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II. The Present Perfect Tense

Настоящее время совершенного вида

The Present Tense образуется при помощи глагола to have в Present Indefinite и Participle II (причастия II) смыслового глагола.






} have



she } has } worked

it written


you } have



} have not

you (haven’t)


she } has not } worked

it (hasn’t) written


you } have not

they (haven’t)


Have {



Has { she } worked?

it written?


Have { you


Запомните: Причастие II правильных глаголов совпадает с формой

прошедшего времени (Past Indefinite).

У неправильных глаголов причастие II имеет свою

индивидуальную форму, в большинстве случаев отличную от

формы прошедшего времени.

The Present Perfect употребляется:

1. Для выражения действия, закончившегося к моменту речи и связанного

с ним своим результатом:

Look, I’ve brought you some flowers.

2. Для выражения нескольких однородных действий, которые были

совершенны в прошлом, но связь их с настоящим очевидна:

They have been to Britain twice.

( in their life, up to now).

3. Когда время совершения действия не указано, внимание говорящего

сосредоточено на самом факте его совершения и его результате в


A terrorist has killed the bank manager.

(He is dead).

4. The Present Perfect часто употребляется с наречиями неопределённого

времени: ever, never, just, already, often, (not) yet, always, lately, of late.

Предложения с этими наречиями переводятся на русский язык в

прошедшем времени:

He has just come. - Он только что пришёл.

5. The Present Perfect употребляется с обстоятельственными словами,

обозначающими неистёкшие периоды времени: today, this week, this

month, this year:

He has often met Alice this week.

The Present Perfect употребляется с предлогами since и for для передачи действий, совершаемых в течение какого-то периода

since |___________________ for an hour ____________________

10 o’clock (period) 10 o’clock

(beginning of period) (now)

Since For

Sunday 1993 two hours a week

May he returned a long time a mouth

Lunchtime 25 December ages three


В вопросах, как правило, употребляется выражение how long, в ответах мы используем since или for.

How long have you been for two weeks.

here? - I have been here since Monday.

Text for retelling:

British museums and art galleries.

The national museums and art galleries in London contain collections of objects of artistic, archaeological, scientific, historical and general interest. They are the British Museum, the Science Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery and many others.

Most cities and towns have museums devoted to art, archaeology and natural history. There are national museums and art galleries in Edinburgh (Scotland), in Cardiff (Wales), in Belfast (Northern Ireland). There are also many private art collections.

The British Museum contains the most important collections in Britain. It is officially described as being the National Library and Museum of History, Archaeology, Art and Ethnography. One of the most interesting rooms is the one devoted to the Elgin Marbles. These marbles are parts of the Parthenon in Greece. Greek statues of men and of horses are beautifully arranged in this room, and in a smaller room next to it is a model of the Parthenon as it was in its original beauty.

A room is devoted to Egypt and has enormous statues and sphinxes; in another room there are Egyptian mummies in painted cases. Then there are exhibits of Roman sculpture.

Many famous people have used the Reading Room at the British Museum.

Грамматический справочник:

The Passive Voice

Страдательный залог

1. B английском языке глагол имеет два залога:

действительный (The Active Voice) и страдательный (The Passive Voice).

Глагол употребляется в действительном залоге, если подлежащим в предложении является

лицо или предмет, производящие действие:

John cooked the dinner last night.

Джон приготовил обед вчера.

Глагол в страдательном залоге выражает действие, которое направлено на лицо или предмет, выраженное подлежащим:

The dinner was cooked by John last night.

Вчера обед был приготовлен Джоном.

2. Страдательный залог образуется при помощи глагола to be в соответствующем времени и причастия II смыслового глагола.






Future in the Past



is told






be told



be told




is being told



being told






been told


had been told


have been told



have been told


3. The Passive Voice употребляется в тех случаях, когда лицо, совершающее действие, неизвестно или представляется несущественным:

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

The matter will be discussed at the next meeting.

Если лицо, совершающее действие, упоминается в предложении, но не является подлежащим, то оно занимает позицию предложного дополнения, вводимого предлогом by:

The music was composed by Beethoven.

Контрольная работа № 4


(advanced level)

1) Supply the Passive forms of the verbs in the box, using the Past Indefinite Tense.

invent, plant, kill, write, build, name, discover, design, paint.

