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English Through Reading.doc
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1. A thin shop-girl was staggering under an immense white paper armful

that looked like a baby in long clothes. 2. She stared at plump tea-kettle like

a plump hen. 3. A voice like a sign, almost like a sob, breathed: "Madam,

may I speak to you a moment?" 4. It was like something out of a novel by

Dostoyevsky. 5. She was like the rich little girl in her nursery. 6. I can't go

on any longer like this.

Ex. 16. a) Write sentences using the expression can't (couldn 't) help

doing smth.

See the text: She couldn't help noticing how charming her hands were

against the blue velvet.

Model: He couldn't help thinking of the life he had.

watch; admire; listen to; wait for; buy; see; tell the truth; tell a lie.


b) Translate the following sentences using the expressions can't (couldn 4) help

doing smth. which means avoid, prevent (удержаться, избежать чего-либо).

Model: He couldn't help laughing.

1. Ребенок не мог не плакать.

2. Она не могла удержаться от чтения письма.

3. Он не мог не любить ее.

4. Она не могла не попросить денег.

5. Они не могут не одолжить ей денег.

6. Я не могу не поверить ему.

Ex. 17. Translate the following sentences using the expression would

rather (not) ... (than) which means more willingly, readily or preferably.

See the text: I would rather not part with them than sell.

Я лучше оставлю их себе, чем продам их.

(не расстанусь с ними...)

{Remember! After this expression the infinitive is used without the particle to.)

1. Я бы предпочел не говорить об этом.

2. Я бы предпочел поступить в этот университет.

3. Я бы предпочел купить компьютер последней модели.

4. Я бы предпочла не отвечать на этот вопрос.

5. Я бы предпочел сделать что-нибудь, чем сидеть и ждать

фонного звонка.

6. Я бы предпочла не идти в театр на этот спектакль.

Ex. 18. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

1. "You're just ... time ... tea," said Fanny's uncle as she entered ... the

room. Her aunt was just then pouring ... the tea; she took a clean cup and

saucer ... the cupboard and poured some tea ... the cup ... Fanny.

2. "What's the good ... calling a doctor if you refuse to take the medicine he

gives you", said Ann ... her friend. 3. The secretary took a clean sheet of

paper ... a drawer ... the table and began writing a letter. 4. She took her

hands ... her long gloves. 5. She heard herself saying afterwards ... the

amazement ... her friends: simply took her ... home ... me." 6. But

happily ... that moment the car stopped. 7. She was going to take a cigarette

... the mantelpiece. 8. She had the table placed ... them. 9. She plied the

poor girl ... everything and every time her cup was empty she filled it ... tea.

10. "I was bowled ... when I came ... your room" said he ... his wife.

11. She went her writing-room and sat down ... her desk. 12. Her


heart beat ... a heavy bell. 13. She opened a drawer and took ... five pounds

notes and went back ... her bedroom. 14. She put ... her hands and touched

his cheeks.

Ex. 19. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the trans

lation of adverbs (see "English Grammar", p. 252).

Л. 1. Her husband absolutely adored her. 2. He was so gratified he could

scarcely speak. 3. Her parties were the most delicious mixture of the really

important people. 4. The girl almost cried out: "It's a cup of tea 1 want,

madam." 5. She really was touched beyond words. 6. People always said

sugar was so nourishing. 7. "You're quite mad, you know", said Philip.

8. She was young, brilliant, extremely modern. 9. Rosemaiy was so surprised

that she blushed. 10. "I like you awfully", he said. 11. That wasn't really

what Rosemary wanted to say. 12. To be quite sincere, she looked rather

stupid. 13. "You look so dreadfully cold", said Rosemary. 14. A voice like a

sigh, almost like a sob, breathed: "Madam, may 1 speak to you a moment?"

15. Lilac was dreadfully shapeless.

B. 1. Было совсем поздно. 2. У вас довольно достаточно времени

чтобы решить все проблемы. 3. Девушка была ужасно напугана. 4. Ом

был так растерян, что едва мог говорить. 5. На ее вечерах собирались

совершенно разные люди: некоторые из них были просто кошмарны, а

некоторые — вполне приличны и забавны. 6. Было так темно, что она

почти не разглядела девушку. 7. Она была слишком застенчивой и

чрезвычайно скромной. 8. Он был вполне состоятельным и мог позволить

себе почти все. 9. Было почти 9 часов вечера, и он ужасно устал.

10. Она была действительно голодна, так как не ела почти три дня.

11. Девушка выглядела довольно-таки богатой. 12. Все говорят, она

ужасно начитана. 13. Слишком трудно найти сейчас работу. 14. Она

ужасно любила путешествовать. 15. Я совершенно не согласен с вами.

