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Фаллическая стадия

Между тремя и шестью годами интересы, обусловленные либидо,

смещаются в зону гениталий. На протяжении фаллической фазы

психосексуального развития дети могут исследовать половые органы,

мастурбировать и проявлять интерес в вопросах связанных с рождением и

половыми отношениями. Дети, по мнению Фрейда, имеют хотя бы смутное

представление о сексуальных отношениях и, в большей своей части, понимают

половой акт как агрессивные действия отца по отношению к матери.

Доминирующий конфликт этой стадии у мальчиков называется эдиповым

комплексом, и аналогичный у девочек – комплекс Электры.

Суть этих комплексов заключена в неосознанном желании каждого ребенка

обладать родителем противоположенного пола и устранении родителя одного с

ним пола.

В норме эти комплексы развиваются по-разному у мальчиков и девочек.

Рассмотрим, как он проявляется у мальчиков.

С момента рождения главным источником удовлетворения для ребенка

является мать или фигура ее замещающая. Мальчик хочет обладать матерью,

хочет выражать свои эротические чувства точно так же, как, по его

наблюдению, делают люди старшего образа. В тоже время отец воспринимается

как препятствие к получению генитального удовлетворения. Отсюда, из-за

соперничества или вражды с отцом, т.к. мальчик понимает, что отец не желает

терпеть его романтические чувства к матери, в результате чего возникает

опасность возмездия, появляется боязнь кастрации. Это заставляет отказаться

от стремления к инцесту с матерью.

Разрешение эдипова комплекса происходит на более поздней стадии

развития, примерно между пятью и семью годами, когда мальчик подавляет свои

сексуальные желания и начинает индетифицировать себя с отцом. Этот процесс,

получивший название индетификации с агрессором, выполняет несколько

функций. Во-первых, приобретение конгломерата ценностей, моральных норм,

установок, моделей полоролевого поведения. Во-вторых, в процессе

индетификации мальчик может удержать мать, как и объект любви, путем

замещения, т.к. он обладает теми же качествами, что и отец. Однако самым

важным является интернализация родительских запретов и норм, что дает почву

для развития совести или суперэго. Т.е. суперэго является разрешением

эдипова комплекса.

Версия эдипова комплекса у девочек называется комплексом Электры.

Вступая в фаллическую стадию, девочка обнаруживает отсутствие пениса (что

может символизировать отсутствие силы), как у брата и отца. На этой почве,

по Фрейду, у девочек развивается зависть к пенису, выражающаяся в открытой

враждебности к матери, упрекая ,что та родила ее без пениса. Стремление к

отцу формируется на представлении о нем как обладателя этого органа.

Сексуальное удовлетворение фокусируется на клиторе, и у девочек 5-7 лет

клиторная мастурбация сопровождается маскулинными фантазиями, в которых

клитор становится пенисом. Разрешение комплекса Электры у девочек, по

Фрейду, идет тем же путем что у мальчиков, т.е. индетификацией с матерью.

Взрослые мужчины с фиксацией на фаллической стадии ведут себя дерзко,

они хвастливы и опрометчивы, добиваются успеха (символическую победу над

родителем), «донжуанский» стиль поведения.

Женщины фаллическая фиксация приводит к склонности флиртовать,

обольщать, к беспорядочным половым связям, хотя могут казаться наивными и

невинными в сексуальном отношении.

Неразрешенные комплексы могут вести к невротическим моделям поведения,

имеющих отношения к импотенции и фригидности.

ЛАТЕНТНЫЙ ПЕРИОД . В промежутке от 6-7 лет до начала подросткового

возраста располагается фаза сексуального затишья, латентный период.

Фрейд уделял мало внимания процессам в этот период, так как по его

мнению сексуальный инстинкт в это время предположительно дремлет.

The psychoanalytic theory of the person.