1. When ... America... ?

2. Five fruit-trees ... in our garden last year.

3. The picture Mona Lisa ... by Leonardo da Vinci.

4. Marta ... in his bath.

5. Radio ... by A. Popov.

6. The first pyramid of Egypt ... around 3000 BC.

7. The Winter Palace ... by Rastrelly.

8. “War and Peace” ... by L. Tolstoy.

9. Rossi street ... after a famous Russian architect.

2) Answer the following questions.

Example: Who wrote the novel “War and Peace”?

The novel “War and Peace” was written by Tolstoy.

1. Who designed the Winter Palace?

2. Who built this house?

3. Who made this beautiful jacket?

4. Who showed you round the city?

5. Who brought the flowers to the party?

6. Who cooked dinner yesterday?

7. Who answered the telephone call?

8. Who sends presents to you?

9. Who wrote this article?

10. Who did the shopping yesterday?

11. Who told this story?

12. Who wrote the book “Just so Stories”?

13. Who swept the floor?

3) Answer the following questions in the affirmative. Use the Present Perfect Passive in your answers.

Example: Is the dinner ready? (cook)

Yes, it is. It has already been cooked.

1. Is the floor clean? (wash)

2. Is the dress ready? (make)

3. Are the rooms tidy? (do)

4. Are the newspapers in my study? (bring)

5. Is everything on the table? (lay)

6. Is his shirt clean? (wash)

7. Is the air fresh in the room? (air)

8. Are his boots fit for wear? (repair)

9. Is the room nice and clean? (wallpaper lately)

10. Is the place popular with tourists? (visit)

4) Give two Passive constructions of the following sentences.

1. They promised the children many new toys.

2. The librarian offered me a new novel.

3. I have already sent a telegram to my grandmother.

4. He wrote many letters to his wife.

5. They will give her a part in a new play.

6. My sister taught me cooking and housekeeping.

7. The guide showed us many beautiful monuments.

8. Dick will give us some apples.

9. Mother has brought me many presents.

10. The teacher told many interesting things to her pupils.

11. The Browns have sold their house to a certain Mr. Miller.

12. My friend gave it to me.

13. She told me the whole story.

14. Father promised Nick a river-boat.

5) Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

1. Pedro Almodovar is a Spanish film director. He (make) (1) has made a lot of films but he (never) / make) (2) ______ films in English . He (make) (3) ______ his fist film in 1974.

2. Kari Te Konawa was born in New Zealand and (have) (1) ______ a lot of important parts in operas all over the world. In 1981 she (sing) (2) ______ at the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

3. Stan Claymore is a British footballer. At the moment he’s playing for Liverpool. He (play) (1) ______ for Crystal Palace and Nottingham Forest. In 1995 Liverpool (pay) (2) ______ L 8,5 million for him.

4. Jung Chang was born in China. She (work) (1) ______ as a doctor and a university teacher. In 1978 she (leave) (2) ______ China and (come) (3) ______ to study in Britain. In 1991 she (write) (4) ______ the book “Wild Swans” about her life in China.

6) Make negative sentences in the Present Perfect.

1. He makes films in Spanish.

He hasn’t made films in English.

He has never made films in English.

2. She sings opera.

She ______ in a pop group.

She ______ in a pop group.

3. He plays football.

He ______ chess.

He ______ chess.

4. She writes books.

She ______ a film script.

She ______ a film script.

7) Complete the conversations. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

1. Interviewer: Have you ever made films in English?

Pedro: No, I ______.

2. Interviewer: __________ at Prince Charles’ wedding?

Kari: Yes, I ______.

3. Interviewer: __________ L 8,5 million for you in 1995 ?

Stan: Yes, they ______.

4. Interviewer: ___________ the book Wild Swans in 1991?

Jung: Yes, I _______.

8) Answer the question saying yes and using the verb suggested in the Present Perfect Tense.

Example: Are the rooms clean? (do)

Yes, Mother has done them.

1. Does she know the song? (learn)

2. Is breakfast ready? (cook)

3. Do you know how tasty the pie is? (eat)

4. Is she at home? (come)

5. Are the papers ready ? (type)

6. Do you know the melody? (hear many times)

7. Can you speak on the subject ? (read about it)

8. Is Ann on holiday ? (go to Italy)

9. Are you ready with the report? (write it)

10. Can you do this work? (finish it)

9) Look at the table. Find people in your class who have done some of these things. Ask them when, where and what happened.


A: Have you ever broken your arm?

B: Yes, I have.

A: When did you break it? Where were you ? What happened?

