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  1. Pay attention to some widely used abbreviations:

ACD American College Dictionary

AHD American Heritage Dictionary

ALD (OALD) Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English

CED Collins English Dictionary

Chambers Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

COD Concise Oxford Dictionary

GID Reader's Digest Great Illustrated Dictionary

LASDE Longman Active Study Dictionary of English

LDAE Longman Dictionary of American English

LDEL Longman Dictionary of the English Language

LDOCE Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

LNUD Longman New Universal Dictionary

OAD Oxford American Dictionary

OED Oxford English Dictionary; New English Dictionary

OPD Oxford Paperback Dictionary

POD Pocket Oxford Dictionary

SOD The Shorter Oxford Dictionary on Historical Principles

W3 Webster's Third New International Dictionary

W8 Webster's Eighth New Collegiate Dictionary

W9 Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary

WNWD Webster's New World Dictionary

  1. State the type of the following dictionaries:

  1. Англо-русский словарь: около 30000 слов / редкол.: В.Д. Аракин [и др.]. — М.: Госуд. изд-во иностр. и нац. словарей, 1952. — 964 с.

  2. Маккей, А. Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц / А. Маккей. — СПб.: Изд-во Лань, 1997. — 464 с.

  3. Мюллер, В.К. Англо-русский словарь / В.К. Мюллер, С. Боянус. — М.: ЛОКИД-ПРЕСС; Минск: Соврем. слово, 2005. — 687 с.

  4. Хокинс, Дж.М. The Oxford Dictionary of the English Language = Оксфордский толковый словарь английского языка: 40000 слов / Дж.М. Хокинс. — М.: АСТ: Астрель, 2002. — 828 с.

  5. Dictionary of Idioms. — Glasgow: Omnia Books LTD, 2001.

  1. Characterize the dictionaries (ex. 3) according to the model:

  1. the type of the dictionary;

  2. the size of the dictionary;

  3. the structure of the dictionary;

  4. the nature of the word list;

  5. the arrangement of the entries;

  6. the arrangement of derivatives;

  7. the arrangement of compounds;

  8. the arrangement of phrasal verbs;

  9. the arrangement of idioms;

  10. the arrangement of the meanings of the word;

  11. the information supplied about the word:

  • pronunciation (International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) or phonetic respelling);

  • part of speech notation,

  • etymology;

  • 'subject field' labels (astronomy, botany, chemistry, etc.);

  • style labels (formal, informal, etc.);

    • usage labels and pragmatics (taboo, rude, derogatory, etc.);

    • temporal labels (archaic, obsolete, etc.);

        • territorial variants (American, British, etc.);

  1. the language in which the information about the words is given;

  2. the prospective user.

  1. Compare the dictionary entries of English-English (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Collins English Dictionary, Oxford English Dictionary, etc.) and English-Russian dictionaries (Мюллер, В.К. Англо-русский словарь, etc.). Say whether you see the difference between the dictionaries and what it consists in.

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