глагол – сказуемое обозначает действие в будущем неопределённом времени.

1. A tractor driver plows the field.

2. A tractor driver plowed the field.

3. A tractor driver will plow the field.

Задание 8

Найдите в тексте «Man and his environment» (задание 1) существительные во множественном числе.

Задание 9

The farm grows vegetables. The agronomists introduced an advanced technology in vegetable growing. The wages of the workers will depend on the quantity and quality of the produce.

Задание 10

Составьте словарный минимум из 50 слов по тексту «Man and his environment» (задание 1).

Пример: 1. environment – окружающая среда;

2. problem – проблема; и т.д.