B: When I was eight. I fell off my bike in the garden.


break your arm

lose (any) money

win a competition

play an unusual musical instrument

speak to a famous person

travel to a foreign country

10) Answer the following questions.

A: 1.Who has just called?

2. Who has given you the book?

3. Who has left this umbrella?

4. Who has helped you to manage this work?

5. Who has paid for the dinner?

6. Who has offered him this work?

7. Who has been in my study?

8. Who has upset the glass?

9. Who has spilled the milk?

10. Who has written the composition?

11. Who has switched off the light?

12. Who has taken my towel?

B: 1. What books have you read this month?

2. What films has she seen this week?

3. How many pages have you read already?

4. How many films have they seen of late?

5. How many trees have they planted?

6. How many letters have you written tonight?

7. How many English books has she read this year?

8. Where has he lived all this year?

9. Where have you been since last year?

10.Where has she worked this month?

11. Where have you been all day long?

12. How long has she been here?

13. How long haven’t you been in your native town?

15. How long have you tried to get in touch with her?

C: 1.Why have you chosen this book?

2. Why haven’t you read this book?

3. Why has she changed so much of late?

4. Why hasn’t she prepared tea?

5. Why haven’t they taken him to the pictures?

6. Why hasn’t she laid the table?

7. Why haven’t you asked her to tea?

8. Why haven’t they taken him to the pictures?

9. Why have they quarrelled?

10. Why hasn’t she come?

11. Why have you come so late?

12. Why have you asked them to dinner?

11) Think of questions for which the following might be answers.

1. Mary has cooked a wonderful cake.

2. He has gone home.

3. She hasn’t seen him since the summer.

4. He has given her a beautiful rose.

5. The alarm-clock has just rung.

6. She has put her umbrella into the corner.

7. It has begun thawing today.

8. The boy has broken the icicle.

9. She has changed her name.

10. Mary has brought him home.

11. She has brought home a white kitten.

12. She has always tried to stop him.

12) Text for Translating:

“Film stunts.


The star of the film is on fire. Someone shoots him, and blood hits the wall from a hole in his back. He falls back through a window. Broken glass flies everywhere. He falls ten metters to the street. A car drives over his body. And his clothes continue to burn...

Of course the actor is perfectly all right - because he didn’t fall through the window. It was a ‘stuntmen’.

Stuntmen and stuntwomen do all the dangerous things which you see (or you think you see) on the screen. And the stuntman was probably all right, because they are always very careful.

In old cowboy films, horses fell down when a wire pulled their feet. They always fell on special soft ground. But they often hurt their necks or their backs, and they sometimes died. Now it is illegal to use wires. Today they teach horses how to fall. It takes a long time, but it is much safer.

OUCH! In fact, this is not really dangerous at all. The window is not made of glass. In old films it was made of sugar, and now there is a special kind of very expensive plastic. Tables and chairs are made of light balsa wood. And they are already half cut in the right places. So they break into little pieces, and the stunt person’s head stays in one piece!

Fire is the most dangerous thing of all. The stunt person wears a special suit under normal clothes. The fire comes from a sort of gel made of alcohol. This gel produces three or four centimeters of vapor, and then flames above that. So the flames do not touch the clothes themselves.

This is not a model, or a camera trick. It is a real stuntman named Jerry Hewitt. He fell 23 meters and landed on a gigantic air bag made of nylon. ‘It’s not easy,’ says Jerry. ‘If you land in the wrong way, you can break an arm or a leg - or even your back. And of course you have to be sure to land on the air bag. From 23 meters up, in a burning ski-lift, it looks very small.


(elementary level)

1) Choose the correct form: Active or Passive.

1. The children taught / were taught Italian.

2. This problem will discuss / will be discussed at the conference.

3. The president interviewed / was interviewed on French TV.

4. Teachers have given / have been given a new pay rise by the government.

5. Walt Disney created/ was created the cartoon character of Mickey Mouse.

6. The firm has been making / has been made dresses for twenty years.

7. He treats / is treated the girl very badly.

8. He said that he had taken / had been taken his watch to a watchmaker’s.

9. Many new houses have been built / have built this year.

2) Make these sentences interrogative (A) and negative (B).

A: 1. Warm clothes are made of wool.

2. Some money will be given to you.

3. The ship has been sunk on purpose.

4. The car is being repaired at the moment.

5. The house was bought for 5 thousand dollars.

B: 1. All her affairs will have been settled before she gets married.

