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Lecture _10_Ind_work.doc
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Questions and tasks for individual work

  1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the object of semasiology?

    2. What are the basic linguistic reasons of semantic changes of the lexical units?

    3. What is meant by differentiation of synonyms? Is it synchronic or diachronic process?

    4. What is the basic type of syntagmatic reasons of changing the meaning?

    5. What phenomenon is described by the term conversives?

    6. What factors of language are considered by sociolinguitics?

    7. How do social relationships influence the semantics of lexical units?

    8. What is politically correct language? Why has it been initiated?

    9. How did IT (informational technologies) influence semantic changes in English?

  1. Do the following tasks:

    1. Make a scheme of differentiation of synonyms of the words:

      1. deer, beast, animal;

      2. token, sign.

    1. Explain how ellipsis worked with propose, sale, and starve.

    2. Find five examples of politically correct words and expressions.

    3. Consider how the meaning of the following words changed: boost, download, file, folder, site, on-/off-line, cash, compact, worm, virus, spy, log under the influence of IT.

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