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Is why without the help of light colour remains invisible. Its being

colour at all means precisely its having in it the power to set in

movement what is already actually transparent, and, as we have seen,

the actuality of what is transparent is just light.

The following experiment makes the necessity of a medium clear. If

what has colour is placed in immediate contact with the eye, it cannot

be seen. Colour sets in movement not the sense organ but what is transparent,

e.g. the air, and that, extending continuously from the object to

the organ, sets the latter in movement. Democritus misrepresents the

facts when he expresses the opinion that if the interspace were empty

one could distinctly see an ant on the vault of the sky; that is an

impossibility. Seeing is due to an affection or change of what has

the perceptive faculty, and it cannot be affected by the seen colour

itself; it remains that it must be affected by what comes between.

Hence it is indispensable that there be something in between-if there

were nothing, so far from seeing with greater distinctness, we should

see nothing at all.

We have now explained the cause why colour cannot be seen otherwise

than in light. Fire on the other hand is seen both in darkness and

in light; this double possibility follows necessarily from our theory,

for it is just fire that makes what is potentially transparent actually


The same account holds also of sound and smell; if the object of either

of these senses is in immediate contact with the organ no sensation

is produced. In both cases the object sets in movement only what lies

between, and this in turn sets the organ in movement: if what sounds

or smells is brought into immediate contact with the organ, no sensation

will be produced. The same, in spite of all appearances, applies also

to touch and taste; why there is this apparent difference will be

clear later. What comes between in the case of sounds is air; the

corresponding medium in the case of smell has no name. But, corresponding

to what is transparent in the case of colour, there is a quality found

both in air and water, which serves as a medium for what has smell-I

say 'in water' because animals that live in water as well as those

that live on land seem to possess the sense of smell, and 'in air'

because man and all other land animals that breathe, perceive smells

only when they breathe air in. The explanation of this too will be

given later.

Part 8

Now let us, to begin with, make certain distinctions about sound and


Sound may mean either of two things (a) actual, and (b) potential,

sound. There are certain things which, as we say, 'have no sound',

e.g. sponges or wool, others which have, e.g. bronze and in general

all things which are smooth and solid-the latter are said to have

a sound because they can make a sound, i.e. can generate actual sound

between themselves and the organ of hearing.

Actual sound requires for its occurrence (i, ii) two such bodies and

(iii) a space between them; for it is generated by an impact. Hence

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