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VII. Revise types of English questions:

General questions:

Are there many patients in the waiting room?

Can I make an intravenous injection?

Do people often get ill with flu in winter?

Alternative questions:

Are you ill or just tired?

Does a physician prescribe pills or candies?

Special questions:

What do you hear in the lungs?

Where have you been treated for bronchitis?

Why did the tooth become loose?

Who classified teeth into centrals, cuspids and molars?

What patient complained of a bad headache?


You don’t fall ill every winter, do you?

The female is in the prenatal clinic, isn’t she?

You suffered from a bad cough, didn’t you?

Translate the sentences into English:

1. Медсестра меряет давление больным?

2. Можно ли тебе бегать после операции?

3. С чего врач обычно начинает обследование пациента?

4. Организм человека состоит из 60 или 80 процентов жидкости?

5. Медсестра делает внутривенную или внутримышечную инъекцию?

6. Когда начинается рабочий день районного врача?

7. Ты уже принял обезболивающее?

8. Что привело к перитониту?

9. Когда будут готовы результаты рентген обследования?

10. У этого пациента был сердечный приступ прошлой ночью, не тал ли?

X. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to Complex Subject and Complex Object:

  1. Blood transfusion is stated to be effective in acute anemia and shock.

  2. Penicillin is considered to be the most effective drug in treatment of inflammation.

  3. Vitamins are known to be divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble.

  4. The patient seems to complain of pain in the left side of the lower jaw for a prolonged period.

  5. The patient is expected to recover soon.

  6. Everybody knows this disease to cause various complications.

  7. The students listened to the professor delivering a lecture on viral diseases.

  8. The physician has noticed the patients to develop serious lesions after a few weeks of active lung disease.

  9. The students were watching the nurse to make a patient an intramuscular injection.

  10. Everybody knows the rupture of spleen to be dangerous for life.

XI. Make up questions using words from brackets:

  1. The treatment has just been prolonged as the patient is still complaining of a general weakness. (Why?)

  2. The blood was dropping from the wound slowly. (How?)

  3. All food consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. (What…of?)

  4. She had an attack of pain behind the breastbone last night. (Where?)

  5. He knew that I had been studying at the Medical University for 2 years. (How long?)

  6. My mother felt worse yesterday. (When?)

  7. Senior students do not attend lectures in Anatomy. (Who?)

  8. Next year we will be delivered lectures in Therapy. (What?)

  9. The surgeon on duty has arrested a profuse abdominal bleeding. (What kind of?)

  10. I am looking for my glasses at the moment. (general question)

* VIII. Put questions to the underlined words:

  1. The doctor usually begins his examination with questioning the patient carefully.

  2. The doctor prescribed laxatives but they didn’t help.

  3. The students will study Psychiatry next year.

  4. The surgeon is making the limb immobile at the point of fracture at the moment.

  5. The doctor was thinking what treatment to use in this case.

  6. He hasn’t wiped the skin around the burn with alcohol yet.

  7. They have been waiting here for over an hour.

  8. By 2 o’clock the teacher had examined all the students.

  9. Anemia improved and blood protein reached normal degree when plasma transfusion had been made.

  10. All my friends were glad to hear that I had passed an exam in Chemistry.

** XII. Revise proverbs and make up questions to them:

  1. Good health is above wealth. - Здоровье дороже денег.

  2. The remedy is worse than the disease. - Лекарство не лечит, а калечит.

  3. He is born with a silver spoon in one's mouth. - Родиться в рубашке (сорочке).

  4. Prevention is better than cure. – Профилактика лучше лечения.

  5. Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard – У каждого свой скелет в шкафу