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пособие для электрофака 2 курс.doc
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1. Learn the following active words and use them in the sentences of your own:

Charge (n, v) заряд, заряжать

Contribute (v) вносить вклад

Familiar (a) знакомый

Force (n) сила

Mean (v) значить, иметь значение

Power (n) сила, энергия

Object (n) предмет

Research (n) исследование

Rub (v) тереть

2. Translate the following word chains into Russian, define what part of speech these words are:

vary – various – variety, operate – operation – operator – operative; mean – meaning – meaningful – meaningfully; apply – application – applicable; connect – connector – connection – connected – disconnected; observe – observer – observation.

3. Look through the text and find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

обратить внимание, говоря в общем, рассматриваемый, более или менее, фактически, по меньшей мере, несмотря на, ни…ни…, то есть, как …, так и…, составлять, еще в…, вышеупомянутый пока что, на самом деле, благодаря, то есть, казаться, приходить в соприкосновение.

4. (a) Translate the following sentences using either the gerund or the participle; (b) define their functions:

  1. Расщепляя атомы, человек может получить большое количество энергии. 2. Существуют различные виды элек­тростанций, причем паровые, находят широкое применение в нашей стране. 3. Помещая металлический предмет в поле магнита, мы намагничиваем его. 4. Работая в области элек­тричества, ученые внесли большой вклад в науку. 5. Мы знаем о том, что Галилей создал первый телескоп в мире. 6. Когда вода падает, то энергия превращается из потен­циальной в кинетическую. 7. Я слышал о том, что в вашем городе строится атомная станция.

5. Fill in the blanks with the following words and expressions:

in the form of, because, because of, to be interested in, to put into operation, as for, to be named after, in question, to turn one's attention

1. The discovery ... was made by a well-known Soviet scientist. 2. Moscow University ... Lomonosov. 3. Franklin ... making experiments with atmospheric electricity. 4. ... the electric current, it is used both in industry and in our homes. 5. The first atomic power plant in the world ... in the former USSR in June 1954. 6. Professor Rihman was killed by a stroke of lightning ... he did not think of possible danger. 7. Atom finds a wide application ... its ability of producing heat and energy. 8. The scientists of the Soviet Union ... the use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

6. Define the meaning of the following words:

lightning, lightning conductor, magnetism, refrigerator, generator, motor, turbine

7. Give short answers to the following questions:

1. Is magnetism and electricity one and the same thing? 2. Do magnets possess the property of attracting iron? 3. Do you know who discovered magnetism? 4. Was the phenomenon of electricity known to people in the past? 5. Did Gilbert work in the field of electricity? 6. Do you carry out experi­ments on lightning? 7. Is lightning a strong spark of elec­tricity? 8. Can atomic energy be used for the good of man­kind? 9. Do you know the history of electricity? 10. Was Phales a German philosopher?