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The opposition on the category of Voice

Passive form-active form

(basis: passivity/ the differentiating feature -to be +V3)

. ₪ The point to clarify:

5. Can all English verbs be characterized from the point of the category of Voice? The Problem of the Middle Voice

The existence of the Middle Voice is still disputable. So, some foreign linguists (like Poutsmth) admit the existence of such phenomenon as they share the opinion that the reflective pronouns are lack of nominative value even despite their playing the role of Object in a sentence.

Besides it is thought that the transitive verbs are capable to form free combinations with the reflective pronouns like transitive-reflective, or intransitive –reflective.

The main points of views towards the Middle Voice

Can be defined

(Zhigadlo, Ivanova, Iophik)

Cannot be defined as

(Smirnitsky, Illysh)

Only in a certain context (Bloch)

Named –the Reflective Voice

The meanings: 1)reflective


  1. The form expresses a certain action performed by the doer and directed to the doer (warm oneself, hurt oneself)

  2. The form expresses that the action isn’t directed to anyone being concentrated within the doer of the action

(stretch oneself, enjoy oneself)

  1. The form expresses some visually marked physical changes of the person, connected with his certain movements or replacements

(stretch oneself, curl oneself up)

  1. The form expresses some emotional state of the person

(enjoy oneself)

1)Deny the combination “ “verb+ reflective pronoun” as part of analytical paradigm explaining by the absence of corresponding paradigmatic correlations.

2)state that there are cases when such combination doesn’t have reflexive meaning(blame oneself), while there are case when the verbs are reflexive by their semantics (to happen)

3) give grounds that the verb may get the reflexive meaning because of the context used

(Cf She washed herself

She washed the kid)

The reflexive meaning is determined by the special contextual surrounding created by the reflexive pronoun with the second meaning (of the functional word)

The double nature of the reflective pronouns is to be realized in accordance with the lexical meaning of a verb the more abstract lexical meaning, the more the reflexive pronoun is supposed to lose its main meaning.

4.6. The problem of the number of mood in English. The problem of the Imperative Mood. The problems of the Subjunctive Mood

THE CATEGORY OF MOOD is the verbal category which expresses a certain modality of the sentence.

Traditionally they distinguish three types of mood: the Indicative Mood, the Imperative Mood, The Subjunctive Mood. (SLIDE 15)

.The problem of the number of mood in English is determined by the fact that only the existence )of the Indicative Mood isn’t disputable. The two other types are defined in quite different ways.

So according to Smirnitsky, the Imperative Mood expresses the speaker’s will towards the interlocutor. In its forms the verb taken in the Imperative Mood corresponds both to the form of the bare infinitive and to its Present Simple Active plural form e.g Stop talking!

However there are several differences if compare all the forms mentioned above. (SLIDE 16)

In its turn the Subjunctive Mood includes so many syntactical, analytical and homonymous both to Past Simple and Past Perfect forms what causes disputes between linguists on the point of its number, (SLIDE 17) which varying from 16 (M. Daichbain) none (L. S. Barhudarov).

The main approaches to the Subjunctive Mood presented in different periods:


Till 20th century

In the 20th century

  1. Tracing Latin scheme

Taking as subjective category.

Different classifications based on the form- contents correlations

(SLIDE 16)

  1. Denying the existence

For instance G. Suit defined the Subjunctive Mood as the category expressing different relations between the Subject and the Predicate, which can be classified in two types of statements: (SLIDE 18)

Later based on the Fact Mood and Thought Mood he distinguished Tense Mood (The forms homonymous both to Past Simple and Past Perfect)

In Russian linguistics the Subjunctive Mood was defined by A. I. Smirnitsky, I. B. Xlebnikova and L.S. Barhudarov.

The classification proposed by A. I. Smirnitsky is based on the semantic criterion. He distinguishes 4 types of mood:

1)The Subjunctive Mood including statements not contradicting the real state of things(If he be…, I suggest that he go…)

2) The Subjunctive Mood including statements contradicting the real state of things(If it were…, if I had know…)

3) The |Hypothetical Mood (should + Infinitive // should you meet him)

4) The Conditional Mood, where the analytical form starting with would is used in its main clause(What would you answer if you were asked?)

The classification proposed by I. B. Xlebnikova differs from others by the presentation of the Conditional Mood, which is divided into:

  1. should/would + глагол

  2. be/were, if + Past Simple

  3. however it might be…, for fear it should start

In his denying the existence of the Subjunctive Mood as language phenomenon L. S. Barhudarov settles down on the fact that constructions with would cannot be seen analytical, while such forms as if I knew/had known he sees as the Past Simple and Past Perfect forms taken in a special syntactical surrounding.

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