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Of Mice and Men для студентов.doc
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II. Say whether these statements are true or false:

  1. The stable buck lived in a small room that nobody visited because he was a Negro.

  2. One Saturday night he was glad to see Lennie.

  3. Lennie told Crooks about their would-be rancho and rabbits.

  4. When Candy came, it was difficult for Crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger.

  5. Crooks was glad to have a room all to himself.

  6. The stable buck was interested in the project of having their own land and house.

Answer the questions

1) What does Crooks’ room and the things in it tell you about his character?

2) What does Crooks say to Lennie about loneliness?

3) Why would Crooks react so negatively to Lennie, then let him in anyway?

4) Why does Crooks torture and taunt Lennie about George?

5) Why is Crooks called "Crooks"? How does this reflect his personality?

Listen further from the words “Any of you boys seen Curley?” till the end of the chapter.

Offer the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

  • она насмешливо смотрела на них

  • вы боитесь, что остальные будут говорить что-то против вас

  • ее лицо перестало быть мрачным и стало выражать заинтересованность

  • замечательный парень

  • чепуха, ерунда

  • он сломал руку

  • хорошо, прикрывайте его, если хотите

  • бродяги, рабочие-поденщики

  • Ты думаешь, мы выйдем на дорогу и станем искать другую никчемную копеечную работу, как эта?

  • Если ты откроешь свой рот (слэнг)

  • Я могла бы тебя повесить на дереве

  • Крукс сделался незаметным

  • Лошади фыркали

Answer the questions:

  1. Why did Curley’s wife drop in at Crooks’ place?

  2. Was she welcomed by the folks?

  3. What did she want to know and what extra information did she receive from Candy, Crooks and Lenny?

  4. Discuss the men's reactions to Curley's wife. Why doesn't she have a name?

  5. When she threatens Crooks, she seems at her worst; why does she say what she says to him?

Chapter 5. (Track 1 Disk 4 – track 12 disk 4)

(From “One end of the great barn was piled high with new hayuntilOld Candy lay down in the hay and covered his eyes with his arm”).

Listen to the chapter till the words “The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her lips were parted and offer the English equivalents for the following words and phrases, reproduce the situations they were used in:

  • Ясли, кормушка

  • Он вырыл ямку, положил туда щенка и прикрыл щенка соломой

  • в панике он пальцами сгреб сено и накрыл щенка

  • Ленни снова охватила тоска

  • смахнул с него сено

  • он притворился, будто хотел меня укусить, а я притворился, будто хотел его шлепнуть

  • она утешала его: «Не переживай. Он был просто дворняжкой»

  • ухаживать за кроликами

  • из-за тебя мы попадем в беду

  • он говорил, что у меня талант

  • я могла бы кое-чего добиться

  • он работал в кино

  • она разоткровенничалась и подвинулась ближе к Лени

  • ты спятил

  • «У некоторых людей жесткие волосы», – сказала она самодовольно

  • гладить волосы

  • не растрепай их (волосы)

  • трясла головой в стороны

  • его лицо исказилось

  • Она билась ногами о сено и изгибалась, пытаясь высвободится

  • приглушенный крик

  • забилась, как рыбка

Listen further till the end of the chapter

Translate the following extract and comment upon it:

Curley’s wife lay with a half-covering of yellow hay. And the meanness and the plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young. Now her rouged cheeks and her reddened lips made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly. The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her lips were parted.

As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. Then gradually time awakened again and moved sluggishly on.

Offer the English equivalents for the following words and phrases, reproduce the situations they were used in:

  1. он захныкал, и его голос задрожал

  2. его глаза застилали слезы

  3. послышался шум голосов и топот бегущих ног

  4. он рассвирепел

  5. А ты, Джордж, держись вместе с нами

  6. Тяжело волоча ноги

  7. Кэнди cел на корточки

Answer the questions:

  1. How have Curley's wife's dreams for her life changed or been lost?

  2. Why does Curley's wife tell Lennie about "the letter"? What do you think the letter symbolizes?

  3. Does a reader's impression of Curley’s wife differ when she speaks of her past to Lennie?

  4. How does Lennie's killing of the puppy parallel his killing of Curley's wife and the mice?

  5. How does Candy react to the death of Curley's wife?

  6. What options do George and Candy discuss after the discovery of the body?

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