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Is it fair?

It was with some dismay that I read the leader of Birmingham City Council’s reply (Letters, last week) to your report on the political correctness unit it is setting up.

Her reason for this costly enterprise, she explained was to ‘give quality services’ to 89 per cent of the population, made up of ethnic communities, the handicapped and women.

What about the other 11 per cent - the white males, many with wives and children, who pay their taxes and never ask for help?

The implication is that they don’t deserve ‘quality’ service. I despair that the non-elected PC lobby still persuades councils to create discriminatory and expensive hair-brained schemes.

John Reynolds,


Camb. (The Mail)

Tragedy of Princess’ Death Provokes Thought, Action

Dear editor,

As an Englishman it was hard not to be affected by the death of Princess Diana.

She was a part of our lives, and the loss of a beautiful young woman leaving two children without a mother is indeed tragic.

On Monday morning, however, I witnessed another tragedy. On a park bench in the children’s playground of the house where I live lay the body of a young man.

He was a similar age to Diana.

He was a tramp, no doubt; an alcoholic who had killed himself on cheap vodka.

For him there were no flowers, no eulogies, no remembrance services and no TV specials. He died as he had lived - lonely and forgotten, like so many others.

In our grief for Diana let us spare a thought for all the other tragedies around us. I’m sure she would have.

Kevin Bradshaw, St. Petersburg (The St. Petersburg Times)

eulogy - панегирик

Say «No» to Tabloids

Dear Editor,

Regarding the death of Princess Diana. We are deeply saddened by the fatal accident that took the life of such a remarkable woman.

It is sad that she could not escape the paparazzi at any time in her life.

We believe that such reckless tabloid journalism is irresponsible and should be stopped.

Although we believe that the rags such as the Star, Globe and National Enquirer as well as photographers bear some of the blame, we as citizens should boycott the purchase of these rags.

We personally have never purchased these tabloids but have been regular subscribers to People magazine.

As of today, we have canceled our subscription to People.

People exploited Diana on a regular basis.

We understand that one subscription does not impact the bottom line of a multimillion dollar industry but it makes us feel like we are no longer contributing to the vast invasion of privacy of these celebrities.

Our prayers are with the family, especially William and Harry.

The world has truly lost a compassionate, extraordinary individual.

Rick and Pamela Reeder. (The St. Petersburg Times)

paparazzo(i) - a newspaper writer or photographer who follows famous people about hoping to find out interesting or shocking stories about them.


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