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Ways of rendering the subjunctive mood into russian

The Subjunctive Mood in English often corresponds to the same mood in Russian.

English sentence

Russian translation

I wish you’d come oftener to see us. (Dreiser)

I wonder sometimes, when I think of it, what they would have done, if I had been taken with an illness. (Dickens)

However, this is not the only way of rendering the Subjunctive Mood into Russian; it is often rendered by the Indicative Mood (изъявительное наклонение); sometimes the infinitive is used.

English sentence

Russian translation

Barsini received them as if he had known them for years. (Heym)

In the first place, he showed him Mary’s letter. “If your heart be not made of stone it will be softened by that,” he said. (Trollope)

I regret extremely Mr. Helstone should have thought it necessary to trouble you. (Ch. Bronte)

I proposed to Ada that morning that we should go and see Richard. (Dickens)

And he again took her hand that he might encourage her. (Trollope)


The functions of Participle I in the sentence:


English sentence

Russian sentence

An attribute

Practice consists of the learner imitating the instructor.

An adverbial modifier

of time:

Stockdale’s collections enhanced positive elements like the diamond motif and the brand’s association with luxury cashmere, while riding roughshod over its dullsville recent past.

- to ride roughshod over smb. - жестоко обращаться с кем-л.;

- dullsville – скучный, неинтересный

of cause:

Having been a little in that line myself, I understood it. (Shaw)

line - занятие, род деятельности, область интересов

of manner and attendant circumstances:

By the time the company was acquired by Great Universal Stores (GUS) in 1955, its raincoats were considered classics, having been worn by Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in “Casablanca”.

acquire - получать, приобретать

(Participle I as an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances )

Treasury may reacquire the gold certificates by demonetizing the gold.

treasury – казначейство

demonetize - лишать монету ее стандартной стоимости

(Participle I as an adverbial modifier of manner)

of comparison:

This was said as if thinking aloud.

A predicative

The effect of her words was terrifying.

Part of a complex object

I saw that young man and his wife talking to you on the stairs. (Galsworthy)

Part of a compound verbal predicate

Presently other footsteps were heard crossing the room below. (Hardy)

presently - некоторое время спустя

The functions of Participle II in the sentence:


English sentence

Russian sentence

An attribute

In role playing, the participants act out a situation by assuming the roles of the characters involved.

An adverbial modifier

of time:

Other earnings are ordinarily credited when received or when services are rendered.

ordinarily - обычно; обычным путём, образом

render services - оказывать услуги

of condition:

Even if not directly involved the personnel manager will advise other managers and administrators of the outcome of negotiations.

outcome - результат, итог

of comparison:

As if torn with inner conflict and indecision, he cried. (Galsworthy)

indecision - нерешительность; неуверенность

of concession:

… her spirit, though crushed, was not broken. (A. Bronte)

A predicative

In spite of himself, Val was impressed. (Galsworthy)

Part of a complex object

She has found me unaltered; but I have found her changed. (Collins)

unaltered - неизменённый; неизменный

Predicative Constructions with the Participle


English sentence

Russian sentence

The Objective Participial Construction

1) after verbs denoting sense perception: hear, see, watch, feel, etc.

He saw Fleur entering the room.

2) after some verbs of mental activity: consider, understand, etc.

I consider myself engaged to Herr Klesmer. (Elliot)

engaged - помолвленный

3) after verbs denoting wish: want, wish, desire.

The governor wants it done quickly. (Bennet)

governor – разг. отец

4) after the verbs to have and to get; (in this case only Participle II is used)

As you know, haute couture has its roots in the origins of fashion, when wealthy women had dresses made to measure.

The Subjective Participial Construction

They were heard talking together (Collins)

The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction

of time:

This duty completed, he had three months’ leave. (Hardy)

of cause:

The door and the window of the vacant room being open, we looked in. (Dickens)

of attendant circumstances:

One morning he stood in front of the tank, his nose almost pressed to the glass. (Dickens)

tank – зд. витрина

of condition:

(In this function the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction occurs but seldom and is almost exclusively used with the participles permitting and failing.)

Weather permitting, we shall start tomorrow.

The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction

The daughter sat quite silent and still, with her eyes fixed on the ground. (Dickens)

Absolute constructions without a participle

The Nominative Absolute Construction

Once famous, he was now a mere object of pity.

(The Nominative absolute construction is used in the function of an adverbial modifier of time.)

While abundant in quantity, the quality of term papers found on the Internet is often lacking.

term paper - семестровая работа

(The Nominative absolute construction is used in the function of an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances.)

The Prepositional Absolute Construction

I found him ready, and waiting for me, with his stick in his hand. (Collins)