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Unit 6. Law And Order

The following exercises are revision ones. See how you remember all the words you've come across in this book:

Ex.1 Fill in the missing words in the sentences below:

Arrested, prosecution, charged, defence, proof, solicitor, commit, sentenced, barrister, burglary, verdict, shoplifting, Magistrates court, witness, Crown Court, fine, remanded in custody, probation, testimony, evidence, bail, juvenile delinquent, embezzlement, arson, imprisonment.

l. The number of young people who... crimes has risen sharply in recent years.

2 .Another house was broken into last week. This is the third... in the area in the past month.

3. The judge... him to seven years'... for armed robbery.

4. After 12 hours, the Jury finally reached its...: the prisoner was guilty.

5. Although the police suspected that he had been involved in the robbery, since they had no definite... there was nothing they could do about it.

6. He parked his car in the wrong place and had to pay a $20 parking...

7. This is the fourth fire in the area recently. The police suspect...

8. The shop decided to install closed-circuit television in an effort to combat the problem of...

9. He was ... by the police outside a pub in Soho and ... with the murder.

10.There are 2 criminal courts in Britain - the... for minor offences and the... for more serious ones.

11. A... is a young person who breaks the law.

12. A, is someone who sees a crime being committed.

13. The lawyer who prepares the case for his client prior to appearing in court is called a... . The lawyer who actually presents the case in court is called a... .

14. The sum of money left with a court of law so that a prisoner may be set free until his or her trial comes up is called...

15. The bank manager admitted taking $250.000 of the bank s money during the previous 5 years. He was found guilty of....

16. The witness held the Bible in her right hand and said" I swear by Almighty God that the... I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth".

17. The formal statement made by a witness in court is called a... .

18. If a person is ... , this means that he is put in prison before his trial comes up.

19. Since it was his first offence, he was not sent to prison but put on... for 6 months.

20. At a trial, the barrister who speaks for the accused is called the Counsel for the ... , while the barrister who speaks against him is called the Counsel for the ... .

Ex.2 Choose the most appropriate word underlined

l. The police arrested Jack and took him into custody/detention/prison.

2. In most countries, the capital/death/execution penalty has been abolished

3. Less serious cases are dealt with in the crirninal/juvenile/magistrate's court.

4. I was given a light sentence because it was my first ease/charge/offence.

5.А patrol car stopped me because I was racing/running/speeding in a built-up area.

6.The case was dismissed for lack of evidence/a jury/witnesses.

7. "Members of the jury, what is your answer/summary/verdict?'

E x.3 Insert the necessary word:

1. Police arrested a well-known ... before the match. 2. Drug ... is a problem causing great ccricern3.lt seems unjust to arrest a poor old person for .... 4. Mr. Baxwell threatened to ... the newspaper for libel. 5. The police are concentrating on arresting drug ... rather than users. 6. The police fired ... to disperse the mob. 7. Dave was ... after the police discovered new evidence. 8. Brian was an illegal alien, and when the police caught him he was ... . 9. Jane was asked to leave the examination after she ... and was caught. 10. Capital punishment was... several years ago in this country.

Ex.4 Insert one or two necessary prepositions:

1. Ann was released from prison and now she is ... probation. 2. Local students have been banned ... taking part in the demonstration 3.The police have charged her ... driving without due care and attention4.Local police started an investigation ... the causes of the fire. 5. She claimed that the selling of haHt-forrning drugs was getting ... control. 6. Several guests of the hotel were robbed... jewellery and money.

Ex.5 Fill the gaps with the following words. As you do this task try to answer the following questions:

1 .In what part of this book was the case of Timothy Evans mentioned?

2.What important event in the life of the British society did this case result in?

T he story began when a man called Timothy Evans was ... for the murder of his wife and baby. He was ... with the double murder, but a short time later one of the charges was... and he was... for the murder of his daughter only. During the ... Evans accused the man whose house he had been living in, John Christie, of the crimes, but no attention was paid to him The ... found Evans ... and he was ... to death. An ...was turned down and he was ... in 1950.

Some time later, more women's bodies were discovered in Christie's house: two, three, four, five, six. John Christie was the police s chief... and they started a nationwide ... for him He was soon ... . Alleged ...by Christie while he was in ... cast doubt on Evan's hanging. Whenhe went to Christie ... that he had murdered Mrs. Evant but in private it was said that he ... to that crime. His ... of insanity with regard to other murders was rejected and he was ... of killing his wife.

Soon afterwards there was an ... into the ... of Timothy Evans. The ... decided that justice had been done and Evans had been rightly hanged. It was only in 1966 that another ...was set up. This time it was decided that Evans had probably been ... and he was given a free ... Better late than never, as they say. The following exercises are for discussion Think them over on your own and then discuss in class.

