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8 Unit One

II. Vocabulary

From the list of words and expressions below choose the correct word or expression for each blank space. Use each word or expression only once.

waterways environment set of assumptions productive capacity

squandering without virtue suitable protection sustainable alternatives sewage sustainability stewardship productive capacity

world view collision course

                  1. A world view can be defined as a that a person holds regard­ing the nature of the world and how it works.

                  1. All parts of the (air, water, soil, minerals and all plant and

animal species) are natural resources.

                  1. Cornucopianism is still the dominant and has been adopt­ed by most peoples of the world.

                  1. Our survival literally depends on and of the natural


5. The cornucopian world view is not .

6. refers to whether or not a process can be continued indefi­ nitely.

                  1. Environmentalists see exploitative trends as our inheritance.

                  1. Humanity is on a with the environment's ability to provide

what cornucopians see as resources.

9. The is being depleted by CFC emissions.

10. Natural everywhere are being polluted and degraded by

and agricultural runoff.

                  1. Environmentalists offer and promote .

                  1. The of the natural environment is such that it can yield an

abundant interest.

III. Prepositions

Fill in the correct preposition for each blank space.

1. Cornucopianism is the dominant world view that has been held Western civilization throughout most history.

2. the last three decades or so, however, the second world view,

environmentalism, has been gradually gaining ground.

3. The history development Western civilization, espe­ cially the development the countries _____ North and South


Environmental Science: Two World Views

America is almost synonymous stripping forests,

slaughter wild animals, mining minerals, and dis­ carding wastes little thought to pollution or regard

the long-term impact the earth or future generations.

4. It follows, then, that resources will be limited regenerative

capacities the natural environment.

5. People who hold it are fond pointing out that the

exploitation natural resources, we would still be living

caves and choosing wild animals spears and clubs.

6. Innumerable points may be listed to back up the argument that

humanity is a collision course the environment's

ability to provide what cornucopians see resources.

7. Traces toxic chemicals are found the Great Lakes

and many other waterways and even the oceans.

8. Everywhere there are mounting problems the disposal

chemical wastes and refuse.


Use a/an or the where needed. If no article is needed, write an A'in the blank space.

We do not wish to argue point that exploitation has

been necessary part of civilization. In any case,

past is past. Where environmentalists take issue

with cornucopians is what road we should take to achieve

bright future and continued human progress.

environmentalists are firmly convinced that continuing

. trend of increasing exploitation is unsustainable.

sustainability refers to whether or not process can be continued

indefinitely. To say that process is unsustainable means that it

will inevitably reach dead end.