Freud considered as These forces instincts, the mental images of corporal requirements expressed in the form of desires. Using the well-known law of the nature, – conservation of energy, it has formulated that as a source of mental energy serves нейрофизиологическое an excitation condition. Under Freud's theory, each person has the limited quantity of this energy, and the purpose of any form of behaviour is removal of the pressure caused by a congestion of this energy in one place. Thus, the motivation of the person is completely based on energy of the excitation made by corporal requirements. And though quantity of instincts beyond all bounds, Freud divided two groups: Lives and Death. The first group, under the general name the Eros, includes all forces serving to the purpose of maintenance of the vital processes and providing reproduction of a kind. Well-known that Freud considered a sexual instinct as one of leaders; energy of this instinct has received the name либидо, or energy либидо – the term used for a designation of energy of vital instincts as a whole. Либидо can find a discharge only in sexual behaviour. As there are many sexual instincts, Freud has assumed that each of them is connected with a certain site of a body, i.e. an erogenous zone, and has allocated four sites: a mouth, an anus and genitals. The second group – Death or Tonatos instincts – underlies all displays of aggression, cruelty, murders and suicides. The truth exists opinion that Freud has created the theory about these instincts under the influence of death of his daughter and fear for the two the sons who are at that time at the front. Possibly, therefore it most and the question least considered in modern psychology. Any instinct has four characteristics: a source, the purpose, object and stimulus. Source – a condition of an organism or the requirement causing this condition. The purpose – an instinct always consists in elimination or an excitation reduction. The object – means any person, a subject in environment or in a body of the individual providing the purpose of an instinct. The ways conducting to the purpose not always same, however as well as the objects. Except flexibility in an object choice, individuals possess ability to postpone a discharge on long intervals of time. Any behavioural process can be described in terms:. Bindings or an energy direction on object (катексис). The obstacles, disturbing (антикатексис) as the Example катексиса emotional attachment to people, hobby for another's ideas can serve satisfaction.

The stimulus represents quantity of the energy necessary for achievement of the purpose, satisfaction of an instinct. For understanding of dynamics of energy of instincts and its expression in a choice of objects the concept activity displacement is. According to this concept, energy liberation occurs thanks to change of behavioural activity. Displays of the displaced activity can be observed, if the object choice on what or the reason is not possible. Such displacement underlies creativity, or that is more extended, house conflicts because of problems on work. According to Freud, many socially-psychological phenomena can be understood in a context of displacement of two primary instincts: sexual and aggressive. Without having possibility to take pleasure directly and immediately, people have learnt to displace instinctive energy.


One of preconditions of the psychoanalytic theory consists that the person is born with certain quantity либидо which then takes place some stages called as a psychosexual stage of development in the development. Psychosexual development – biologically determined sequence developed in an invariable order and inherent all people, irrespective of cultural level. Freud had been offered a hypothesis about four stages: oral, анальной, фаллической and генитальной. By consideration of these stages it is necessary to consider some more factors entered by Freud. Фрустация. In a case фрустации psychosexual requirements of the child are stopped by parents or tutors, therefore do not find optimum satisfaction. Supercare. At supercare the child has no possibility itself to operate the internal functions. In any case there is a congestion либидо that in mature years can lead to the "residual" behaviour, connected with that stage on which has had фрустация or regress. Also the important concepts of the psychoanalytic theory are regress and fixing. Regress, i.e. return to the earliest stage and display of childish behaviour, characteristic for this period. Though regress consider as a special case of fixing – a delay or a development stop at a certain stage. Freud's followers consider regress and fixing complementary.


the Oral stage lasts from a birth approximately to 18-month's age. During this period it completely depends on parents, and the mouth area is connected with a concentration of pleasant sensations and satisfaction of biological requirements. According to Freud, the mouth remains the important erogenous zone on an extent of all human life. The oral stage comes to an end, when feeding by a breast stops. Freud has described three types of the person at fixing at this stage:. Oralno-passive – cheerful, optimistical, expects "the parent" relation to. It is characterised by trustfulness, passivity, immaturity and excessive dependence. Oralno-aggressive – it is expressed in such lines as love to disputes, pessimism, the cynical relation. This type can maintain other people and to dominate over them for the purpose of satisfaction of the needs.