Ex. 20.

a) Choose the proper adverb from the list below and translate the

tences. (See "English Grammar", p. 249.)

still, yet, else, more, other, only, as early as.

1. I can't believe she has left for London. She was here ... two days

ago. 2. I'm interested to know whether I could ... rely on you. 3. If I'm not

mistaken, she hasn't come back ... from her business trip to Manchester.

4. "Would you like to have ... sandwich?" "One ... please, thank you."



5. You have not told me ... how you are going to settle all the matters.

6. I hate watching serials. Let's change the channel and see something ... .

7. Though it is ... rather early I'm sure you must be off. 8. It is known that

Americans celebrated their first Thanksgiving Day ... 1621. 9. What ...

sides sociology do you take up at the University? 10. She was ... scared but

some minutes later she was calm. 11. He looked at her once ... with delight.

12. The American Constitution was adopted ... 1878. 13. Don't worry, it is

... 12 o'clock. We have enough time.

b) Translate the following sentences using different adverbs for the word


1. Вы все еще здесь? Вам уже давно надо было уйти. 2. Ему еще

многое надо сказать. 3. Я еще не закончил обедать. 4. Я повторю вопрос

еще раз. 5. Было еще десять часов утра, когда я его встретил. 6. Что

еще я могу сказать? 7. Мы можем еще выиграть. 8. Он мог бы еще

немного побыть с нами. 9. Она еще не ответила на все вопросы.

10. Яблоки еще не поспели, рано еще собирать урожай. 11. Я видел эту

девушку еще три года назад. 12. Еще зимой мы решили поехать в

Австралию. 13. Еще один вопрос, и я оставлю вас в покое. 14. Какие

еще дела у нас остались? 15. Он был еще слишком неопытным, чтобы

участвовать в переговорах. 16. Куда вы еще ездили, кроме Англии?

17. Мы еще раз хотим встретиться с этой девушкой. 18. Еще не вечер,

но на улице уже темно. 19. Еще в детстве она любила приходить в этот

магазин и любоваться красивыми шкатулками. 20. Она еще пила чай,

когда в комнату вошел Филипп. 21. Розмари еще чувствовала холод

этого дня. 22. Он еще не все знал об этой девушке. 23. Что еще можно

узнать о ней у соседей? 24. Он еще раз напомнил жене, что пора уходить.

25. Еще вчера она ничего не могла понять. 26. Она еще не так богата,

чтобы купить эту шкатулку.




Ex. 21. Memorize the following provebs and sayings. Use them in

tions of your own.

1. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

2. All that glitters is not gold.

3. Easier said than done.

Ex. 22. Make up a plan of the story so that the key words below come

under the definite items of the plan and retell the story according to your


a) take to pieces; brilliant; modem; well-dressed; well-read; rich; adore;

pull up; keep the shop; be fond of serving; beam; scarcely speak; in respectful

tones; admire; keep for; look vague; dreamy voice.

b) winter afternoon; the dark came; cold bitter taste; burn dimly; pang;

press: a voice like...; battered creature; enormous eyes; reddened hands; shiver;

stammer; extraordinary; adventure; amazement; touch the arm.

c) a feeling of triumph; net; turn impulsively; be frightened; protecting;

embracing movement; draw into; sweet scent; familiar; be generous; mount the

stairs; take off things; beautiful bedroom; furniture; cushions; rugs; seem dazed;

slightly open; look stupid; stagger like a child; faint; rush to the bell.

d) cry out; kneel beside; lace handkerchief; be touched; can't bear;

range; ply; fill; nourishing; a new being; lie back; lighted eyes; still and

afraid; have a little talk; catch sight; a pick-up; the price of a cup of tea; be

nice; astonishingly; blush; bowl over; ghastly; notes; squeeze; dazzled gaze; a

present of money; darken; put on; hold; dreamily; fascinating.

Ex. 23. Tell the story as if you were:

a) the girl;

b) Rosemary;

c) Philip.

Ex. 24. Quote some sentences from the text to describe:

a) Rosemary's social status;

b) the shopman's attitude to Rosemary;



c) the winter afternoon;

d) the girl's appearance and behaviour in the street;

e) the girl's behaviour at Rosemary's place;

f) the effect of the meal on the girl.

g) the girl (her appearance, behaviour) from Rosemary's point of view.

Ex. 25. Speak on:

a) Rosemary's behaviour in a flower shop;

b) the girl's appearance and the manner of speaking when Rosemary

first met her;

c) Philip's reaction to the girl.

Ex. 26. Make character sketches of Rosemary; the girl; Rosemary's


Ex. 27. Topics for discussions and essays.

a) Rosemary's life.

b) Strange meeting in the winter afternoon.

c) Rosemary's philanthropic idea.

d) Rosemary's behaviour after her talk with Philip (analyse her

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