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Enter Chaplin, played by his granddaughter

By Auslan Cramb, Scottish correspondent

"The Daily Telegraph", July 28, 2003

CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S teenage granddaughter is to play the famous little tramp in a production at the Edinburgh Fringe, complete with baggy suit, bowler and cane.

Oona Chaplin, 17, a pupil at Gordonstoun school, has already performed the role – as Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream – to a rapturous reception from pupils, staff and parents.

Miss Chaplin is the daughter of the actress Geraldine Chapman, 58, and Patricio Castilla, the Spanish film director.

She was reluctant to accept the role at first. But she did so after speaking to her mother, who will also be in Edinburgh next month at a film festival event to celebrate Chaplin.

Miss Chaplin is named after her grandmother Oona, who married Chaplin when he was 57 and she was 18.

She said: "I have grown up with him all around and feel I know how he would act. But I would not dare to copy his style for no good reason. My mum explained how it would work."

The Fringe describes the production as a "spectacular outdoor version of Shakespeare's play, with a large cast, inventive set and funky costumes."

Well behaved kids get award

"Gazette And Herald", July, 24, 2003

A NEW scheme to reward pupils for good behavior on school buses has more than halved the number of incidents of bad behavior.

Pupils and staff at Wilton Middle School, near Salisbury, took part in a pilot project for the Best Bus Awards, which encouraged good behavior on school buses by offering prizes to the winning pupils.

Now Wiltshire County Council's passenger transport unit plans to extend it into other parts of the county.

Awards for good behavior are made to pupils from the winning bus at the end of each term.

In the pilot project, children on the winning bus received raffle tickets" which is then entered into a draw to win a range of individual prizes, and a trophy was presented.

Pupils can also win merits and Golden Time for good behavior, time that pupils can spend during the school day on activities they enjoy, such as sport.

Judi Gardner, customer service officer, Wiltshire County Council passenger transport unit, said: "I am very pleased with success of this scheme.

"The county council is now planning to extend the Best Bus Awards and we are looking for other schools to take up the scheme.

Any schools interested in the Best Bus Awards can call for further information on (01225)713325."

The winning bus is found by comparing the number of positive and negative comments and incidents.

Producing a summary of the article

Note. A summary is a brief report conveying the main points; digest. (Webster's New World Dictionary. Warner Books Inc. New York 1990). So, it is done in the form of the annotation in order to explain the reader the essence of the text leaving him the option whether to read it or not. The summary can be easily produced on the basis of the properly selected rhemes.

Here are some hints to make a good summary:

  • Include only main points. Supporting details may be included if the main idea can’t be understood without them.

  • Do not add anything beyond the author’s ideas.

  • Keep the original sequence. Present the ideas in the same order that the author has used.

  • Reword as necessary, providing connections. Paraphrase the ideas if necessary and supply clear connections among these ideas.

  • Avoid using quotations.

Exercises. Read the articles.

  1. State the topic and the main idea.

  2. Arrange the sentences according to the logic of the text so as to make its summary.

Set 1.