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Текст 10

Pantomimes are very popular in Britain at Christmas. Most big towns and cities have their own pantomime. This is a humorous musical play usually performed in the open air. A pantomime is usually based on a traditional story which everyone knows, and the show itself is very exciting, with lots of jokes, songs and dancing.

Sometimes the audience takes part in the performance, too. The tradition began over two hundred years ago and has been a part of Christmas celebrations ever since. At first it was merely an entertainment for children, but now adults enjoy it as much. Of course, there have been a lot of changes over the years. Some elements, like joking and singing, were added, but the basic plot has remained the same. Every pantomime must have three main characters: a young man, a young lady and a "dame". The first two always marry at the end, and the dame, the comic figure, tries to prevent them from doing it. There are all possible kinds of pantomimes, and a lot of famous singers or comedians take part in them. Thus the old tradition is enriched with modern ideas and fresh forces, which is so typical of the British.

Выберите подходящее окончание для каждого предложения (a, b, с или d) в соответствии с текстом:

1. Pantomimes

a) are a sort of entertainment for children;

b) started not so long ago;

c) are absolutely the same in every area;

d) have the same principal characters.

2. The principal characters

a) are always played by pop singers;

b) are found in every pantomime;

c) are all comic figures for people to laugh at;

d) are always performed by famous comedians.

3. New ideas

a) bring life into old stories that the pantomimes are based on;

b) can prevent the characters from getting married;

c) make people feel sorry and sad;

d) are something pantomimes can't do without.

4. The songs and dances in pantomimes

a) have been a part of every pantomime from the very beginning;

b) were added to please the children;

c) are one of those new ideas which didn't let pantomime die;

d) have always been the funniest part of them.

Текст 11

Theaters in Moscow, Russia

THE BOLSHOI THEATER is the most famous Russian theatre, so there are more foreigners visiting it, than natives. If you want to go there, buy seats in the stalls or amphetheater, because there's huge hall -- you'll see nothing in the back rows or from the balcony. Tickets should be bought several days before. If you have no tickets, you can buy it before the show near the main entrance, but then the tickets will be very expensive.


Great singers, modern nice building with good acoustics, comfortable seats- make it popular. The opera is situated in the Hermitage garden (Сад Эрмитаж) cozy area with two more theatres in it and two clubs, if your are there try to find "Club of Tea culture" the great place to relax drinking best Chinese tea. It is situated in the high red building, the door is marked with a small sign and right after the door there are guards, just say you are going to drink tea ("hochu chaiy") and they will allow you to pass.

THE GELIKON OPERA is very popular. Fresh ideas but classic repertoire is their motto. It is hard to buy ticket but you can try.

Drama theaters

There are about 200 drama theaters in Moscow. Most of the time they have traditional repertoire and all the plays there are in Russian.

MKhAT (Moscow's Art Theatre in the name of Chekhov - МХАТ имени Чехова - MHAT Chekov's) is a great classical Russian theatre. Best traditions of Russian Theatre are being carefully kept here. If you want to find out what the original traditional Russian theatre is - it's the place to go.

THEATER "U NIKITSKIKH VOROT - Театр "У Никитских ворот). It's a small theater - 50 places. Interesting traditional repertoire and talented actors. It is always full.

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