2. He said that detailed instructions had been given.

3. The monument was put up before Victory Day.

4. The old church has been reconstructed lately.

5. The windows were being cleaned while I was there.

6. A meeting was held in the village hall once a week.

3) Supply the Passive form of the verbs in brackets in the required tense.

1. Lonny noticed that he ... (watch) by three white men on the other side of the street.

2. I hope the letter ... (send) tomorrow.

3. It ... (decide) to say nothing to him until the answer ... (receive).

4. You thought that the letter ... (lose).

5. You don’t know he was with me two hours before he ... (find).

6. I don’t want to hear another word, I never ... (insult) so in my life.

7. The table ... (lay) for his supper.

8. He ... (forbid) to receive either letters or telegrams.

9. She felt suddenly that she ... (watch).

10. I know that you ... (follow) in London and it is difficult to say who the spy is.

11. I just ... (offer) an interesting job.

12. What shall I do if you ... (kill)?

13. This is the stage upon which the tragedy ... (play) recently.

14. She ... (give) a table for two and soon a man came and sat down opposite her.

5) Give short answers to the following questions.

Pattern : Have you read the paper today? Yes, I have. ( No, I haven’t).

1. Has the alarm-clock rung?

2. Have you turned off the tape?

3. Has she switched off the light?

4. Has he put on his mackintosh?

5. Have you taken your umbrella?

6. Have the rivers frozen?

7. Has the thaw begun?

8. Has the rain stopped?

9. Have you ever been to Moscow?

10. Has she ever called you up?

11. Have they ever met?

12. Has he never called on you?

13. Have they just arrived?

14. Have you just returned?

15. Have you seen her since the summer?

16. Have they lived in Moscow since 1960?

17. Have you always lived here?

18. Has she always been weak?

19. Have you known them long?

20. Has she worked here long?

21. Have you seen her today?

22. Have they come this morning?

23. Has he left tonight?

6) Reply to the following commands saying that you have already done what is required.

Pattern: Switch off the light! I’ve already switched it off.

1. Get out of bed!

2. Put on your shoes!

3. Wash your face!

4. Turn on the cold water tap!

5. Take a shower!

6. Get dressed quickly!

7. Turn off the hot water tap!

8. Take off your coat!

9. Do your morning exercises!

10. Air your room!

11. Make your bed!

12. Put on your slippers!

13. Do your lessons!

14. Switch on the TV!

15. Put your room in order!

7) Answer the following questions using the phrases in the margin and putting the verbs in the Present Perfect Simple.

Pattern: Where is Mary? / to go home

She has gone home.

1. Where is your son? to go to school

2. Where are your friends? to leave for the mountains

3. Where is your pen? to leave it behind

4. Where is the chalk? to put it on the table

5. Where is your pencil? to break it

6. Where are your books? to put them into my bag

7. Where is your rubber? to lose it

8. Why aren’t you writing? to lose my pen

9. Why aren’t you reading? to leave my book behind

10. Why aren’t you singing? to catch cold

11. Why don’t you hand in your exercise? not to write it

12. Why don’t you clean the blackboard? not to wet the duster

8) Choose suitable remarks for each of the statements on the left side of the page.

1. It is dark. The alarm-clock has rung.

2. It’s time to get up. Well, he has put on his slippers.

3. It is cold. It has frozen.

4. The day is dull. She has not slept tonight.

5. The streets are quiet. Of course you aren’t, you have

taken a shower.

6. The streets are muddy. A thick fog has spread over the city.

7. She feels so tired. A heavy snow has fallen.

8. Oh, the water is so hot! It has rained since the very


9. I don’t hear his steps. Winter has come.

10. I am not tired any more. Sure it is. I’ve turned on the hot

water tap.

11. Look! The ground is like iron! The thaw has begun.

12. I don’t see my cup. I’ve taken it to the kitchen.

9) Insert already, ever, yet, just into the appropriate sentences.

1. Have you ... been to South Africa?

2. Have you ... finished writing your essay or did you finish it earlier? - I haven’t finished it ... .

3. Shall I pay the waiter? - No, I’ve ... paid the bill.

4. Have you ... spoken to a famous person?

5. Ann, lay the table. I’ve ... cooked dinner.

6. They don’t know what the problem is. They have ... arrived.

7. Is it a good film? - Yes, it’s the best I have ... seen.

8. The post hasn’t come...

9. She has ... explained the situation to me.

10. He hasn’t invited me to the party...

11. Nobody has found the lost city of Atlantis...

10) Text for translating:

“How to make a film.”

