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Английский язык 2 ЗО 2012.doc
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V. Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам.

    1. Two years ago I travelled in South America.

    2. The boy was crying.

    3. Julia is preparing her report in the library.

VI. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания I. Vocabulary (выбрать синоним или объяснение) и II. Multiple Choice выбрать правильный вариант ответа на вопрос) и переведите текст на русский язык.

Выбор текста осуществляется в соответствии с последней цифрой номера зачетной книжки. Если цифра 0, текст № 10.

Text 2.

Airport Delays on the Rise

From a news story by

CNN San Francisco News Reporter Greg Lefevre

You often can't get there from here. At least not on time. Delays infuriate travelers, and cost the country billions in lost productivity.

A business traveler says, "Chicago's the worst, maybe New York."

A FAA study listed eleven major problems and proposed eleven solutions. All problems are within the small world of air traffic control. The various regions don't talk to each other enough. Each region operates differently and the number of planes in so-called regional traffic is exploding.

In the first of eleven proposed solutions a FAA national center will seize control from the regions during heavy traffic or bad weather.

Jane Garvey of the FAA says, "The purpose of the command center is to really make those decisions that effect the system in total."

Also, the FAA pledges again to upgrade its computers.

The booming economy has clogged the skies.

Michael Barr is a safety expert at the University of Southern California, "We've got fares that are reduced. We've got more people that want to fly and we are actually saturating the air of the United States with air traffic."

An example of this is San Francisco International Airport is growing fast as a world-wide gateway and a as hub to a hugely expanded regional service.

Ron Wilson of the San Francisco International Airport says, "If we've got 16, 17, 18 aircraft, which is common, [all] departing at 8am in the morning the guy that is [on the] 18th [plane] is going, probably, to be 40 minutes late."

Jane Garvey says, "It's important to note that aviation is growing. It's becoming a form of mass transportation for a number of people. Our volume numbers are up and that's having an effect on the delay numbers as well."

Still weather causes about 70-percent of delays. Then the FAA moves planes farther apart from the usual five miles to as much as 20 [miles]. The new rule may reduce that to 10 [miles]. But if the sky is already crowded, where do those planes go?

[A traveler says:] "Naturally, I think the more space between planes there is the greater the safety factor that most people would assume exist".

The FAA calls its fix mitigation, not a cure. Critics say the core problems remain: too many planes, too few controllers and too little modernization.

I. Vocabulary

    1. infuriate

              1. fill up completely

              2. make very angry

              3. mix in with

              4. no longer useful

    1. productivity

              1. made by an expert

              2. wanting to do the right thing

              3. making things or getting things done

              4. keeping a system on time

    1. saturating

              1. mixing in with

              2. filling completely

              3. occurring every Saturday

              4. making a plan

    1. proposed

              1. planned

              2. held up

              3. filled up

              4. ordered

    1. solutions

              1. greetings

              2. airport controllers

              3. baggage search

              4. answers to a problem

    1. exploding

              1. growing quickly

              2. leaving suddenly

              3. arriving late

              4. waiting in line

    2. seize

              1. fit perfectly

              2. make angry

              3. make late

              4. take quickly

    1. aviation

              1. technology

              2. the science of flying airplanes

              3. the science of flying airplanes

              4. the science of radar

    1. mitigation

              1. seizing control

              2. a poor job

              3. making something better

              4. missing a flight

II. Multiple Choice

1 Which of the following is not an example of mass transportation?

        1. airplanes

        2. trucks

        3. trains

        4. buses

2 If it takes 18 planes 40 minutes to take off, about how long does it take each plane to take


2 minutes

3 minutes

4 minutes

5 minutes

3 Which of the following are reasons for airport delays?

too many planes


different regions operate differently

all of the above

4 How much of the problem is caused by weather?


40 %


none of the above

5 The first thing the FAA wants to do is ______ .

make all the regions the same

take control away form the regions during heavy traffic and bad weather

buy new computers for all the airports

study the problem of airport delays