Ex.6 Fill the gaps in these questions with a suitable word

1 .Do you think the police should... guns?

2.Do you think the police should be ... to stop and question people without a special reason?

3.Do you agree with the capital... for certain crimes such as murder?

4. Do you think it should be legal for people to carry a mace ...?

5.Do you think people should be allowed to use a gun or knife in self-...?

6.Do you think tougher punishments will help to... crime?

What is your opinion on these questions?

Ex.7 QUIZ. Find out the answers.

1. Is it a crime to try and kill yourself?

2. Is it illegal to help somebody to commit suicide?

3. Can you be executed for murdering a policeman?

4. If, after a murder, all the victims relatives plead

' Please do not prosecute!' can charges against the suspected person be dropped?

5. If two armed thieves break into a house, guns in hands,

and one of them shoots and kills the house-owner, is his accomplice guilty of murder?

6. If I surprise an intruder in my room at night stealing my millions, have I a legal right

to assault him with a weapon?

7. If I set a trap-a fifty-kilo weight just above the front door-for any burglars who might try to enter

the house, am I breaking the law?

8. After a divorce or legal separation, can a wife be required to pay alimony to her ex-husband?

9. If I promise to marry my girl friend and then change my mind shortly before the wedding, can

she take me to the court?

10. If you said to your teacher in the middle of the lesson: 'You do not know the first thing about

teaching!' could he bring a civil action against you?

11. Would I be in danger of ccmmitting an offence if I put

an ad for my school in the paper saying "Male white

teacher required''?

12. If, as a defendant (or the accused), I am not satisfied with the way my barrister has handled my

defence, can I sue him?

13. If you were in my house-uninvited-and the ceiling, which had had a large crack in it for some

time, caved in and broke your leg, would it be a good idea to consult your solicitor?

14. Can a person suspected of and charged with rape be allowed bail?

The following exercises are for relaxation mostly. However, try to learn new words, if any, and pay attention to the information about law.

Ex.8 Test "How safe and secure are you?" Answer the

questions, yes or no.

l.Do you often walk in areas which are not very safe?

Yes=l no=0

2.Do you often walk on your own in these areas late at

night? Yes=2 no=0

3.Do you wear a money belt when you go out?

Yes=0 no=l

4.Do you wear an expensive watch or jewellery?

Yes=l no=0

5.Do you check doors and windows before you go out when your home is empty?

Yes=0. no=2

6.Do you have a burglar alarm?

Yes=0 no=l

7.Do you leave lights on when you go out?

Yes=0, no=l

8.1s there anyone who protects the bunding while you are out?

Yes=0 no=2

9. Do you have a safe in your home?

Yes=0 no=l

Now add up your score: less than 3=very, very safe; 3-5=quite safe; 6-8 =you could take a lot more care; more than 8=you are a dangerous person to know!

Ex.9 Give the words to the following definitions. Then in the marked column you will read a proverb about law.































1.Money paid for some damage. 2."Walker -Texas ..." -the name of a popular TV series. 3.F urting to prison 4.A crime against a person 5. Stealing money you are in charge with. 6.Narcotic. 7.A crime. 8. Capital punishment. 9.Punishment passed by the judge. 10."Hostage ... team" a part of police. 11 A criminal. 12.Judicial process. 13.One of the 3 most common punishments in Great Britain 14.You can ... if you do not agree with your sentence. 15.Scotland... .

Ex.10 The following groups of 4 words are connected with one and the same thing or they are part of this thing. What is this thing?

1 .sentence, punishment, cell, convict.

2.advocate, barrister, counsel, solicitor.

3.mangslaughter, assault, burglary, blackmail.

4.patroL a cop, Scotland Yard, a beat.

5.probation, imprisonment, fine, compensation.

6.migerprint, to question, forensic, blood group.

7.witness, jury, council, judge.

8.investigate, charge with, try for, sentence to.


CASE STORY: Jon, Mike, Sonny, Tim and Carlos have each been accused of a different crime. The charges were murder, armed robbery, theft, drug peddling and shoplifting. Four of them have been sentenced (10 years, 2 years, life imprisonment, compensation); one was not convicted.

PROBLEM: Who was charged with which crime? What was their sentence?

FACTS: 1) The murderer (not Mike) was sentenced to life imprisonment.

2) Sonny did not steal anything.

3) Carlos got 10 years.

4) Mike hates pushers, but stealing tinned fruit is second-

rate work for him, to be sure.

5) Jon was charged with the crime of violence, but was

not convicted because of lack of evidence.

6) The drug dealer did not escape the prison.

Tim has only to pay damages.