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III. Read the following school progress report. Put a circle round the letter of

the correct word or words to use in each blank.

Subject reports

Science 30% Has not done very well this term 1)_______ several

absences from school.

Maths 15% Has scored low marks in the examination 2)_______not

done much homework.

History 42% 3)_____his failure to answer the last two questions, his

examination result was very disappointing.

Geography 50 % Fair, but can do better 4) ______ he tries harder. Has

missed a lot of homework.

Social 53 % 5)______he has made a lot of progress, he still needs to

try harder and do more work, especially at home.

English 49 % He can speak fairly fluently 6)_____his written work

is poor.

Art 82% An excellent result. He always works hard 7)____he is

very keen on painting.

Sport ___ Has improved a lot 8)_____he is now much taller and


Class teacher's report

His examination results are not very good 9)______ hard. He works hard for a short time 10 )___he does not seem to try very____he finds it difficult to concentrate for longer periods, however, he is a popular member of the class 11)_____ his cheerfulness and willingness to help both the teacher and his classmates.

1. a) as

b) as of

c) because

d) because of

2. a) because


c) after

d) if

3. a) For

b) Because of

c) As for


4. a) if

b) because

c) or

d) and

5. a) But

b) Although

c) As

d) After

6. a) and


c) because

d) when

7. a) but

b) as

c) or

d) although

8. a) when

b) before

c) because

d) if

9. a) if

b) but

c) before

d) as

10. a) before

b) if


d) or

11. a) because of

b) as for

c) and

d) as

IV. Explain the difference between:

a) to sit an exam and to set an exam

b) to take an exam and to pass an exam

c) compulsory and voluntary

d) to educate and to bring up

e) a pupil and a student

V. Each of the following sentences contains errors. Find the errors and correct them.

1. I can't come out. I'm studying. I'm passing an examination tomorrow.

2. Congratulations! I hear you succeeded your examination!

3. I got some good notes in my continuous assessment this term.

4. You ought to study your lessons very hard if you want to pass in your exams.

VI. Translate from Russian into English.

1. He звони мне в это время, я буду готовиться к экзамену. Через 2 дня я сдаю экзамен по фонетике.

2. Зимой я сдавала четыре экзамена. И по всем предметам получила "10". По правде говоря, мне пришлось много работать, чтобы выучить весь материал.

3. Чтобы успешно сдать экзамены, мне приходится учиться по ночам.

4. - Почему Виктор провалил экзамен по латинскому? - Ничего удивительного. Он постоянно пропускал занятия, не готовился к экзамену. Это результат его плохой работы.

5. Я не уверен, что сдам экзамен по языкознанию в июне. Я еле сдал тренировочный экзамен в январе, хотя мои одногруппники сдали его отлично.

6. Я уверена, она отлично сдаст экзамен.

7. Вчера я еле сдал экзамен по физике. Я не понимаю многие вещи, и мне приходится заучивать их наизусть. Но теперь я чувствую такое облегчение.

8. Экзамен по устной практике был таким легким. У меня все шло, как по маслу.

9. - Вы уже сдали зачет по грамматике? - Нет еще. Мы будет сдавать его, как только закончим повторение всех времен.

10. Инна позвонила мне и сказала, что сидит дома и уже целую неделю готовится к экзамену по языкознанию.

11. Будет лучше, если мы будем работать над этим упражнением вместе. Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.

12. Никогда не учи ничего наизусть, не понимая, что ты учишь. Это не принесет тебе пользу.

13. Преподаватель сказала, что если Оля хочет догнать одногруппников и сдать экзамены, ей придется несколько недель учится по ночам.

1. Не тэлефануй мне у гэты час, я буду рыхтавацца да iспыту. Праз 2 днi я здаю iспыт па фанетыцы.

2. Узiмку я здавала чатыры iспыты i па ycix прадметах атрымала "9". Па праудзе сказаць, мне давялося шмат працаваць, каб вывучыць увесь матэрыял.

3. Каб паспяхова здаць iспыты, мне даводзiцца вучыцца па начах.

4. - Чаму Biктap правалiу iспыт па лацiне? - Нiчога дзiунага. Ён заужды прапускау заняткi, не рыхтавауся да iспытy. Гэта вынiк яго дрэннай працы.

5. Я не упэунены, што здам icпыт па мовазнаустве у чэрвенi. Я ледзьве здау трэнiровачны icпыт у студзенi, хоць мае аднагрупнiкi здалi яго выдатна.

6. Я упэунена, яна выдатна здасць iспыт.

7. Учора я ледзьве здау iспыт па фiзiцы. Я не разумею шмат якiя рэчы, i мне даводзiцца завучваць ix на памяць. Але зараз я адчуваю такую палёгку.