Pre-production (Before the filming)

How does it all begin? Well, sometimes a scriptwriter goes to a producer with a complete script. Or sometimes a producer has an idea, and gets a scriptwriter to work on it.

Then producers have a very difficult job. They have to persuade everybody else to do the film.

They have to pretend that the film is already a success.

Just imagine a producer making some phone calls. First, she calls Keanu Reeves: ‘Hi, Keanu! I have a fantastic script. You are in the army, going to Vietnam. Your girlfriend loves you so much, she follows you there. I have Winona Ryder to play your girlfriend ... Yeah, I said Winona Ryder ... You’ll do it? Great!’

Then she calls Winona Ryder. ‘Winona? Hi, there. Listen. Do you want to star in really great love story? You follow Keanu Reeves to Vietnam ... Yeah, that’s right - Keanu Reeves. And he really wants you to play his girlfriend ... Winona, that’s wonderful! We start filming in February’.

Then the producer has to find all the right people to make the film - the other actors, director, director of photography, electricians and many more... perhaps two hundred people for a big film. Then he has to borrow $5 million dollars to pay everybody!

Post-production (after the filming)

The editor’s job is very important indeed. The director usually makes about twenty times too much film. So a two-hour film would be forty hours long! The editor chooses the best bits, cuts the film and puts the bits together.

In the silent film Ben Hur (made in 1925) there is an exciting horse and chariot race. There were 42 camera operators, and the editor had to cut 15 hours of film into five minutes.

One of the last things to go onto the film is the music. The music director watches the film and plays or conducts the music at the same time.


Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

  1. David and Rebecca Carter, who ____ married about a year ago, recently bought a new house.

    1. have been

    2. was

    3. got

    4. has

  2. This kind of fish ___ with a white sause.

    1. served

    2. has served

    3. is served

    4. is being served

  3. This person can ___.

    1. depend

    2. be depended

    3. depended on

    4. depend

  4. When ___ the Philharmonic Society of New York ___ ?

    1. was; founded

    2. be; found

    3. has; been founded

    4. has; found

  5. The United States ___ largely by Europeans.

    1. settles

    2. settled

    3. was settled

    4. have settled

  6. The last time I ___ Dick was in 1985.

    1. saw

    2. have seen

    3. see

    4. had seen

  7. I ___ a decision yet.

    1. haven’t made

    2. made

    3. am making

    4. will making

8. Names of American composes ___on orchestra programs.

a) has seen

b) was seen

c) saw

d) has been seen

9. When I lived in London, I ___ through the park every day.

a) walked

b) was walking

c) have walked

d) have been walking

10. How long ___ in the National Portrait Gallery?

a) wasn’t you

b) weren’t you

c) you haven’t been

d) haven’t you been

11. The life of the famous jazz musicians ___ immeasurably since they both got new jobs.

a) had improved

b) improved

c) has improved

d) have improved

12. In 1940s serious efforts ___ to bridge the gap between the “classical” and the “popular” music.

a) has been made

b) made

c) were made

d) has made

13. George ___ this movie three times.

a) sees

b) has seen

c) is seeing

d) saw

14. I ___ two tickets for “The Marriage of Figaro”.

a) yet bought

b) bought just

c) just bought

d) have just bought

15. ___ “Gone with the Wind” before?

a) Did you see

b) Would you see

c) Have you seen

d) Has you seen

16. Mrs. Grant was nervous because she ____ before.

a) hasn’t flown

b) didn’t fly

c) hadn’t flown

d) wasn’t flying

17. - ___ to England?

-No, never, but I went to France a few years ago.

a) Have you ever been

b) Did you go

c) Had you been

d) Are you going

18. Programmes can ___ on cassette.

a) be recorded

b) record

c) to be recorded

d) be record

19. – ___ Janet recently?

- Yes, I met her a few years ago.

a) Have you met

b) Did you meet

c) Do you meet

d) Didn’t you meet

20. The director ___ when I came in.

a) was being interviewed

b) has interviewed

c) was interviewed

d) is interviewed

21. A new park ___ out by summer.

a) will lay

b) will be laid

c) would be laid

d) will have been laid

22. I ___ in this city for a long time. I ___ here sixteen years ago.

a) have been, have come

b) was, was coming

c) have been, came

d) was, has come

23. What job ___ ?

a) you applied for

b) did you apply for

c) were you applied

d) did you applied for

24. English, Irish, Scottish folk songs ___in America by so many generations that Americans are not even conscious that these songs are of foreign origin.

