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In the world of managment Умп Буренкова О.М. и...doc
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    1. Переведите следующие слова и выражения.

Levels of management; first-line management; middle management; allocating resources; accomplishing the organizational objectives; basic concepts; experience organizing; to develop a structure; top management; the highest level; to develop strategic plans; chief executive officer; chief operating officer; responsible decisions; responsible for putting; middle management; first-line management; supervisory; level above workers; an important part; human resources management; the potential of employees; a cost-cutting attempt.

    1. Найдите английские эквивалениты следующих слов.

Высший руководитель (менеджер); руководитель (менеджер) первого звена; менеджер среднего уровня; персонал; супервайзер; исполнитель, служащий; главный исполнитель директора; цель и задачи; товары и услуги; заработная плата; деятельность; уровни руководства (менеджмента); развитие; разрабатывать; управлять (руководить); осуществлять; решать; организационные цели; распределять ресурсы; эффективность; человеческие ресурсы.

    1. Переведите предложения.

  1. Менеджеры первого звена работают с неуправленчискими работниками и решают повседневные проблемы.

  2. В основном организация означает распределение ресурсов, назначение задач и установление процедур для осуществления организационных целей.

  3. Топ менеджер является представителем высшего уровня управления.

  4. Существует три основных уровня управления (менеджмента): высший менеджмент, менеджмент среднего звена и менеджмент первого звена.

  5. Наиболее важными ресурсами любой организации являются ее людские ресурсы.

    1. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is organizing?

    2. What are the three levels of management?

    3. What does the middle management include?

    4. What does the top management include?

    5. What does the first-line management include?

  1. Тест. Выберите правльный вариант.

    1. Top management is the highest ... of management and consists of the president and other key company executives who develop strategic plans.

      1. level

      2. type

      3. resource

    1. Middle management includes branch and plant managers, deans and department heads who are responsible for ... .

      1. strategic plans

      2. tactical plans

      3. contingency plans

    1. ... includes people directly responsible for assigning specific jobs to workers and evaluating their daily performance.

    1. supervisory (first-line) management

    2. top management

    3. staffing

    1. The ... is often the president of the firm and is responsible for all the top-level decisions in the firm.

    1. chief executive officer

    2. chief operating officer


After the plans are made and the organization is designed, managers must direct the workers in activities to meet the goals and objectives of the organization. Directing involves giving assignments, explaining routines, clarifying policies, and providing feedback on performance.

All managers, from top managers to first-line supervisors, direct employees. The process of directing is quite different, however, at the various levels of the organization. The top managers are concerned with the broad overview of where the company is heading. Their immediate subordinates are middle managers, who are responsible, in turn, for directing employees to meet company objectives. The directions of top managers to subordinates, therefore, are characteristically broad and open-ended. The further down the corporate ladder, the more specific the manager's directions become. First-line managers in the past often allocated most of their time to giving specific, detailed instructions to employees.

Progressive managers in the 1990s are less likely to be giving specific instructions to employees. Rather, they are more likely to work closely with employees to help the employees understand the overall goals and objectives of the firm. Then, in co-operation with the employees, the managers will work together to accomplish those objectives and goals. The manager's role will be less than that of a "boss" and more than of a coach, assistant, counseler, and team member. This shift in managerial direction gives employees more participation in decision making and more flexibility in how to get job done. That usually results in better work and more motivation of employees.



заведенный порядок

to clarify



назначение, задание








поэтому, следовательно



to allocate


to accomplish

выполнять, достигать


советник, консультант

to enable

давать возможность или право

to adjust

улаживать, приспособлять



to occur

случаться, происходить

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