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Public program in Unity Church. Houston (USA),....doc
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I am not here for votes or anything. Why should I try to please them? I have to tell the truth, if you don’t mind. I have to tell.

Question: Oh, then I would just like to ask, what about people that are doing chakra therapy and they charge very high prices? Maybe they are not high prices and they help people and yet people don’t have that kind of money. I would like to ask you, what do you think about people who do chakra therapy and charge fees?

Mother: I don’t know what sort of a . . . (word?) make believes. How can you have any kind of chakra thearpy without realization? It’s all make believe. You blieve all this nonsensical people. What am I to do now? Why do you believe them? You see chakra therapy, I mean I don’t know . . . an ordinary Indian can understand. Only a saint can do it. He has to be a saint. How can he charge money? A saint will not take a pie from you. It is a simple thing, try to understand that.

Question: Well, I always thought that, but this is America. Chakra therapy is a new thing, I’ve heard . (laugh) (woman keeps telling her story)

Mother: I tell you that. What is it. You might get a temporary help. No doubt about it. You can get a temporary help. You see, now you are bringing into controversies so I have to tell you about it. But you don’t mind it. What heppens within us, we have some stored energies in the chakras, alright? And, like acupuncture, is also . . . is not to be done by someone who is not a realized soul. Is to be done only by realized souls. If acupuncture is done by someone who is not a realized soul . . . I mean it’s against Zen (?). It’s against. You have to be a (word ?), I mean people don’t read about it. A Cusha (word ?) means a realized soul. If you are not a realized soul, you are not supposed to do it.

Now, this one also – chakra therapy – what you can do is to work on the sympathetic nervous system. Now the sympathetic nervous system, you can pull out the little energy that you have, but you develop other problems with it. Sahaja Yoga is a thing by which you get open to the all pervading power. . all the time flowing within us. You have to open yourslf to that universal being within your heart . . . which is the spirit. You don’t have to sort of lessen energy here and energy there and energy there. You don’t have to take that energy out. But the energy from the above comes in. Like grace, it flows. And that’s how always such things can lead into terrible problems . . . mental problems. . . all kinds of things.

Supposing you try to treat somebody mentally. . . then you extract the physical energy. Then the person will suffer physically. You see, this

stored energy for a particular chakra, which I will explain to you . . . everything . . . all right? And you cannot charge for raising your kundalini because you have your kundalini intact there. You are just there. You have everything. Only thing, by my being here, your kundalini rises by itself. So you cannot pay. Do you pay the Mother Earth for sprouting a seed?

They do help temporarily. They do. For example, somebody gives you a mantra. Alright, take a mantra . . . I’ll tell you . . . say they say Rama Sita. Now, there cannot be only one mantra belonging to any one in any science of mantras. Because you people are so naive . . . you see . . . they say “all right, you take the name of Rama.” This cannot be done. Rama mantra is only on the right heart chakra. If you have a problem, has to be given by a realized soul because it has to be a connected one. It is a science, you know. All of them know what mantra is to be said at what point because they know how to raise the kundalini. . . they know where it is obstructed and what mantra is to be said and which Deity is to be awakened. Notice the mantra for which particular mantra (word?) . . . they know all that and they know all the methods.

But why they may give you a mantra? Now, you may feel better . . . really, sometimes you may feel dynamic. You feel, “Oh, I am very activated; maybe I am over active.” And a spirit (if that name may be allowed) may come around . . . and you may become possessed . . . and you might become extremely active. But, then you’ll go down. Within five years, there will be a complete decline. You’ll be a recluse. You’ll be a frightened person. You’ll be a coward. You won’t be able to even . . . there are people I’ve known who can not even face (what do you call that ) garlic. Can you imagine . . . afraid of a vegetable? It’s really . . . there are people, if you snow then garlic, they are frightened. I mean, are you going to become like that? Is that freedom?

Question: (A man had treid raising his kundalini and was asking about seeing something (?) in his head and other places).

Mother: You see, if you try your own self, you see trying with the kundalini . . . actually the sympathetic goes into activity. You have no right on the parasympathetic. Parasympathetic is the one which balances and that is the central path of Sushumna through which the kundalini has to rise. But if you try anything, what you do is . . . always you can use sympathetic. I’ll give you an example. Supposing you are running fast. Alright, then you can raise the rate of your heart. But you cannot slow it down. It slows down

by itself. That is parasympathetic activity. So you just get into sympathetic activity and sympathetic activity, if you overdo it, then all these symptoms happen and it’s not healthful. On the contrary, chakras go into . . .(quite like this is the left and the right sympathetic and these are the centers). They get pulled down like that and if they are pulled like this, then you are harmed. So is not an experience of kundalini; is of the sympathetic.

Question: “. . . . this wasn’t anything I was looking for or asking for, (etc.)but how come it went down, instead of coming up?”

Mother: No, it doesn’t go down. Kundalini never goes down. It goes upward . . . always. The thing that comes down is the grace, you see. The grace comes down, not the Kundalini. Kundalini always goes upwards. And the grace comes on your sympathetic which cools you down completely. You become absolutely relaxed with the grace. But the kundalini itself always goes up. It never comes down. But, in people, it so happens that kundalini goes through this central path. Now, if it is . . . sort of . . . very much rugged or if it is extremely smooth due to the mistakes of the seekers, then it falls down. It falls down . It falls down is a different point then going like that. It falls down. Then you have to raise it again and tie it up. Again, raise it and tie it up. In many people, it has to be done but it can work out.

You will get the complete knowledge, don’t you worry. Now, he has been in eighteen months, but he is a master of kundalini. He can raise your kundalini and you are just like him. You would become the same. There’s no problem at all. It will work out.

Question: ” How did you get your realization?”

Mother: I was born like that. I’m like this for ages. . . ancient. I am a mystery . . . I should say at the beginning. We should keep it as a mystery. Then you’ll discover me, all right? Let’s have it that way. First you discover yourself and then discover me. Will be better idea, isn’t it? Because I don’t want to say something which will unnecessarily make some people upset. Best is . . . you become something.

Question: ” Is it true a realized guru has cool air; not hot?”

Mother: No, hot is very dangerous.

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