  1. have been sung

  2. were sung

  3. were being sung

  4. sung

25. This is the stage upon which the tragedy ___ recently.

a) was played

b) is beeng played

c) has been played

d) has played

26. We haven’t had a nice summer for ages, ___we?

a) hadn‘t

b) have

c) had

d) didn’t

27. Audio and video tapes ___ in the recource centre.

a) keep

b) are kept

c) have kept

d) are being kept

28. She ___ very well there.

a) will be looked after

b) will look after

c) is been looked

d) will be looked

29. Bicycles ___ in the city instead of public transport.

a) widely used

b) are widely using

c) are widely used

d) used

30. The telegram about Bilan’s concert ___ when they received the letter.

a) had been delivered

b) had delivered

c) was delivering

d) delivered

31. Your applicaion ___ and we will le you know as soon as we’ve made a decision.

a) will be considered

b) have ben considered

c) considered

d) has been considered

32. The event ___ before they arrived home.

a) reported

b) had been reported

c) was being reported

d) has been reported

33. How many times ___ in love?

a) were you

b) you have been

c) have you been

d) was you

34. Nothing ___ of David.

a) heard

b) has ever heard

c) will here

d) was ever heard

35. Tina Turner’s engagement ___ in the local newspaper.

a) was announced

b) is being announced

c) had announced

d) has been announced

36. The words “To be or not to be” ___ Hamlet.

a) spoke

b) were speaking

c) were spoken by

d) are spoken by

37. When ___?

a) has the letter posted

b) has the letter been posted

c) was the letter posted

d) did the letter post

38. I ___ a letter by an unknown person yesterday.

a) gave

b) have been given

c) was given

d) have given

39. After the volcanic eruption of 1957 the railway station ___.

a) destroyed completely

b) was completely destroyed

c) has been destroyed

d) has destroyed

40. The “Guinness Book of Records” ___in the 50’s.

a) first published

b) has first been published

c) was first published

d) were first published

41. There’s someone behind us. I think ___.

a) we are following

b) we are being followed

c) we are followed

d) we are being following

42. One thousand people ___ by the music company.

a) employ

b) are employed

c) employed

d) are employing

43. Last night a well-known architect ___ by the police as he was driving home.

a) stopped

b) have been stopped

c) was stopped

d) have stopped

44. The door must ___ open.

a) is left

b) leave

c) be to leave

d) be left

45. I’m afraid nothing could ___ about it.

a) do

b) be done

c) be doing

d) have done

46. You key must ___ before 11:30 a.m.

a) return

b) be returning

c) be returned

d) have returned

47. Where ___ in Great Britain?

a) is Russian spoken

b) does Russian speak

c) Russian is speaking

d) is Russian speaking

48. Who(m) ___ many beautiful ensembles in this city ___ ?

a) were; designed

b) designed; by

c) - ; were designed by

d) was; designed by

49. Helen was here earlier but I think she ___ now.

a) went

b) goes

c) has gone

d) gone

50. It’s the second time I ___ on a plane.

a) were

b) is beeng

c) have been

d) has been

При составлении контрольной работы использовались материалы следующих учебных пособий:

1. Парашина А.В., Базилевич В.Г. Познакомьтесь - Великобритания и США. Пособие по обучению чтению на английском языке: Учеб. пособие для сред. спец. учеб. заведений. - М.: Высш. шк., 1988, - 144 с.

2. Корнеева Е.А., Баграмова Н.В., Чарекова Е.П. Практика английского языка. Сборник упражнений по устной речи. Серия: Изучаем иностранные языки. - Спб.: “Издательство Союз”, 2000, - 336 с.

3. Блинова С.И., Чарекова Е.П., Чернышёва Г.С., Синицкая Е.И. Практика английского языка. Сборник упражнений по грамматике. Спб.: “Издательство Союз”, 2000, - 384 с.

4. Гритчук М.А. Пособие по английскому языку для факультетов русского языка и литературы педагогических вузов. -М.: Высш. шк. 1983, - 224 с.

5. The World of English. Mark Farrell with Franca Rossi and Regina Certain. Longman, 1995.

6. Matters. Elementary. Jan Bell, Roger Gower. Longman, 1997.

7. Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles. Grammar and Vocabulary. Macmillan, 2007.

Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы № 4 по теме: “English and american art” для студентов неязыковых факультетов заочной формы обучения.

Гурьянова Ольга Николаевна

План ун-та 2004 г.

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