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1. The basic forms of occurrence, current and the termination of illness. Outcomes of illness

In the nature there is a huge variety of forms of occurrence, current and an outcome of diseases. It depends on character of the reason, duration of action of the pathogenic factor, localization, etc. However is present and the certain generality, typicalness in occurrence, current and an outcome of illnesses.

Most the general forms of diseases occurrence:

Sharp (sudden) without the latent period and with the incubatory period that is typical of action ionizing radiation, infections, chemical factors.

Gradual (chronic), characteristic for illnesses of a metabolism (gout), endocrine diseases (a diabetes, etc.).

Forms of current of diseases:

Acyclic or rectilinear, described by intensive increase of shifts.

Cyclic, proceeding in some stages. Radiation sickness, infectious diseases cyclically proceed. Allocate the following periods:


prodromal period (nonspecific symptoms),

Heat of illness,

The period of recovery.

Current of diseases can be typical and atypical. Typical it is considered disease in the event that symptoms, characteristic for given nosological forms are found out. Atypical current is characterized by a deviation from usual current and can be shown as the erased form (with not expressed or feebly marked semiology), абортивной (with the short current, fast disappearance of all painful displays and sudden recovery). Lightning forms are characterized by quickly increasing and heavy current of disease.

Relapsing current of disease. Relapse - renewal or aggravation of displays of illness after their time disappearance, easing or a suspension of disease process (remission). Relapsing current is typical of some infectious diseases, and also is observed and at such somatic diseases as a gout, rheumatism, a stomach ulcer of a stomach, schizophrenia, etc. Symptoms of relapse can repeat a primary picture of illness, but can and differ on the displays.

Relapsing current of illness assumes presence of remissions. It is a time improvement of the patient condition, connected to delay or the termination of illness progressing, partial return development. Clinically it is expressed by time easing or disappearance of seen displays of illness.

Remission is in some cases a characteristic stage of illness, but not recovery as again it is replaced by relapse, i.e. an aggravation of a pathology.

Latent current - externally not shown current diseases (malaria).

If other pathological process or other disease joins the basic disease, not obligatory for the given illness, but arisen in connection with it speak about complication.

Aggravation - a stage of current of the chronic disease, described by strengthening of available symptoms or occurrence new. Transition of sharp disease in chronic is possible also.

On duration of current of disease distinguish:

Sharp (till 2 weeks),

subacute (from 2 till 6 weeks),

Chronic (over 6-8 weeks).

The termination of disease can be double:

1. Critical is sharp change of current of disease: (as a rule, to the best). For example, at an infectious disease the body temperature that is accompanied strengthened diaphoresis, can suddenly be normalized by weakness and drowsiness (the collapse - sharp vascular insufficiency is possible).

2. Lytic is slow disappearance of symptoms of disease.

Probably three outcomes of illnesses:

a) Full recovery,

b) Incomplete recovery or transition in pathological


c) Death.

Recovery is one of outcomes of the illness, consisting in restoration of normal ability to live of an organism after illness. Recovery judge by morphological, functional and social criteria. Leaders are functional and social criteria. When there is no morphological and functional restoration social rehabilitation is very important. It is necessary to remember that recovery is not return to an initial condition. Full recovery is characterized by practically full restoration of the functions of an organism broken during illness, adaptive opportunities and work capacity. Incomplete recovery or transition in a pathological condition is an outcome of pathological process or illness, it is steady indynamical process. Incomplete recovery is characterized by incomplete restoration of the functions broken during illness, with restriction of adaptive opportunities of an organism and work capacity.

The death is a failure of disease. It can be natural (physiological from decrepitude, ageing) and premature which can be violent (murder) and from disease. Besides allocate death brain (sudden destruction of a brain on a background of all healthy bodies supported by artificial ventilation easy) and somatic, coming as a result of irreversible, of defeat incompatible with a life of any body, bodies or systems. It meets at chronic diseases when simultaneously, but the bark of a brain and internal bodies slowly perish is more often.