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Ex.6. Расположите предложения в хронологическом порядке

  1. The modem building of the theatre was designed by Moscow architects Burov and Fyodorov in the classical style of Russian architecture of the second half of the 19th century and was built in 1939.

  2. There were only 10 rows (ряд) of 16 chairs each then.

  3. During the war the Gorky Academic Bolshoy Theatre of Drama was evacuated here from Leningrad.

  4. In 1914 the Milan Opera sang here.

  5. According to the tradition the facade of the building is decorated with a white stone Corinth portico consisting of a colonnade and a pediment.

  6. The well-known romantic writer Alexander Grin who was bom in 1880 as a boy earned his living (зарабатывать на жизнь) here by copying parts (роль) of actors.

  7. The first building of the theatre was designed by architect Nefedyev and was built of wood in 1877.

  8. In 1924 the famous American ballet-dancer Isidore Dunkan danced in our theatre.

  9. Now the auditorium (зрит.зал) accomodates 800 seats.

  10. Companies (труппы) from Moscow and Petersburg gave their performances (представления) here.

Ex.7. Переведите глаголы (части I и III) и замените подчеркнутые слова (в части II) словами из списка:

works, pictures, icons, paintings, toys, exhibits, canvases

  1. The old building of the Arts Museum is a two-storeyed stone mansion (особняк) with a mezzanine and semi-columns on its facade. Merchant Repin (построил) this house for himself. In 1909 Vasnetsovs brothers (выдвинули) an idea to create here a picture-gallery. The first exhibition (состоялась) in December 1910 and (состояла из) 40 pictures and 1 statue only. After the Revolution the Arts Museum (занял) this building.

  2. Now its collection includes: иконы of Northern Russia; картины of Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Tropinin, Venetsianov, Konchalovsky, Brullov; произведения of the Peredvizhniks-artists, such as Perov, Repin, Surikov, Makovsky, Levitan; холсты of the artists of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century Arkhipov, Benua, Saryan, Petrov- Vodkin, Korovin; and, of course, there are also полотна of our artists from the Vyatka land and Kirov city, those of Vasnetsovs brothers, Shishkin, Rylov, Khokhryakov, Demidov, Isupov. You can see both Russian and foreign экспонаты and a fine collection of Dymkovo игрушки here.

  3. The museum (являться) the richest in our country after capital museums and the Saratov picture-gallery. Its new building faced with marble and granite (открывать) in the beginning of the 1990s.

Ex.8. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

The building... the Court was designed... architect Roslyakov and was built... the end... the 18th century. Governors ... Vyatka had been living here ... the beginning... the 19th century. The building can be divided ... the central part and two-storeyed wings (флигель). There were living rooms ... the Governor... the central part and Office ... the wings. The exile clerks Hertzen and Saltykov-Shchedrin worked ... this office.

... the opposite side there is a merchant mansion built ... 1815. Exile writer Hertzen and architect Vitberg lived ... this house ... the thirties. ... 1836 Vitberg drew ... pencil the well- known portrait... young Hertzen.

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