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The relationship of subcultures.

Subcultures, like any cultural phenomenon did not occur in a cultural vacuum, but in a culturally rich environment. Society of the 20th century, oversaturated with different ideas, philosophical trends and other culture-elements. Therefore we can not say that subculture isolated and antogonistichny mass culture, they have a complicated relationship with both mass culture and other subcultures.

Genetic links subcultures.

The relationship between the cultures allows us to trace the movement of peoples, languages​​, and technological changes in human development. The relationship between the subcultures also help monitor changes in attitudes and development in the 20th century. Perhaps the most striking example is related subcultures punk subculture and its descendants: the Goths, and others.


Subcultures exist between some antagonism. This applies to music subcultures and conflicts based on different musical tastes. For example, the punks and rappers.

Why have arisen and there are various sub-cultures?

Subcultures arise very easily. Suffice it to recall that each person has his own distinct (sometimes dramatically) from other people's perception of the world. And so while we all live in one world, each person selects for himself a certain portion of it, which he considers home. And on this new "improved" the world he hopes his behavior and outlook. A subculture is just formed by people whose inner worlds largely overlap.Generally, in our country different subculture emerged long ago, but talking about it only from the late 19th century. I know many people who consider themselves "followers of an ideology" of the various subcultures. But I want to say that there are always people who think sabya such, in fact, are they. This fact negatively vliyat on society, take for example, those same "Nazis," what harm they cause to all others. After all, people are not to blame in that they are born dark-skinned. And yet, as if people did not express their individuality, this does not have to suffer other people. First of all, this is a special way of communicating on the principle of "his or someone else." Teens in desperate need of understanding and acceptance. In the adult world has no such attribute value. For example, how often people make the same trade unions as a result of work by professional space where people share common interests that exist and has its own terminology and rules. But belonging to a particular social group is not the determining factor. Teenager is much more difficult. He was difficult to understand, people close to him or not, make friends with anyone, but "against whom to fight." Adolescents belonging to a subculture, talking, take a - if unspoken agreement - "You're just like me, you know what I mean." Even so-called "white crow" does not fit into the framework of social protection, are people like them. After all, here is the main mechanism to identify with someone or some idea. This is how they enter the adult world, learn skills to interact in society on new foundations.