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13.Word groups as an object of grammar studies.

The stylistic reference gives a more detailed insight into the possi­bilities of the adequate usage of words. Stylistically words can be roughly subdivided into literary, neutral and colloquial layers. The greater part of the literary layer of Modern English are words of general use known as neutral or basic vocabulary. The literary layer may be divided into standard colloquial words and bookish words. Bookish words can be further divided into general literary words, terms or scientific words, poetic words and archaisms, barbarisms and foreign words. Colloquial words may be subdi­vided into common colloquial words, slang, professionalisms, jargonisms, vulgarisms, dialectical words, colloquial coinages.

13.Word группы как объект грамматики исследований. Стилистические ссылкой дает более подробное представление о возмож ¬ bilitiesадекватного использования слов. Стилистически слова можно условно разделить налитературные, нейтральные, разговорные слои.Большая часть литературных слоясовременного английского слова общего пользования известный как нейтральный или базовый словарный запас.Литературный слой может быть разделен настандартные разговорные слова и книжные слова. Книжное слова могут быть разделены на общие литературные слова, термины и научные слова, поэтическогослова и архаизмов, варваризмов и иностранных слов. Разговорный слова могут быть subdi ¬ лить на общие разговорные слова, сленг, professionalisms, jargonisms,вульгаризмы, диалектический слов, разговорный неологизмы.

14. Sentences as an object of syntactic studies.

The sentence is the largest unit of language, the smallest unit of speech. Sentences are created and built according to some patterns. Patterns belong to language, concrete sentences - to speech.

Sentences have two meaningful functions - naming and communica­tive. They are structural, semantic and communicative units.

The semantic structure of a sentence is called its deep structure, the syntactic structure is called its surface structure.Sentences as units of communication consist of two parts: topic for discussion (the theme), the information about the topic (the rheme).

Sentences can be analyzed from the point of view of the intentions of the speaker, the effect of the utterance on the recipient, the appropriate­ness of the utterance, this aspect is pragmatic.

Correlation of the thought expressed in the sentence with the situa­tion of speech is called predicativity. It has three components: modality, time, person. The phrase "the doctor's arrival" and the sentence "the doc­tor arrived" name the event, but the first structure is not correlated with the situation of speech and does not convey information about the reality/ time. The second is correlated and shows that the event occurred in the past.

14. Предложения в качестве объекта синтаксического исследования. Приговор является крупнейшим единица языка, наименьшая единица речи.Предложения созданы и построены в соответствии с некоторыми узорами. Моделипринадлежат к языку, конкретные предложения - к речи. Предложения есть два значимых функций - наименования и коммуникаций ¬ TIVE.Они структурных, семантических и коммуникативных единиц. Семантическую структуру предложения, называется его глубинное строение,синтаксические структуры, называется его structure.Sentences поверхности частей коммуникаций состоит из двух частей: тема для обсуждения (тема), информация отеме (рему). Приговоры могут быть проанализированы с точки зрения намерений говорящего, эффект от высказывания на получателя, соответствующий ность ¬ высказывания,этот аспект является прагматичным. Корреляция мысли, выраженной в предложении с Тион ситуации ¬ слованазывается предикативности. Она состоит из трех компонентов: модальность,время, человек.Фраза "прибытия врача" и предложение "док ¬ тор прибыли" имясобытия, но первая структура не коррелирует с ситуацией речи и не передаетинформацию о действительности / времени.Второй соотносится и показывает, чтособытие произошло в прошлом.

27 Typology of word groups, sentences, parts of sentences in English and Russian. Grouping of the basic regularities observed in a number of languages ​​involved in a particular branch of linguistics - linguistic typology. Speaking about the composition of parts of speech in Russian and English languages, it should be noted that, despite considerable morphological and syntactic differences in the structure of these languages, the composition of parts of speech is similar. However, despite the relative proximity of parts of speech in composition in both languages, a more profound acquaintance with them shows a significant difference between them. This difference primarily lies in the discrepancy between grammatical categories and the means of expression in both languages. Russian language is also inherent in the interaction between the parts of speech itself, although this phenomenon is not so raspostranneny character. This, above all, prevents dvuhmorfemnaya structure of Russian words, which consist in the case of simple basics of the root morpheme and inflectional morphemes, as in the case of derivatives basics - from the root, derivational and inflectional morphemes which are characteristic for a particular part of speech. Thus, when the syntactic function of words in the Russian language, its morphological parameters are changed so that they become typical for that category of words in which they went.

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