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5. Fill in the table.



Adjective / participle











6. Match the words to their definitions. The figure in brackets indicates the number of the passage in which the word occurs.

  1. Abolish (6)

  2. Appeal (4)

  3. Award (2)

  4. Case (2)

  5. Circuit (5)

  6. Consideration (5)

  7. Incorporated (3)

  8. Joint stock (company) (3)

  9. Liable (2)

  10. Maim (4)

  11. Seditious (4)

  12. Subpoena (5)

  13. Sue (2)

  14. Terms (1)

  15. Verdict (1)

  1. a company that is owned by all the people who have shares in it

  2. a decision that is made by a jury in court, stating if sb is considered guilty of a crime or not

  3. a formal request to a court or to sb in authority for a judgement or a decision to be changed

  4. a question to be decided in court

  5. a regular journey made by a judge to hear court cases in each of the courts of law in a particular area

  6. a reward or payment for a service

  7. a written order to attend court as a witness to give evidence

  8. formed into a business company with legal status

  9. legally responsible for paying the cost of sth

  10. the amount of money that a court decides should be given to sb who has won a case

  11. the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an agreement, an arrangement or a contract

  12. to injure sb seriously, causing permanent damage to their body

  13. to make a claim against sb in court about sth that they have said or done to harm you

  14. to officially end a law, a system or an institution

  15. using words or actions that are intended to encourage people to oppose a government

7. Which of following are crimes or offences? The figure in brackets indicates the number of the passage in which the word occurs.

  1. assault (11)

  2. bargain (1)

  3. bigamy (17)

  4. breach (14)

  5. defamation (9)

  6. deprivation (10)

  7. destitution (10)

  8. hard labour (17)

  9. inquest (11)

  10. libel (4)

  11. matrimony (17)

  12. mutiny (4)

8. Match the offences from task 7 to the definitions given below.

  1. the act of refusing to obey the orders of sb in authority, especially by soldiers or sailors

  2. using words or actions that are intended to encourage people to oppose a government

  3. the act of printing a statement about sb that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them

  4. the crime of attacking sb physically

  5. the crime of marrying sb when you are still legally married to sb else

  6. the act of damaging sb’s reputation by saying or writing bad or false things about them

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