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Роботехничні системи та комплекси(Томасевич).doc
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II. Speaking Exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe adjustment, vision, effector, interface, peripheral using the suggested words and expressions as in example:


the process,adapting,something


the formation, a mental image, something


an organ, to become,active,nerve impulses


a program, to control, a display, the user, to allow, to interact, the system


electronic, to connect, equipment,cable,a computer

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:

1) Question: ___________________________________?

Answer: The common features of such units are the ability to manually send the robot to a desired position.

2) Question: _____________________________?

Answer: The program can later run the robot to these positions or along the taught path.

3) Question: _____________________________?

Answer: The various machines are» integrated” and controlled by a single computer or PLC.

The writing module

III. Writing exercises:

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the suggested words: by, but, which, to, or, while.into, for

Lead-by-the-nose is a technique offered ____most robot manufacturers ___is __dubious value. While user holds the robot end effector another person enters a command ______ de-energizes the robot and it goes limp. The user then moves the robot ___ hand __the required positions ___ along a required path ______ the software logs these positions _____ memory. The program can later run the robot ___ these positions __along the taught path. This technique was popular _____ tasks such as emergency stop.

Exercise 2. Fill in the table with words and expressions from the text




linking the robot controller


machine operators often use

These include


Exercise 3. Compose a story on one of the topics (up to 100 words):

“Teach Pendant”

“End Effectors”

“Lead-by the-nose technique”

Lesson 4.

The reading module

Read the text:

How Robots Work

Like you, NASA's robonaut has a movable body, brain, power system and sensor system. See more pictures of robots.

On the most basic level, human beings are made up of five major components:

· A body structure

· A muscle system to move the body structure

· A sensory system that receives information about the body and the surrounding environment

· A power source to activate the muscles and sensors

· A brain system that processes sensory information and tells the muscles what to do

Of course, we also have some intangible attributes, such as intelligence and morality, but on the sheer physical level, the list above about covers it.

A robot is made up of the very same components. A typical robot has a movable physical structure, a motor of some sort, a sensor system, a power supply and a computer "brain" that controls all of these elements. Essentially, robots are man-made versions of animal life -- they are machines that replicate human and animal behavior.