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      1. Form adjectives from the nouns by adding suffixes. Translate and memorize the words.

Suffix -FUL

Model: use - useful

care, meaning, power, peace, truth, beauty, success, harm, help

      1. Translate the following word combinations.

high resistance metals, printed electrical circuit, vapour-deposited coating, infrared radiation, temperature control system, space-suit visor, air- conditioning system, highly purified silicon, switching devices

      1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is silver valued for? 2. What is the melting point of silver? 3. What are the main properties of silver, which make it so useful for conductors of electricity? 4. For what parts is silver used as a coating? 5. What are the main properties of gold? 6. How is gold used on satellites? 7. How much gold does it make up of the Earth's crust? 8. Why is gold used by the electronics industries? 9. To what metals is chromium added? 10. What are stainlees steels?

      1. Fill in the blanks with can or may in the correct form.

1. ... I ask you a question? 2. The TV set is out of order. I... not watch this program. 3. You ... do with this device whatever you like. 4. You ... use this computer. I don't need it any longer. 5. ... we visit your laboratory one of these days?

      1. Fill in the blanks with must not or need not in the correct form.

1. You ... coat this part with chromium. It is made of stainless steel. 2. We ... switch this equipment today. The mains voltage is too high.


3. Уои ... make these contacts of copper. Make them of gold. 4. He ... push this key. The program will be erased. 5. We ... ask them about that computer. I have all necessary information.

      1. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the modal verbs and their equivalents.

1. When you finish your experiment, you will be able to make a report about it. 2. Products made of these metals can be subjected to very high temperatures. 3. The internal resistance must be taken into account in design­ing this circuit. 4. These two metals have to be used together to protect the surface. 5. Designers must take into consideration low conductivity of this metal. 6. Silver is a good conductor because its atoms have many electrons that can readily flow. 7. Pure silicon does not occur naturally, but can be produced as large crystals. 8. Modern plastics can be made in a wide variety of colours to replace such materials as metal, wood, glass, rubber, and many others. 9. Atoms of this chemical element can join together to form an extremely long molecule. 10. By the mid-1980s integrated circuits could carry as many as a million individual transistors.

      1. Translate the following jokes paying attention to the modal verbs and their equivalents. Explain the idea of the jokes.

TEACHER: What's the difference between electricity and lightning?

MARY: We don't have to pay for lightning.

* * *

What's wrong with the switch?

SCIENCE TEACHER: Let's assume that I want to switch the electric light on and it doesn't work. What may be wrong?

SMART BOY: Maybe you forgot to pay the bill.

PROFESSOR: A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.

STUDENT: No wonder so many of us have to flunk in our exams!


Grammar: The Preposition. Предлог
