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I was spanked twice after I "came on" to it at age 12. Once when I was

13, because, as I said, I had been caught stealing from the neighborhood

Mom & Pop store. This is the account of that incident: .

Briefly, Mr. & Mrs. Rathkey had a store two blocks from our house, and all

the kids stopped in there to pick up small groceries for their parents, or

to buy penny candy for themselves. The store had been there forever...in

fact, my Father had stopped in there when he was a boy and the Rathkeys

were a young married couple just starting out. I say that by way of

letting you know that they knew my family very well. At 12 1/2, I started

stealing. Just for the thrill of it I guess...something that kids do. At

first, just penny pretzels when Mrs. Rathkey's back was turned, later I

progressed to magazines, and Hostess Fruit Pies. (Cherry was my


One day, feeling cocky as usual that I had gotten away with it, I was on

my way down the concrete front steps of the store when I heard Mr. Rathkey

call my name.

"You wouldn't happen to have anything extra in that bag today, would you,

Darla?" he asked. "Not a comic book, or a little pie, perhaps?" My blood

froze in my veins, my heart rattled my ribcage.

"No, no sir" I sputtered. "Nothing like that at all!!" I fled down the

stairs and onto the sidewalk, terrified that he was going to call the

police! I ran around the corner, and threw the "Archie and Veronica"

comic and the cherry pie into the nearest garbage can. I shook all the

way home, my stomach in knots.

I knew from the look on my Grandmother's face when I ran up onto the front

porch that Mr. Rathkey had already called my house. She looked at me

gravely, and said that I had better get upstairs, my parents wanted to see

me. I hung my head and clutched my stomach, anticipating a screaming

lecture and not being allowed to go to a play the next night (a Sunday, I

recall) with Frank Sullivan...my first real date. I didn't know what was

going to happen, but I certainly didn't expect what DID happen. I hadn't

been spanked in over a year...I was too big a girl for that now, my Mother

had said. In the meantime I had rocketed into puberty, and for the first

time I was having spanking fantasies on an almost nightly basis. It was

odd to me...I certainly hadn't enjoyed them when they had happened, and

suddenly, imagining being over my boyfriend's knee with my panties down

was making me wet and wild in my bed alone at night.

Both my parents were in the kitchen. My Mother sat at the table, her eyes

wet. My Father stood over by the sink, his thumb hooked in his belt.

Neither spoke at first, each waiting for the other.

"What...we don't feed you enough?" my Father began. "How can you shame me

like this, Darla? You think Mr. Rathkey didn't call as soon as you left

the store? You think he didn't tell me this has been going on for some

time, and that he let it go because our families have been such good

friends all these years? How do you think your Mother and I feel? Look at

your Mother! Look at her!! Half of what you are going to get is because

you hurt your Mother, Darla!!"

I was sick to my stomach, wishing the last year had never happened,

wishing I had never stepped into Rathkey's this afternoon, wishing

..."what I was going to get?" What did he mean? I looked up at him,

tears in my own eyes, half from remorse, half from fear. "Daddy?" I

questioned. "Daddy, I'm really really sorry I did this...I didn't


"Yes, I know about that Darla...you didn't think. You didn't think you

were going to be caught, you didn't think we would find out, you didn't

think how it would hurt us...and I'm sure you didn't think that this kind

of stupid, childish act was going to earn you the worst spanking you've

ever had!!" The words hit me like a wall of bricks. Spanking?? No..that

can't be...

"Daddy, no, I don't get spankings anymore, I..." "Your Mother and I have

already discussed this, Darla. Yes, I know we said you were too old to be

spanked anymore. But this is a very serious business, and the punishment

has to be something you will remember all your life. Do you understand?"

I was frantic. There were no thoughts of arousal, no little fantasies

now...this was for real, and they were angry, and all the terror of an 8

year old came back to me, along with the utter horror of having my

developing body exposed for such a humiliating punishment.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND??" he thundered again.

"Yes, Daddy", I said faintly, my hands protectively behind me already.

"And after that, there will be corner time. And after that you will stay

home tomorrow night and nurse your bottom instead of seeing the play with

Frank. Do you understand THAT?"

"Yes, Daddy", I started to cry.

"Now, here's what is going to happen, young lady. You are going back to

your room right now. I want you to put your desk chair in the middle of

the floor, and I want you to sit quietly on the edge of the bed until your

Mother and I come back there."

"Both of you?" I looked up from under my wet lashes, frightened.

"Both of us. You hurt both of us, didn't you?"

"Yes, sir.'

"Then both of us are going to punish you. Your Mother is going to warm

your panties for you, and then they are going to be pulled down, young

lady, and your Mother is going to give you the best paddling you've ever


"Oh, no Daddy...please...." I started to beg, backing away.

"Never mind that, Darla. It won't do you any good. When your Mother is

finished with you, you'll have five minutes to compose yourself and rub

your bottom. Then, young lady..." he patted his belt..."you are going to

bend over for Daddy,. and I am going to give you the strap!"

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