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дом. чтение для 4 фак-та 1 курс 2 семестр.doc
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9. Fill in the blanks with the verbs given below. Use them in the Passive Voice:

to express; to carry out; to invent; to record; to polarize; to tell; to store; to represent; to require; to construct

1. All the digits inside the hardware ... by the arranging of the special equipment. 2. Complex calculations ... with the help of a computer. 3. A special counter wheel for an arithmometer ... by a Russian engineer V.T. Ordner in 1874. 4. The answers of computations ... often in the form of tables. 5. Small spots on a surface inside a computer ... magnetically. 6. By means of аn instruction any computer ... what operations to perform. 7. All instructions ... in registers, the units of hardware. 8. Any information ... by the binary system. 9. Numbers or instructions… for solving a problem by a computer. 10. Several computing units ... by M. V. Lomonosov for computational science.

Lesson two Exercises

1.Read the following international words and guess their meaning:

Active, passive, practical, problem, programming, experiment, to consult, form, regularly, to construct, arithmometer, to energize, to control, peripheral, efficient, buffer, pulse, impulse, communication, interesting, to operate, functional, minute, record, line, factor, process

2. Pronounce the following words correctly:

input ['input] n ввод, входное устройство

device [di'vais] n устройство, прибор, механизм, элемент

provide [prə'vaid] v обеспечивать, давать, снабжать

means [mi:nz] n – средство

communication [kə,mju:ni'keiƒ(ə)n] n связь, сообщение

accept [ək'sept] v – принимать (информацию)

purpose ['pə:pəs] n – цель, намерение, назначение

north-south ['no:θ'sauθ] – север-юг

vice versa ['vaisi'və:sə] – и наоборот

output ['autput] n – вывод, выходное устройство, выход

vary ['vεəri] v – менять(ся)

according to [ə'ko:diη tə] phr cj – согласно

capacity [kə'pæsiti] n – способность, емкость

auxiliary [og'ziljəri] a – вспомогательный, дополнительный

rate [reit] n – скорость, степень, норма, коэффициент, частота

control [kən'troul] v управлять, контролировать

speed [spi:d] n скорость, быстродействие

consequently ['kons(i)kwəntli] adv следовательно

ratio ['reiƒiou] n – отношение, коэффициент, соотношение

acceptable [ək'septəbl] а приемлемый

message ['mesidʒ] n – сообщение, передаваемый блок информации

release [ri'li:s] v – освобождать

tremendous [tri'mendəs] a – огромный

advantage [əd'va:ntidʒ] n – преимущество

  1. Memorize the following word combinations:

means of communication – средство связи

punched holes and blanks – перфорированные отверстия и пробелы

a punched card – перфокарта

a punched tape – перфолента

data-handling equipment – оборудование по управлению данными

a factor of advantage – коэффициент преимущества

peripheral or auxiliary devices – вспомогательные устройства

proper speed – надлежащая скорость