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§ 8. Shall.

Shall is never a purely modal verb. It always combines its modal meaning with the function of an auxiliary expressing futurity.

It expresses determination on the part of the speaker, i. e. compulsion or order, threat or warning, promise.

As a rule shall as a modal verb is not translated into Russian, its meaning is rendered by emphatic intonation.

1. Compulsion or strict order.

In this meaning it is always used with the second and third persons and has a strong stress.

P a u l a. I’ve got to tell Mr. Tanqueray.

H u g h. By God, you shall do nothing of the sort. (Pinero)

П а у л а. Я должна сказать мистеру Тэнкери.

Х ь ю. Клянусь богом, вы этого не сделаете.

“She shall go off tomorrow, the little artful creature,” said Mrs. Sedley, with

great energy. (Thackeray)

«Она уедет завтра же, эта маленькая интриганка», — энергично заявила

миссис Седли.

In interrogative sentences shall is used in the first and third persons to inquire after the wish of the person addressed.

Shall I shut the door, madam? (Dickens)

(Do you want me to shut the door?)

Закрыть дверь, сударыня?

Shall he go there?

(Do you want him to go there?)

Идти ему туда?

2. Threat or warning.

In this meaning it is also used in the second and third persons and with a weak stress.

“That’s the last time!” she cried. “You shall never see me again!” (Maugham)

«Это конец! — закричала она. — Вы никогда меня больше не


You shall repent of this neglect of duty, Mr. Gummer. (Dickens)

Вы еще раскаетесь в том, что пренебрегаете долгом, мистер Гаммер.

3. Promise.

It is also used with the second and third persons and with a weak stress.

Don’t be afraid, Jane, I saw it was an accident. You shall not be punished.

(Ch. Bronte)

He бойся, Джейн, я видела, что это произошло случайно. Тебя не


I shall make you happy, see if I don’t. You shall do what you like, spend what

you like. (Thackeray)

Я сделаю вас счастливой, вот увидите. Вы будете делать что хотите и

тратить сколько хотите.

§ 9. Will.

Will is hardly ever a purely modal verb. It generally combines its modal meaning with the function of an auxiliary expressing futurity.

The modal verb will expresses volition, intention on the part of the speaker, or insistence.

1. Volition, intention.

In most cases this meaning is rendered in Russian by emphatic intonation, but sometimes the verb хотеть is used. It is used with all persons but mostly with the first person.

“What is this? Who is this? Turn this man out. Clear the office!” cried Mr.

Fang. “I will speak,” cried the man. “I will not be turned out...” (Dickens)

«Что это? Кто это? Выставьте этого человека за дверь! Очистите

помещение!» — закричал мистер Фанг. «Нет, я буду говорить! —

крикнул человек. — Меня не выставят!»

Besides, since happiness is irrevocably denied me, I have a right to get

pleasure out of life: and I will get it, cost what it may. (E. Bronte)

Кроме того, раз счастье для меня невозможно, я вправе получать от

жизни удовольствия; и я буду получать их, чего бы это ни стоило.

Tell Mr. Osborne it is a cowardly letter, sir, a cowardly letter — I will not

answer it. (Thackeray)

Скажите мистеру Осборну, что это трусливое письмо, сэр, трусливое; я

на него не отвечу.

Very often will is used after the conjunction if in conditional clauses where it retains its modal meaning, that of volition.

You may laugh if you will but I was sure I should see her there. (E. Bronte)

Можете смеяться, если хотите, но я был уверен, что встречу ее там.

The modal verb wilt is used in polite requests.

Will you have a cup of tea?

Will you give me a piece of bread, for I am very hungry? (Ch. Bronte)

N o t e. — The modal verb will should not be confused with the auxiliary will

in American English where there is a marked tendency to use it with all the


2. Persistence referring to the present or to the future.

“Don’t tell me.” “But I will tell you,” repeated Sikes. (Dickens)

«He говорите мне про это». «А я все равно скажу», — повторил Сайкc.

She begins to act very strangely. She will not speak, she will not eat; finally

she dies. (Maugham)

Она начинает вести себя очень странно. Она не желает говорить, она не

желает есть, наконец, она умирает.

It is also used in speaking about lifeless things when the speaker is annoyed at something and speaks about a thing or a phenomenon of nature as if it possessed a will of its own (there is an element of personification here).

It’s no use trying to open the door, it will not open.

Нечего стараться открыть эту дверь — она все равно не откроется.