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Energy and Electronics (Atroshkina A.A.,etc.).doc
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Automation and mechanization

In so far as automation replaces human muscle by mechan­ical power, it continues a process of mechanization which began before the Industrial Revolution many centuries ago. The first machines were not automatic; they performed many phys­ical tasks but they had to be operated and controlled by workers. But semi-automatic machines were invented early in the history of mechanization; they were, for instance, the textile machines and, later on, the lathes widely employed in engineering. These machines performed automatically, once they were set and loaded, and they confined the human operator to two kinds of work, the unskilled work of loading and unloading, and the skilled work of setting and maintaining machines. Since then technical development has been grad­ual and continuous. They have greatly widened the range of operations that can be performed automatically and they have mechanized some loading and unloading of machines. Perhaps the best and most recent example is the transfer-machine in engineering, it combines automatic machining with automatic transfer between operations, so that all loading and unloading is done mechanically except at the beginning and end of the line. There have also been extensive developments in the handling of materials and components between processes and in the mechanical assembly of simple components.


  1. to perform ……...

  2. lathe ……………

выполнять, совершать, работать

токарный станок


Grammar reference

Lesson 1

Система английских времен – The Tenses

Действительный залог – Active Voice

Present (Настоящее)


констатация факта





Perfect Progressive процесс в тече-ние некоторого периода времени


V1 – s, es

am V– ing

is V– ing

are V– ing

have V3 / V–ed

has V3 / V–ed

have been V – ing

has been V– ing

A lab assistant usually

shows the equipment to the students.

A lab assistant is showing

the equipment to the students now.

A lab assistant has just shown the equipment to the students.

A lab assistant has been showing the equipment to the students since 12 o’clock.

показывает (обычно)

показывает (сейчас)

показал (только что)

показывает (с 12 часов)

Past (Прошедшее)


констатация факта





Perfect Progressive процесс в тече-ние некоторого периода времени

V – ed (прав. глагол)

V2 (неправ. глагол)

was V – ing

were V – ing

had V3 / V–ed

had been V– ing

A lab assistant showed the equipment to the students yesterday.

A lab assistant was showing the equipment to the students when I entered.

A lab assistant had shown the equipment to the students before I entered.

A lab assistant had been showing the equipment to the students for an hour when I entered.

показал (вчера)

показывал (когда я вошел)

показал (до того, как я во- шёл)

показывал (уже час, когда я вошёл)

Future (Будущее)


констатация факта





Perfect Progressive

процесс в течение некоторого пе-риода времени

will V1

will be V – ing

will have V3 / V–ed

will have bee V– ing

A lab assistant will show the equipment to the students tomorrow.

A lab assistant will be show-ing the equipment to the stu-dents tomorrow at 12 o’clock.

A lab assistant will have shown the equipment to the students tomorrow by 12 o’clock.

A lab assistant will have been show-ing the equipment to the students for an hour by the time the other group comes.

покажет (завтра)

будет показывать (завтра в 12 часов)

покажет завтра (к 12 часам)

будет показывать (уже час к тому времени, как придет другая группа)

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