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Verbal словесный

Graph график

Chart схема

Table таблица

Task 1. Translate into Russian

Mainframe computer; desktop computer; data; numerical data; processed data; large-scale data processing; instruction; computer network; arithmetic-logic unit; output unit; memory; control unit; software; microprocessor chip; database; spreadsheet; word processing program; verbal information; available information; relevant, accurate, and timely data; invention; magnetic tape; summary numbers; manageable form; numerical information; chart; graph; table; process data; edit; revise; print; store data; perform a variety of operations; provide output information; enter data; collect data; update data; present data; depend on.

Task 2. Find the English equivalents.

Большой компьютер, персональный компьютер, пользователь, программное обеспечение, ряд конкретных команд, статистика, ряд операций, доля секунды, высокоскоростная обработка, исследовательская деятельность, большая память, настольный компьютер, микропроцессорная(интегральная) схема, выходная информация, электронная схема, магнитная лента, входное устройство, арифметико-логическое устройство, обработанные данные, обработка данных, точные и своевременные данные, обрабатывать данные, хранить данные, редактировать, печатать, обновлять (модернизировать), представлять информацию.

Task 3. Fill in the blanks.

  1. Today, business, government, and other organizations depend on computers to-------and to make information available for decision making.

  2. Computers are relatively recent-------

  3. ---------computers may be as big as a good-sized room.

  4. The largest and most powerful mainframe computers are sometimes called--------

  5. Supercomputers are used by the organizations involved in research activities that require--------- -------- and high speed-------.

  6. A personal computer (PC) is a-------computer.

  7. Computers require--------or programs, which are operating instructions.

8. Word processing programs allow users to----documents in the computer’s-----or on a desk.

9. A management information technology is a ------of providing managers with the information they need to perform management functions.

10. With a computer, data can be stored on-------and disks.

11. Large groups of numerical data are usually processed into----- ----called statistics.

12. Verbal information is generally presented in a----form while numerical information is often displayed in-----and------or tables.

Task 4. Translate into English.

1. В настоящее время фирмы могут выбирать большие компьютеры, миникомпьютеры или микрокомпьютеры, соответствующие их информационным потребностям.

2. Большие компьютеры могут быть размером с крупногабаритную комнату и могут обрабатывать огромное количество данных за доли секунды.

3. Персональные компьютеры имеют электронную схему, требуемую для выполнения крупномасштабной обработки данных.

4. Компьютерам требуется программное обеспечение, которым являются операционные команды.

5. Четырьмя функциями, выполняемыми информационной технологией, являются сбор данных, хранение и обновление данных, обработка данных и представление информации.

6. Данные хранятся на магнитных лентах или дисках.

7. Обработка данных – это преобразование хранимых данных в вид, полезный для конкретной цели.

8. Словесная информация обычно представляется в текстовом виде.

9, Числовая информация часто изображается в виде графиков, схем и таблиц.


Task 5. Questions and assignments.

  1. Why is information technology necessary for firms?

  2. What is the English name for big computers?

  3. What can you say about super computers?

  4. What kind of a computer is often used at home?

  5. Do you have a personal computer at home?

  6. Why a personal computer (microcomputer) was made possible?

  7. List the four functions performed by MIT.

  8. Where can data be collected?

  9. Where can data be sorted with a computer?

  10. Do word processing programs allow users to store documents in the computer’s memory or on a disk?

  11. What do you know about spreadsheets?

  12. List several internal and external sources of data.

Saying numbers



after a decimal point 5.03 five point oh three

In telephone numbers 67 01 35 six seven oh one three five

In bus numbers # 701 get the seven oh one

In hotel room numbers room 206 I’m in room two oh six

In years 1905 nineteen oh five


Before the decimal point 0.02 nought point oh two


For the number 0 the number zero

For temperature -5 C five degrees below zero


In footbal scores 5 – 0 Spain won five nil.


In tennis 15 – 0 The score is fifteen love


We usually give the telephone and fax numbers as individual digits:

127373 63 44 oh one two seven three, seven three six,

three four four 344 can also be said double four, two six, double seven


The stress is on the cent of per cent: 10% - ten perCENT

Notice the following when talking about about interest rates:

0.5% - a half of one percent

0.25% - a quarter of a percentage point


British English you hear a hundred and twenty three

American English a hundred twenty three

The number 1,999 is said one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine

The year 1999 is said nineteen ninety nine

The year 2000is said the year two thousand

The year 2001 is said two thousand and one

The year 2015 is said two thousand and fifteen or twenty fifteen

Remember that 1066 is always referred to as ten siхty six

1,000,000 is a million or ten to the power six (10 )

1,000,000,000 is a billion or ten to the power nine

The decimal point

In English, one should use a point (.) and not a comma(,) for decimals.

Commas are used in figures only when writing thousands.

10,001 is ten thousand and one

10.001 is ten point oh oh one

When accounts are prepared on computer, commas are not used. The number appears as 82 103

In English all the numbers after a decimal point are read separately:

10.66 ten point six six not ten point sixty six

0.375 nought point three seven five

0.001 nought point oh oh one or 10, ten to the power minus three

You will also hear people say:

0.05 zero point oh five or oh point oh five

But if the number after the decimal point is a unit of money, it is read like a

normal number:

twelve dollars fifty

This is very important! If you do business on the phone, say nought point

three seven five (0.375) and not nought point three hundred and seventy

five. If the listener missed the word point you might lose a lot of money. Say

the digits separately after the point.


Fractions are mostly like ordinal numbers (fifth, sixth, twenty third etc.):

A third a fifth a sixth

Notice, however, the following:

A half a quarter three quarters

Three and a half two and three quarters

Remember to pronounce the s in equals as \z\. It is singular; the part on the

left equals the part on the right.

10+4=14 ten plus four is fourteen ten and four equals fourteen

10-4=6 ten minus four is six ten take away four equals six

10x4=40 ten times four is (equals) forty ten multiplied by four is forty

10+4=2 ½ ten divided by four is two and half

+=add --- = subtract (or deduct) x = multiply : = divide

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