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              1. Which of the words are nouns? adjectives? availability, accessible, equal, equality

              2. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian.

available data - данные, имеющиеся в распоряжении means of reproduction - средства воспроизведения rising moisture - возрастающая сырость

              1. Give the Russian for:

domestic stairways means of access

pitch length steadily rising costs

Read and translate the article.

Practically every modern building is supplied with stairways of some kind. A stairway is designed to provide a means of access between different floor levels of a building. Nowadays stai rways are produced of various con­struction materials but the most popular among them are timber and rein­forced concrete. Of them timber may be used for domestic stairs of all kinds because of its economical availability. As to reinforced concrete it is popular because of its durable qualities, great resistivity to decay and great resistance to fire. It should be taken into account that domestic timber stairs must be designed for safe and comfortable use by people of different ages.

What is required of stair construction? The main requirements are the following. Firstly, there should be guaranteed equal rise for every step and landing. Secondly, the maximum pitch length to the horizontal must be 42*. Thirdly, stair length must include not less than two rises and not greater than sixteen.

              1. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the following questions.

                1. What house do you live in? Is it a modern or an old one?

                2. Is it a multistorey building?

                3. What materials is it constructed of?

                4. What storey (floor) do you live on?

                5. What materials are the stairways made of?

                6. Is there an elevator (a lift) in your house?

                7. Do you have to use it?

                8. How many rooms are there in your apartment (flat)?

                9. What colours are the walls in the rooms?

                10. Do you like your flat or would you like to change it for another (big­ger or smaller) one?

                11. For how long have you been living in your house?

                12. Are there trees and bushes around it?

Underfloor Services

Master the key terms and head words.

boiler — котел capacity - емкость, объем facility — доступность, удобство facilities - устройства, средства to distribute - размещать, рас­пределять to raise - повышать, поднимать raised - поднятый, выпуклый

              1. Combine the given attributes a) with the nouns b) and form the English combina­tions corresponding to the given Russian ones c).

a) distribution b) substation capacity of air

distributing load piping


с) распределение воздуха

распределительная подстанция

распределенная емкость

распределительный трубопровод

распределенная нагрузка