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In insulators they are fixed. Attraction type having only one

«Internet». Internet is a global integrated system of computer networks. At the present «Medicine in Engineering». Medical technology - a set of technical means used in medicine

time when the word "Internet" is used in everyday life, most often refers to the World for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases, rehabilitation, carrying out sanitary and

Wide Web and the information is available. The browser is software for viewing Web epidemic control measures, as well as work on the preparation of medicines in pharmacies

pages. The development of medical technology is inextricably linked to scientific and technical

progress, the emergence of new ideas in medicine and health, which in turn contributes to the

emergence of new models, contributes to the development of advanced forms of prevention,

diagnosis and treatment of diseases, new methods and techniques of care.

«Engineering». Engineering is a science what deal with design, construction and operation «My future profession». In 5 years will be an electrical engineer. Electrical engineering can be «Electric Current» The electric current is a quantity of electrons flowing in a circuit

of structures, engines, machines and other devices. Engineer is a person who has received divided into four main branches: electric power and machinery electronics, communication and per second of time. In addition to traveling through solids, however, the electric

technical education and has a basic knowledge of other engineering fields. There exist the control, and computers. The engineers deal with systems and devices that use electric power current can though liquids as well and even through gases. In both cases it

following main branches of engineering: Civil E., Mechanical E., Electrical and Electronics E. and signals. Engineers this field design and operate systems for generating, transmitting and produces some of most important effects to meet industrial.

T he engineer is a highly educated, cultured person. distributing electric power.

«Electric Circuit». Electric circuit is a set of devices designed for the flow of electric current. «The Development of Electronics». History shows us that at least 2500 year ago , or so, «Conductors and Insulators». All substances have some ability of conducting the

If the circuit is broken or, as we generally say “opened’ anywhere, the current is known to the Greeks were already familiar with the strange force(as is seemed to them) which is known electric current, however, they differ greatly in the ease with which the current

stop everywhere. Hence, we break the circuit when we switch off our electrical devices. today as electricity. We have not named the scientists who contributed to the can pass through them. Solid metals conduct electricity with ease while

Generally speaking, the current may pass through solid conductors, liquids, gases, vacuum, scientific research on electricity as centuries passed. Many learned men of Europe began non-metals do not allow it to flow freely. Thus, there are conductors and insulators

or any combination of these. It may flow in turn over transmission lines from the to use the new word “electricity” in their conversation as they were engaged in research . The best conductors are silver, copper, gold and aluminum.

power-stations through transformers, cables and switches, through lamps, heaters, motors of their own. Scientists of the Russia, France and Italy.

and so on.

«Semiconductors». There are materials that really occupy a place between the conductors «Meters». Ammeters and voltmeters are made to operate on the same principle. . The two «Radio». Radio is a type of wireless communication.

of the electric current and the non-conductors. They are called semiconductors. These principle kinds are the moving coil and moving iron types. The electro-magnetic effect Radio waves propagate in vacuum and in the atmosphere, the earth's firmament

materials conduct electricity less readily than conductors but much better than insulators. of the current is the one chiefly made use of for measuring purposes. Moving iron instruments and waters they are opaque. However, due to the effects of diffraction and

Semiconductors include almost all minerals, many chemical elements, a great variety of employ this effect. The moving-iron instrument consists of a fixed coil of wire carrying reflection, the relationship between the points of the earth's

chemical compounds, alloys of metals, and a number of organic compounds. Like metals, the current which magnetizes a small piece of soft iron mounted on the instrument spindle. surface that have no direct line of sight (especially at greater distances).

they conduct electricity but they do it less effectively. In metals all electrons are free and In construction there are two varieties: the repulsion type having two pieces of iron; and the.

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