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2. Listen to the staff report “Board Completes Discussions on Safety, Technology, and Verification“. Note only the essential details of what you hear:

1. The IAEA Board of Governors concluded …

2. Nuclear Safety Review and Nuclear Technology Review reports …

3. IRRS will assist Member States …

4. On the topic of nuclear science and technology …

5. Board members emphasized …

6. FAO/IAEA partnership …

7. Additional Protocol agreement with Swaziland …

8. Chairman Milenko E. Skoknic …

9. Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) …

10. Dr. ElBaradei …

3. Listen to the staff report again and complete the gaps in sentences below with the correct word or phrase you hear:

1. the Agency and its Member States, focusing primarily on the IAEA´s activities related to nuclear science, __________.

2. Both documents, __________, comprise comprehensive reports that are assembled from comments provided by Member States along with input from the Agency.

3. Several conclusions were drawn regarding the __________ in nuclear safety and waste management.

4. Board members commended the Agency for its efforts __________ associated with nuclear power, noting the IAEA´s work in applying safety standards, promoting safety Conventions, and the recent establishment of the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS).

5. While members cited the importance of nuclear power as a possible method to meet growing __________, they also raised concerns over rising uranium prices and called on the IAEA to examine issues related to its mining.

6. Chairman Skoknic emphasized the "continued need for negotiation and dialogue among all parties involved covering all relevant issues" as necessary to achieve a long-term solution to the __________.

7. The three-day meeting was held in Vienna __________.

4. Work in pairs or groups. Discuss the topic mentioned in the staff report “Board Completes Discussions on Safety, Technology, and Verification “.


Make up a presentation “NUCLIDES”

(See appendix 4)




Read the following text and do the tasks below (a, b).

Careful measurements have shown that the mass of a particular atom is always slightly less than the sum of the masses of the individual neutrons, protons, and electrons of which the atom consists. The difference between the mass of the atom and the sum of the masses of its parts is called the mass defect (∆m). The mass defect can be calculated using Equation (1-1). In calculating the mass defect it is important to use the full accuracy of mass measurements because the difference in mass is small compared to the mass of the atom. Rounding off the masses of atoms and particles to three or four significant digits prior to the calculation will result in a calculated mass defect of zero.

  1. Match the symbols with their meanings and explain the formula:

∆m mass of a proton (1.007277 amu)

mp mass number ( number of nucleons)

mn mass of nuclide A/Z X (amu)

me mass defect (amu)

matom atomic number (number of protons)

Z mass of an electron (0.000548597 amu)

A mass of a neutron (1.008665 amu)