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Англ. яз. пособие.doc
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Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Следующие условные предложения распределите на две группы: с реальным условием (тип А) и с нереальным условием, относящимся к настоящему (тип В). Переведите предложения:

1.I shall close the window if you allow. 2. The door will not open unless you press the button. 3. We can go now if you wish. 4. If you check the data, you will find everything in order. 5. If I allowed my children to do what they like, they would not go to bed in time. 6.We can make the test provided the management supplies us with materials. 7. If these words were synonymous, you could use either of them. 8. They would buy those implements if they needed them. 9. If you want to draw, you need better pencils. 10. If he were guilty, he would not dare to come. 11. He will not run away unless he is guilty.

Упражнение 2. Следующие предложения распределите на две группы: с нереальным условием в отношении настоящего (тип В) и с нереализованным условием в отношении прошедшего (тип Г). Переведите предложения:

1.If you knew him better, you would not admit him into your house. 2. Had I known the facts better, I should have allowed you to make a new test. 3. I should not have mentioned it if my friends had not warned me. 4.If he were dead, I should be sorry. 5. If the bottle were empty, we could use it for oil. 5. Do you think she would have spoken better if she had not been so tired? 6. If the ventilating system had been better, the management of the American mine would not have been guilty in the death of six miners.

Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык условные предложения, содержащие предположения (тип Б):

1. It would be better if you admitted your mistake. 2. If you classified the data, fewer tests would be needed. 3.If they listened to us, we could warn them. 4. They might attack us if they dared.

Упражнение 4. Переведите на русский язык:

1.I wish I could go to Moscow. 2. I wish it were so. 3. I wish he were alive. 4. You shouldn't allow your children to play so late. 4. One should admit one's mistakes. 5. Young girls should learn cooking.

Упражнение 5. Выполните грамматический тест.

  1. It is impossible that he _____ there alone. went should have gone would have gone

  2. It was unlikely that it _____ . rained should rain would rain

  3. It’s high time the children _____ to bed. went should go should have gone

  4. It’s a pity that he _____ so. says should say

  5. I suggest _____ football tomorrow. to play that we should

  6. I fear lest he _____. came didn’t come should come shouldn't come

  7. The boy feared lest he _____ mistakes in the last test. made had made should have made should make

  8. They propose that the new law _____ in a week. should be discussed will be discussed

  9. The tourists were afraid that they _____ the train. may might

  10. The child was pale and mother feared lest he_____. caught should have caught had caught

  11. It’s time that you _____ me the book. should return should have returned

  12. Ann hasn't come yet. I am afraid that she _____ my address. might forget forgot might have forgotten

  13. The children hurried home lest their mother _____ about them. should have worried should worry

  14. It seems fortunate that you _____ us there. should meet should have met

  15. Let’s go out right away lest we _____ late. should be late shouldn't be late shouldn't have been late

  16. The friends advised that she _____ seriously. shouldn't have taken shouldn't take

  17. Put the books into your bag lest you _____ it. lost should have lost shouldn't lose should lose

  18. The teacher insisted that the pupils _____ their books. closed should close should have closed

  19. It is impossible that he _____ so careless. were should be

  20. It was strange that the boy _____ his father’s passion for music. didn't inherit shouldn't inherit shouldn't have inherited


tort law


duty of care

statutory tort



to tarnish the reputation



factual assertion

intentional tort

property tort

trespass to land

trespass to chattels


economic torts

competition law

'anti-trust' law

деликтное право

халатность, небрежность

обязанность соблюдать осторожность

статутное право

нарушение общественного порядка

диффамация, клевета

порочить репутацию

устная клевета

клевета в печати

фактическая претензия

преднамеренные действия

нарушение прав частной собственности

нарушать право на землю

нарушать право на движимое имущество

незаконное присвоение имущества

экономические правонарушения

конкурентное право

антимонопольное право

crime of passion

преступление, совершенное в состоянии аффекта

bizarre charges

абсурдные обвинения


Лексическая тема: «Obligations, Powers and Liability of the Customs Authorities»

Грамматическая тема: Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив в форме Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous



The customs administrations across the European Union are uniquely equipped to play a central role in policing the EU’s external borders. This means, for instance, combating smuggling, seizing dangerous counterfeit goods, freeing internationally protected animals and fighting criminal networks, thereby defending the safety and security of European citizens.

There is not one EU customs service but 27 national customs administrations working together on the basis of a European policy and a common legal framework (the Community Customs Code) which sets out the rules and procedures to be applied. The 27 customs administrations must act as one.

“Customs authorities shall be primarily responsible for supervision of the Community’s international trade, thereby contributing to fair and open trade, to implementation of the external aspects of the internal market, of the common trade policy and of the other common Community policies having a bearing on trade, and to overall supply chain security. Customs authorities shall put in place measures aimed, in particular, at:

  1. Protecting the financial interests of the Community and its Member States;

  2. Protecting the Community from unfair and illegal trade while supporting legitimate business activity;

  3. Ensuring the security and safety of the Community and its residents, and protection of the environment, where appropriate in close cooperation with other authorities;

  4. Maintaining a proper balance between customs controls and facilitation of legitimate trade.”

Customs services in the EU play a dual role. Customs officers still act as collectors of customs levying import duties and taxes but increasingly they also work as “watchdogs” securing the Union’s external borders to protect citizens’ health and safety. Checks to enforce security and safety rules can only be performed at the EU’s external borders. It is inevitable that certain cargo shipments which could pose a risk to the safety or security of the EU and its citizens must be stopped and checked. These checks are different from the task of levying import duties, which customs authorities can perform at a later stage along the supply chain, for example on the premises of the importer or exporter, to avoid congestion at the EU’s external borders.

The watchdog . Border checks to guarantee the safety and security of European citizens are performed by customs officers in close cooperation with other border agencies, such as veterinary and product safety authorities. Two particular causes of concern for customs authorities with respect to health and safety are counterfeit goods and drug precursors.

The collector of customs. Every shipment of goods which enters the European Union has to be declared to customs. On the basis of the customs declarations, customs officers check the shipment and levy the import duties and taxes due.

Trade facilitation. Since the Community Customs Code entered into force on 1 January 1993, simplified customs procedures have been introduced to make life easier for European importers and exporters, who generate 22% of world trade. Simplified procedures allow checks to be carried out at the locations most convenient for traders and at the most opportune point in the logistical process. Use of these procedures is subject to authorisations granted to compliant operators once customs have ascertained that they are reliable.

Audits also regularly check compliance by authorised operators when they use their authorisations.