of Analnaja the stage begins at the age from 18 months and proceeds till third year of a life. During the period small children receive considerable pleasure from задерживания pushing out of excrements. In this stage of schooling to a toilet the child learns to differentiate requirements ид (pleasure from immediate дефекации) and the social restrictions proceeding from parents (the independent control over requirements). Freud considered that all future forms of self-checking and self-control originate in this stage. As a result фрустации during this period («now descend on a pot») probably formation analno-udezhivajushchego type of the person. This type at more adult age is extremely avaricious, methodical, punctual and obstinate. The second result of this анальной fixings – analno-pushing out. Lines of such type is propensity to destruction, anxiety, impulsiveness and even sadistic cruelty. Some parents encourage the children to regular опорожнению and generously praise for it. The similar approach brings up a positive self-estimation and even can promote development of creative abilities.


Between three and six years the interests caused либидо, are displaced in a zone of genitals. On an extent фаллической phases of psychosexual development children can investigate genitals, masturbate and show interest in questions connected with a birth and sexual relations. Children, according to Freud, have at least vague idea about sexual relations and, in большей the part, understand sexual intercourse as aggressive actions of the father in relation to mother. The dominating conflict of this stage at boys is called эдиповым as a complex, and similar at girls – a complex of Elektry. The essence of these complexes is concluded in not realised desire of each child to possess the parent противоположенного a floor and elimination of the parent of one floor with it. In norm these complexes develop differently at boys and girls. We will consider, how it is shown at boys. From the moment of a birth the main source of satisfaction for the child is mother or its figure replacing. The boy wishes to possess mother, wishes to express the erotic feelings in the same way as, on its supervision, people of the senior image do. During too time the father is perceived as an obstacle to reception генитального satisfactions. From here, because of rivalry or enmity with the father since the boy understands that the father does not wish to suffer its romantic feelings to mother therefore there is a danger of punishment, there is a fear of castration. It forces to refuse aspiration to an incest with mother. The permission эдипова a complex occurs at later stage of development, approximately between five and seven years when the boy inhibits the sexual desires and begins индетифицировать itself with the father. This process which has received the name индетификации with an aggressor, carries out some functions. First, acquisition of a conglomerate of values, moral standards, installations, models полоролевого behaviour. Secondly, индетификации the boy can keep mother in process, as well as object of love, by replacement since it possesses the same qualities, as the father. However the most important is internalization of parental interdictions and norms that gives soil for development of conscience or a superego. I.e. the superego is the permission эдипова a complex. The version эдипова a complex at girls is called as a complex of Elektry. Entering in фаллическую a stage, the girl finds out absence of a penis (that can symbolise absence of force), as in the brother and the father. On this soil, on Freud, at girls envy to a penis, expressed in open animosities to mother develops, reproaching that that has given birth to her without a penis. The aspiration to the father is formed on representation about it as owner of this body. The sexual satisfaction is focused on клиторе, and at girls of 5-7 years клиторная мастурбация is accompanied маскулинными by imaginations in which клитор becomes a penis. The permission of a complex of Elektry at girls, on Freud, goes by same means that at boys, i.e. индетификацией with mother. Adult men with fixing on фаллической stages behave defiantly, they are boastful and precipitate, achieve success (a symbolical victory over the parent), «донжуанский» style of behaviour. Women фаллическая fixing leads to propensity to flirt, seduce, to chaotic sexual communications though can seem naive and innocent in the sexual relation. Not resolved complexes can conduct to neurotic models of the behaviour, concerning an impotence and frigidity. The LATENT PERIOD. In an interval from 6-7 years prior to the beginning of teenage age the phase of sexual calm, the latent period settles down. Freud gave not enough attention to processes during this period as in its opinion the sexual instinct presumably dozes at this time.