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Anne Azel - Seasons - Wine, Women and Good Food...docx
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Here’s a great meal when red meat will only do.

Elk Stew

11/2 lb stewing elk or beef 3 Tbsp flour 5 Tbsp canola oil 3 Tbsp red wine vinegar 3 bottles dark beer 2 cups water 3 bottles of dark beer 2 cups water 1 onion finely chopped 3 Tbsp brown sugar ½ tsp thyme salt and pepper based on personal taste In a large deep frying pan or saucepan heat the canola oil until it is very hot.   Toss in the beef and brown all sides.  Add the chopped onion. Then add the flour while stirring.  Cover and cook for about five minutes.  Add the red wine vinegar and stir, then add the beer and water.  Bring to a boil and add the brown sugar bay leaf and the thyme.  Cook just below a boil for four hours.  Serve over potatoes with carrots and broccoli on the side.  Try a Cabernet Sauvignon from the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia with this meal.  And finish off with a tray of nuts (crack your own) and a small glass of ice wine from the same region.

British Columbia Wonders <http://www.longbeachmaps.com/parks.html>

Janet threw up her hands and looked at her wife and two teen daughters in frustration. She’d had to go to a conference that morning and had sent Robbie and the girls off fishing in the spectacular rain forest of British Columbia.

“Twenty-three miles of river and you three pick the spot where there are grizzly bears.  How did that happen?”

Robbie looked sheepish.  “We wanted to see them fish,” she admitted.

“And then one chased you to the truck.”

“Pretty much.”

“And just how much damage is there to the truck?”

It was Reb who answered, with eyes wide with excitement.  “Wow, mom!  You should see the scratch marks!  The whole truck shook!”

Janet closed her eyes and counted to ten.  What could you do when you had a family of olives.  “Did you catch any salmon?”

Ryan laughed.  “That would be a no, but we did find a great restaurant that serves a wonderful salmon dinner.”

Janet shook her head and smiled.  “Let’s go.  I’m starved.”  On the way out, Janet whispered in Robbie’s ear.  “I’ll get even tonight.”


Some like it hot and this is the perfect meal to go with that sort of night.

Salmon Fire

2 fillets of British Columbia salmon 1Tsp of soft peanut butter 1 Tsp of soy sauce ½ Tsp balsamic vinegar 1 finely chopped green onion ½ tsp brown sugar 1/4 clove of garlic (minced) 1/4 tsp ground ginger pinch of cayenne pepper 1/4 tsp sesame oil pinch of salt

Mix all the ingredients together in a dish until smooth.  Marinate salmon in the mix all day.  Keep in fridge.  Barbecue or grill the salmon until flaky.  Make Jasmine rice. Firmly fill a small, round bowl with rice and turn over on dinner plate to make mound.  Drape salmon down side of rice and hold in place with a branch of rosemary.  Serve with asparagus or a side salad.   A chilled Riesling from the St Lawrence lowlands would be excellent with this.

Arctic Delight <http://www.churchillnaturetours.com/tours/bears.html>

Janet, Robbie and Ryan and Reb stood with their faces pressed against the tour bus window.  They were visiting in the Arctic.  Out on the ice, was a polar bear with its cub. “Way cool.  I’m going to be a vet when I grow up,” exclaimed Reb. “Good choice.  You can take care of Duffus for free,” Robbie laughed. Ryan pointed. “Look, an Arctic owl.” They watched the bird swoop down and land on a rock. “Time to head back to Churchill,” Janet stated. “The radio said the northern lights should be good tonight,” their driver said, as he headed back across the tundra. Robbie whispered into Janet’s ear.  “Making love under the northern lights sounds pretty romantic to me.”

“Everything makes you think of making love, but I agree as long as it’s from inside our cabin!”

An exciting day in the cold, arctic air topped off with this tasty meal is just about perfect.  It’s an easy recipe to prove to your girl that you really can cook. Caribou Stew (or beef)

2 rashers of bacon. 1 lb caribou or beef cut into bite size cubes. 2 cups water 1 cup dry red wine ½ tsp salt 1/4 ground thyme 1/4 tsp pepper 1 large onion chopped finely 6 baby red skinned potatoes cut in half 6 baby white skinned potatoes cut in half ½ cup chopped celery 2 carrots cut in small pieces ½ cup cold water 3 tsp all-purpose flour 1/2 cup cold water

Fry bacon in a large soup pot over a medium heat until crisp.  Remove bacon but leave the fat in the pot.  Sear caribou pieces in bacon fat until all sides are brown.  Chop bacon fine and add to pot with 2 cups water, 1 cup wine, thyme and pepper.  Cover and simmer for about two hours.  Add onions, celery, carrots and potatoes.  Heat to boiling and then simmer until the vegetables are cooked. (about 30 min) Mix I/2 cup cold water and flour until it is smooth then slowly add it to stew while stirring.  Heat until boiling while stirring.  Keep at a boil only about 1 minute.  Serve in a bowl with crusty rolls.  A glass of Molson Ex Ale would go very nicely. For dessert, serve baked apples.  Hollow out 2 apples and fill with brown sugar, a few raisons and cinnamon.  Cook in the microwave until soft. (2 min)

Late Christmas eve, Robbie and Janet lay in their bed watching the snow gentle fall on the evergreens outside their window.  It had been a busy day as all the family had arrived to celebrate Christmas. 

“I have something for you,” said Janet, snuggling close to Robbie’s warm body.  Robbie growled playfully and Janet laughed.  “Not that, well, at least not yet.  Here.”

Robbie took the gift and unwrapped it.  Then she propped herself up in her bed, took her glasses from the side table sheepishly, and started to read.  Tears were soon rolling down Robbie’s face.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

Robbie carefully put the book down and pulled Janet closer.  “I love the book.  It reminds me just how lucky I am to be loved by you and to have such a wonderful family.  Thank you.”

Janet enjoyed the first of many kisses the night would bring. “ Merry Christmas, Robbie”

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