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After you read

1. Getting the message

A. Discuss these questions with your classmates. On a separate piece of paper, write answers to two of them.

1. According to the reading, what is good about working in the U.S.?

2. What three population groups have some dissatisfied workers? Why?

3. Why do today's Americans spend fewer years in the workforce than their parents and grandparents did?

B. Reread the section “The Role of Labor Unions”. Then put a check after each statement that tells about a benefit that workers get from a union?

1. Unionized workers must pay dues to their union. _____

2. Unions negotiate contracts for their workers and can help them get higher pay. _____

3. Unions influence lawmakers to pass laws that protect workers. _____

4. Union members must go along with majority decisions even when they don't agree with them. For example, members are expected to go on strike if the group votes for one. _____

C. On the job, the word benefit means something workers get from their employer in addition to their pay. Using this definition, put a check after each item that is a benefit.

1. wages _______ 4. paid holidays _________

2. the right to strike ______ 5. private pension plans _______

3. union membership ______ 6. medical, dental, and/or life insurance_____

2. Building your vocabulary

A. These are the 15 key vocabulary words for this chapter. They are boldfaced in the reading. Pronounce these words after your teacher and discuss their meaning.

abuse eligible retire

automation negotiate security

benefit optional strike

deduct picket union

dues promotion volunteer

B. Complete these sentences with some of the key vocabulary words. Make the nouns plural if necessary.

  1. Labor are organized groups of workers who do the same type

of work or who work in the same industry.

  1. Many past of labor and management are now illegal because

the federal government passed laws against them.

  1. Union representatives often with employers (management)

and try, through compromise, to write a contract that satisfies both sides. This process is called collective bargaining.

  1. Striking workers often their employers, carrying signs

expressing their complaints.

5. _______ are people who work for no pay.

  1. Many Americans at age 65 and receive a pension.

  2. Social provides disability protection and a pension after


  1. Employers Social Security payments from an employee's pay.

C. Match each word in column 1 with its definition in column 2 by writing the correct numbers on the lines.

1. employees ___ individuals, businesses, or institutions that hire workers

2. employers ___ workers who have a boss

3. self-employed ___ work; a job

4. unemployed ___ people who own their own businesses

5. employment ___ not working

D. Which pairs are synonyms (words having similar meaning) and which are antonyms (words having opposite meanings)? Write S for synonym or A for antonym after each pair.

  1. optional; required __

  2. hired; laid off or fired __

  3. security; freedom from danger or risk __

  4. prohibit; allow __

  5. labor; management __

  6. negotiate; bargain __

  7. decline; decrease __

  1. pension; retirement pay __

  2. volunteer; paid worker __

  3. deduct; add __

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