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3. Match these word expressions with their Russian equivalents

1. to appoint ministers

а. право на защиту- здоровья

2. presidential republic

b. мировое содружество

3. to declare war

с. основа всего нашего законодательства

4. to give approval to bills passed by the Parliament

d. неиспользование силы или угрозы миру

5. legislative body of power

е. назначать министров

6. the Supreme Court

f. объявлять войну

7. a base of all our legislation

g. ответственность государства перед его гражданами

8. considerable changes in Constitution

h. президентская республика

9. responsibility of the State before its citizens

i. законодательный орган власти

10. the right to health protection

j. Верховный суд

11. non-use of force or threat of peace

k. существенные поправки в Конституции

12. world community

1. одобрять законопроекты, изданные Парламентом

4. Read the text and get ready to speak about the political system of Belarus: State system

The Republic of Belarus is a unitary democratic social state with the rule of law. And according to the Constitution it is a presidential republic. The territory of Belarus is unified and inalienable.

The symbols of the Republic of Belarus, as a sovereign State, are its State Flag, State Emblem and State Anthem. The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk.

State languages of the Republic of Belarus are Belarusian and Russian.

State power in the Republic of Belarus is exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The President of the Republic of Belarus is the Head of State, the head of the Government and the Commander-in-Chief. The President is elected by general, free, equal, direct and secret ballot for a term of 5 years. He has such functions as to summon and dissolve the Parliament, to give approval to bills passed by the Parliament, to appoint ministers and judges, to declare war and make peace.

The Parliament, i.e. the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, is the representative and legislative body of po.ver. The Parliament consists of two Chambers— the Chamber of Representatives and the Council of the Republic (the Senate). The Senate consists of 63 members: 9 from each region and 9 from Minsk. One third of the Senate is appointed by the President. The House of Representatives consists of 110 members. They are elected every 4 years by secret ballot. The Chief Officer of the Parliament is a speaker. He is elected at the beginning of each Parliament. The main functions of the Parliament are: to pass laws, to control the government policy and administration, to debate the most important political issues of the day.

The Government i.e. the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, is the central body of state management, the executive power in the Republic of Belarus.

The judicial power in the Republic of Belarus belongs to courts. There are the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Economic Court and other courts in Belarus. Rut the main court is the Constitutional Court.

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is the main law of our republic. It is a base of all our legislation. It establishes the principle of the supremacy of law. On the 15th of March 1994 a new Constitution was adopted and according to it the first President was elected. In 1996 in November considerable changes in Constitution were adopted. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus establishes the responsibility of the State before Its citizens and the responsibility of citizens before the State. The Constitution guarantees the citizens of the Republic of Belarus the right to health protection, to free general education and professional technical training, to social security at old age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, and in other cases stipulated by law. The Constitution of Belarus proclaims that everyone is equal before the law and has the right, without any discrimination, to equal protection of one's rights and interests.

In its foreign policy, the Republic of Belarus proceeds from the principles of the equality of States, non-use of force or threat of peace, inviolability of borders, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-interference into domestic affairs, and from other universally recognized principles and norms of international law.

The Republic of Belarus is a full-fledged member of the world community. It recognizes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Charter, and other international conventions.

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