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Problems of Power in Tomsk Region

In the Tomsk region, there are three major plants: Seversk TPP, Tomsk TPP-2, and Tomsk TPP-3. These stations provide energy for Tomsk and the surrounding area, as well as work on coal. By 1 day at SCC’s power plant 1839 tons of coal is burning, or about 30 wagons or 1 million 839 thousand rubles (1 ton of coal cost about 1 thousand rubles). But the energy that is produced by the station is not enough. In Tomsk, people consume more energy than it is produced. TPP are working at the limit, and therefore consume more fuel, but it turns out very expensive. The stations were commissioned in the 1950s, so eventually become obsolete. Also engineers predict high energy consumption in Tomsk region in 2020. Considering these factors, the administration of Tomsk decided to build a nuclear power plant. In March 2009, a public hearing and discussion of materials began to evaluate the impact of commissioning the first block of nuclear power plant on the state of environment. In September 2009 the expert commission completed its examination of license for placement of Seversk NPP, and agreed that the work of power plant will fully comply with Federal regulations and safety rules, and it's finally confirmed - there is no obstacle for nuclear plant construction. According to some assessments, investment in construction of nuclear power plant will be about 134 billion rubles. Also NPP will ensure workplaces in the construction for about 8,000 people, and during the maintenance approximately for 1,500 people. [2]

Npp in Comparison With Thermal Power Plants

For thermal power plants and nuclear power plants of equal power costs for fuel supply differ by 8 times. The average TPP require 2 billion rubles for this, but for NPP this figure is only 250 million rubles per year. For TPP it is obtained very expensive, that's why higher electricity prices come for consumers. Pollsters have conducted a survey where asked where low-cost energy is produced. The results are shown in Figure 1.

People mistakenly think that nuclear power plants are much more dangerous than thermal power plants. People think so because of the accidents at the Chernobyl NPP and at the Siberian Chemical Combine. Chernobyl accident caused great damage to nature within a radius of 30 kilometers. If almost all the world knows about this accident and the damage it caused, but about the numerous accidents at SCC know, basically, only Citizens of Tomsk region. Accidents were moderate, but with severe consequences: overexposure, death, etc. The causes of these accidents have been human factor, imperfect equipment and unqualified personnel. Now scientists are trying to eliminate these causes by producing sophisticated equipment as well as training of engineers.

People incorrectly suppose that during maintenance of TPP’s only air is polluted and TPP’s waste is non-radioactive. In fact, in 1 ton of ash from thermal power plant contains up to 100 grams of radioactive substances - thorium, two long-lived isotope of uranium, their decay products (radium, radon and polonium), as well as long-lived radioactive isotope of potassium - Potassium-40. This amount of harmful substances is much greater than the amount of harmful substances in the waste from nuclear power plants. [3]

Environmentally, nuclear power plants during their normal maintenance are safer, than coal-fired thermal power plants and other sources of electricity.

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