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Билет №17

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы собираетесь подготовить в школе вечер, посвященный дню города, в котором примут участие зарубежные гости. Посоветуйтесь с учителем, как и когда можно организовать вечер.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли учителя.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Good afternoon, teacher.

- Good afternoon. Наve you got any questions to me?

- Yes. Can you help me? You see, I’m going to prepare a party at school.

- It’s a good idea. But what’s the party devoted to?

- The birthday of our town. I think it will be very interesting for our foreign guests.

They are coming tomorrow.

- You are right. You have to find something interesting. First, think over the

programme of the party.

- I think we should start with a concert with songs, poems and folk dances.

- That will be interesting for foreigners to listen to Russian songs, I think.

- I’ve got another idea.

- Whats that, I wonder?

- In my opinion, it will be interesting for our guests to listen to the history of our


- You are right. And I think you should speak English, otherwise our foreign

friends won’t be able to understand you.

- And at the end we can organize a disco. It will be fun.

- A perfect idea!

Билет №18

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы собираетесь поехать в страну изучаемого языка на неделю в октябре. Узнайте у своего зарубежного друга, который там живет, какая погода в октябре, часто ли она меняется и что лучше брать с собой из вещей.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Good morning, Jane! How are you?

- Fine, and you?

- Fine, thank you. I’ve got some news for you. I’d like to visit you in October.

- Oh, that’s a good idea. You are welcome.

- I wonder, what is the weather like in October there? I don’t know what clothes I

should take with me.

- You know, in October the weather is very changeable. We have sunny, warm

days, or they may be rainy and windy.

- I think, I’ll have a big luggage. It’s not very comfortable but I have to pack

dresses, blouses, trousers, jackets and sweaters.

- Don’t forget your umbrella.

- Is the weather really so changeable?

- Yes, it is. But let’s hope the weather will be nice and we’ll be able to walk a lot.

There are so many interesting things to see and visit here.

- I’m looking forward to visiting your country.

Билет №19

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш зарубежный друг в плохом настроении. Попытайтесь узнать, в чем причина его плохого настроения, чем вы можете ему помочь, дайте совет, как исправить ситуацию.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Mike! You look upset. Are you OK?

- Yes, I am in some ways. But forget it. Just a family problem again.

- Speaking of family problems we usually mean quarrelling with the parents,

don’t we?

- You are right, we do. As for my parents, they don’t understand me at all.

- I used to have conflicts with my parents too, but we have learnt how to resolve

them. Can you tell me what’s wrong?

- Well, they don’t like my hairstyle, the music I listen to, the way I speak…

Everything irritates them. This time it’s my clothes I put on going to school.

- I think they want you to look more conservative. Try to speak to them and find

out why they want you to dress some other way.

- Frankly speaking, I don’t want to change anything. Whatever I wear

I do my best at school.

- If it doesn’t matter, you can dress more suitable clothes for school. Anyway we

have to follow some kind of dress code. Look, would you choose a black suit,

a white shirt and a tie for the disco?

- Never! I didn’t think of it from this point of view. You seem to be right. I’ll

put on a suit going to school next time.

- I’m sure, you will feel more comfortable. Moreover, you will prevent a conflict

with your parents.

- Thank you for your advice.

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