8. Iспыт па вуснай практыцы быу таюм лёпам. У мяне усё iшло як па масле.

9. - Вы ужо здалi залж па граматыцы? - Яшчэ не. Мы будзем здаваць яго, як толькi скончым паутарэнне ycix часоу.

10. Iна патэлефанавала мне i сказала, што сядзiць дома i ужо цэлы тыдзень рыхтуецца да icпыту па мовазнаустве.

11. Будзе лепш, калi мы будзем працаваць над гэтым практыкаваннем разам. Адна галава добра, а дзве лепш.

12. Нiколi не вучы шчога на памяць, не разумеючы, што ты вучыш. Гэта не прынясе табе карысць.

13. Выкладчыца сказала, што калi Воля хоча дагнаць аднагрупнiкау i здаць iспыты, ей давядзецца некалькi тыдняу вучыцца па начах.

Money spent on

the brain is never

spent in vain

Unit 4

Student's Day

Focus Vocabulary

to be an early riser

to be a late riser

to stay up late

to keep late hours

to have an early night

to be pressed for time

to be short of time

to have some time to spare

to spend time/to allocate time

to waste time/idle away time

to be in the habit of doing smth

to slip out of the habit/get rid of the habit/break the habit

How's Your Timing?

Time is too slow for those who wait,

Too swift for those who fare,

Too long for those who grieve,

Too short for those who rejoice

But for those who love, time is.

Answer the questions to see how efficiently you use your time.

Circle a, b, с or d.

1. How would you describe the pace of your life in general?

a) Natural. I just let things happen.

b) Quite fast, but I do stop to smell the flowers.

c) Sometimes frantic, sometimes relaxed.

d) Demanding, sometimes non-stop, but I like it that way.

2. How do you deal with what you have to do every day?

a) I do first what attracts me most.

b) I do the most important things and put off the rest.

c) There always seems to be too much or too little. I do what's really urgent.

d) I deal with things in order of importance.

3. Which of the following is nearest to your philosophy on life?

a) Go where life takes you.

b) Life is not a dress rehearsal.

c) To everything there is a season. .

d) Do it now.

4. What do you feel about punctuality?

a) I don't waste energy worrying about being on time.

b) Being on time is polite and efficient, and I try to be that way.

c) I'd love to arrive on time in theory, but I don't often manage it.

d) I'm always on time, and I get furious with people who are late.

5. How many things have you begun and not finished in the last few years?

a) Lots of things. I have sudden enthusiasms and then drop them.

b) One or two minor things, but not too many.

c) Quite a few. I always seem to get distracted.

d) There are no uncompleted projects in my life -I have always finished things.

6. How do you like to spend your leisure time?

a) I don't know what to do with my time off- it just slips away.

b) I relax and recharge my batteries, and maybe follow a sport or interest.

c) I do one or two little jobs, but nothing very energetic. This is my most enjoyable occupation.

d) I don't have any leisure time. All my time is put to good use.

Compare your answers and decide which description fits you best.

mostly a) answers

You're a daydreamer. Did you really manage to finish the quiz? You have little control over your life. Chaos is your natural habit. Perhaps you tell yourself that this is creative, but the truth is you hate discipline and you're frightened of it. Your abilities remain untested and your dreams unfulfilled.

mostly b) answers

You represent balance. Your ability to manage time is impressive, but you respect yourself enough to know when to relax, and you are clever enough to know that the best decisions are never made in an atmosphere of pressure. Deadlines don't worry you, and your work seldom puts unbearable demands on you. You look ahead and make sure crises don't happen.

mostly c) answers

You're like Cinderella waiting for a fairy godmother who's going to make everything alright for you. "I'll go round to it", you tell yourself. What you don't tell yourself is that you alone can provide the time you need to start those dreams happening. You are an expert at putting things off for the best reasons. Your excuses are endless. Forget them. The right time is now!

mostly d) answers

You're an achiever. Superman/superwoman is your middle name. You certainly know how to get a job done, and you are proud of your management of time. You're compulsive about using every second of the day to good effect, and get irritable with people who take life at a slower pace. Relax a little. Stress is a killer, remember?

Class Discussion

• Do you start off every day with the best intentions?

• What were your intentions for today?

• What is your prime time?

• Your personal huge time wasters? Productivity destroyers?

1. Does your working day now when you are student differ a lot from that when you went to school? In what way?

2. Do you manage to use your time efficiently? What kind of work requires most of your time during the day? Are you in the habit of putting off work till the last minute?

3. Can you say that you are a punctual person? How many times have you been late for classes this week? What's your attitude towards people who are late?

Class Communication

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