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Tasks and Exercises

1. Explain why the word blackboard can be considered a unity and why the combination of words “a black board” doesn’t possess such a unity.

2. Open the cite www.Etymologic.Com and play the Etymological game. Be ready to describe the etymology of the most interesting words.

3. Read the following jokes. Explain the etymology of the italicized words. If necessary consult a dictionary.

1)He dropped around to the girl's house and as he ran up the steps he was confronted by her little brother.

"Hi, Billy."

"Hi,"said the brat.

"Is your sister expecting me?"


"How do you know that?"

"She's gone out."

2) A man was at a theatre. He was sitting behind two women whose continuous chatter became more than he could bear. Leaning forward, he tapped one of them on the shoulder.

"Pardon me, madam," he said, "but I can't hear."

"You are not supposed to — this is a private conversation," she hit


3) Sonny: Father, what do they make asphalt roads of?

Father: That makes a thousand question you've asked today. Could

give me a little peace? What do you think would happen if I had

asked my father so many questions?

Sonny: You might have learnt how to answer some of mine

4. Translate the following into Russian and state from what languages the following words and expressions are borrowed from.

Bon mot, persona grata, beau mond, enfant terrible, ottava rima, leit-motiv, coup-d’etat, Blitzkrieg, khaki

5. Arrange the words from the columns so that they form double or triple synonymous series. State the difference in meaning and in use between words in each synonymous series. State which synonym is more formal.

Native English words French borrowings Latin borrowings

1. guts 1. flame 1. lassitude

2. ask 2. sacred 2. felicity

3. fire 3. courage 3. ascend

4. house 4. attire 4. conflagration

5. kingly 5. mount 5. consecrated

6. weariness 6. mansion 6. interrogate

7. rise 7. question 7. regal

8. happiness 8. royal

9. holy

10. clothes

5. Analyse the following words from the point of view of the type and degree of assimilation. State which words are: a) completely assimilated; b) partially assimilated; c) non-assimilated.

Prima-donna, caftan, city, mazurka, table, street, they, century, sky, wall, stimulus, reduce, cup, present, hors d'oeuvre, ballet, cup, police, distance, garage, machine, fiancé.

6. Comment on the different formation of the doublets and on the difference in meaning, if any.

Balm - balsam, suit - suite, senior - sir, legal - loyal, skirt - shirt, major - mayor, pauper - poor, history - story, catch - chase.

7. Read and translate the sentences, pick out all international words (mind the pronunciation)

1) This is only a hypothesis, nothing has been proved yet. 2) “City hotel” is a euphemism for “prison”. 3) When did the catastrophe occur? 4) Arrange the words in alphabetical order. 5) The words “physician” and “physicist” are often misused.

8. Compare the meanings of the following Russian and English words.

Exposure – экспозиция accurate – аккуратный

Penalty – пенальти audience – аудиенция

Distance – дистанция intelligent – интеллигентный

Film – фильм scene – сцена

Novel – новелла repetition – репетиция