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The Bite Before Christmas.doc
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I waved the ghost over. “Fabian, what do you think?”

“I suspect magic,” he replied. “I searched Wraith’s room and found a bloody symbol drawn on the floor under a rug. Why would he do that and hide it, unless he had ill intentions?”

We were in agreement d hрr undeabout that, but I wanted to be absolutely sure we weren’t overreacting before I started conspiring with Ian. Maybe Wraith was just superstitious.

“I’m going back there and pulling Bones aside. Find out right now if this is all an act or not.”

Denise touched my arm. “Be careful, Cat. If Wraith has . . . I don’t know, bewitched everyone, then you’ll tip your hand that you’re onto him.”

I sighed. “Fine, I’ll be subtle. After I talk to Bones, if I say that I can’t find my boots, you’ll know it’s not an act, so you’ll need to play Stepford Wives along with everyone else.”

“And what will you do then?” Fabian asked.

I smiled with a touch of grimness. “I’ll meet Ian in Asheville, and we’ll find a way to stop Wraith.”


The six of them were still in their same spots in the family room when we came back inside. Denise went straight upstairs, but I pasted on my best hostess smile as I walked over to Bones, laying my hand on his shoulder.

“Pardon me, but I need to steal my husband away for a few minutes.”

It took two tugs on his shoulder, but he finally glanced up. “Why?”

I kept my smile even though the question was curt. “Because, dear, I need your help with something.”

“Whatever it is, I’m sure you can manage.”

Ice raced up my spine. His expression was cold, and the look he gave me was the one I’d seen him bestow on enemies before a brawl that ended bloody. Never had I thought to be on the receiving end of such a glare from Bones, and the fact that it was over something so small made my sense of foreboding triple.

This wasn’t just odd behavior. It was as if Bones had been replaced with a stranger.

I met Wraith’s gaze, noting the surprise that flickered over his face before he covered it with a smile.

“I’ve monopolized everyone too long, I fear. I’ll retire to my room for a bit.”

Several instant protests met this statement, until Wraith held out his hands.

“Please, everyone. Attend to your lovely ladies. I’ll see you later.”

As if a switch had been flipped, Bones turned to me and smiled, his expression warm. “What did you need?”

I kept my jaw from swinging, with the utmost difficulty. “It’s in our room,” I managed. “Come with me.”

My rising fears made the steps leading there feel like they’d morphed into miles. By the time we crossed the threshold, I was almost vibrating with agitation.

“What the fuck is going on?” I demanded as soon as I shut the door. So much for subtlety.

Bones frowned. “Blimey, what’s gotten into you that you’re in such a lather?”

“What’s gotten into me? Me?” I repeated, catching myself before I became more shrill. Even soundproofing would be tested with a scream. I forced myself to calm down, to take two deep breaths before continuing.

“Care to tell me what you and the others are up to with Wraith?” I asked in almost a normal tone.

Another frown creased his features, this time with traces of confusion. “What do you mean?”

More deep breaths. I hadn’t breathed this much in months. “You all seem . . . inordinately attentive to him. Like you don’t notice anyone else.”

That also wasn’t subtle, but it was the best I could muster, since every fiber of me wanted to grab Bones and see if shaking him would snap him out of this.

His frown cleared and when he spoke, his tone held teasing, affectionate notes. “You’re not jealous about me paying attention to him, are you?”

Wow, was karma quick to pay me back for how I’d dismissed Ian’s concerns this morning!

“I’m not jealous,” I gritted out, switching tactics. “But I thought we agreed that Wraith needed some investigating before we went any further with him.”

“Oh, that.” Bones waved a hand. “Not necessary. It’s obvious he’s a good bloke and I’m proud to call him my brother.”

My stomach felt like it sank to my knees. His words and my tie into his emotions revealed that this wasn’t an act. Bones believed everything he’d said even though the man I loved would never be so blindly trusting. Somehow, Wraith had managed to do the impossible—brainwash a vampire. And not just one; several, judging from Spade, Annette, Mencheres, and Kira’s identical behavior. If I didn’t need to discover how, so I could reverse it, I’d go downstairs and kill him for screwing with everyone’s minds.

Then again, if Wraith was powerful enough to mesmerize other vampires, who knew what tricks he had up his sleeve? I might end up as nothing more than a stain on the floor if I went after him before I knew more about the source of his abilities.

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