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Посібник з англійської мови.doc
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of the same age

block of flats





to rely on smb.

to let smb. down




he is pleasant to deal with

a good ear for music

to take peace

to respect



- однолітки

- дім (багатоквартирний)

- стрункий

- чесний

- справедливий

- чуйний

- покладатися на кого-небудь, довіряти

- підводити

- відповідальний

- недолік, вада

- упертий

- із ним приємно мати справу

- гарний музикальний слух

- помиритися

- шанувати

- справедливість, чесність

- скромність, стриманість

11. Answer the following questions:

  1. Have you got a lot of friends?

  2. What is your best friend’s name?

  3. How long have you been friends?

  4. Where does he (she) live?

  5. Do you often see each other?

  6. Where did you meet for the first time?

  7. What do you do in your free time?

  8. What do you usually talk about?

  9. Do you ever quarrel?

  10. What do you like best about your friend?

  11. Has he got any shortcomings?

  12. Do you think friendship depends on shared interests — hobbies and leisure activities?

  13. Does it mean that if two people don’t have common hobbies they can’t be real friends ?

  14. What features do you like (dislike) in people?

12. Communicative situations:

  1. Tell your friends about yourself.

  2. Describe your family to your new friend

  3. Show a friend your family album and answer all his questions.

Grammar ( present time)

13. Match each sentence (1-10) with the appropriate tense form (a-d):

  • 1) He is always telling everyone what to do. A Present Simple

  • 2) She commutes to the centre of London every day. B Present Continuous

  • 3) They own a villa and a personal plane. C Present Perfect

  • 4) They have known each other for ages. D Present Perfect

  • 5) Cherry trees blossom in spring. Continuous

  • 6) Grandma is getting better.

  • 7) He wears glasses.

  • 8) We are doing an exercise.

  • 9) He has been running, that's why he is out of breath.

  • 10) I am working on an archaeological project until something else comes up.

14. Choose the correct answer (a), (b), (c) or (d):

  1. Don't listen to him. He … .

    1. lies b) has lied c) was lying d) is lying

  1. You can't talk to him right now. He … a bath.

    1. is having b) has had c) has d) had

  2. She … no trouble with her dishwasher up to now.

    1. has b) is having c) had d) has had

  3. I read the first chapter of the book. I can't wait to know what … next.

    1. is happening b) happen c) happens d) does happen

  4. I don't think we'll learn anything new. She … the same thing for the last two hours.

a) repeats b) is repeating c) has repeated d) has been repeating

  1. We … a great deal of them lately.

    1. see b) have been seeing c) are seeing d) saw

  2. The weather is nice and she … her holiday at the seaside

a ) enjoy b) enjoys c) is enjoying d) does enjoy

  1. This soup … really strange. What spices did you put in?

a) is tasted b) is tasting c) tastes d) has tasted