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Unit Theory of Knowledge_student copy.doc
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I. (a) Look at the words below. All of them can be translated into Russian as выбор. However, there are some differences between them in meaning and/or use.





one of two or more ways of doing something

alternative to

have no alternative

one of the things that you can choose to do in a particular situation

option of doing sth

choice of

have a choice

have no choice but

wide choice

a lot of things of a similar type for you to choose from, especially in a shop

selection of

wide/large selection of

(b) Complete the sentences with appropriate nouns.

  1. The school seems OK, but there isn't a great __________ of courses.

  2. He says he doesn't want to see a doctor, but I'm afraid he has no __________.

  3. He basically has two __________: he can have the surgery, or he can give up playing football.

  4. There is no practical __________ to our current policy.

  5. The restaurant offers a wide __________ of local dishes.

  6. If payment is not received within five days, legal action will be our only __________.

  7. She had the __________ of staying for an extra year.

II. (a) Study the words below, noting the differences between them. Complete the boxes with Russian equivalents.





relating to the mind and thinking, or happening only in the mind

related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something

relating to the ability to understand things and think intelligently

having a high level of mental ability and is good at understanding ideas and thinking clearly

(b) Complete the sentences with appropriate adjectives. In one case two variants are possible.

  1. "We're looking for highly __________ young people, with a genuine interest in their subject," a university spokesman said.

  2. Differences in prior experiences can contribute to individual differences in __________ development.

  3. I'd never met Jane's boyfriend, but I had a clear __________ picture of what he looked like.

  4. Psychologists use tests that examine the __________ skills of the child.


Task 4. [individually, then in pairs]

Find the English equivalents for the Russian word-combinations in the specified texts.


English equivalent

Text A

  1. отдельное исследование

  1. самоочевидные факты

  1. пересматривать выводы

  1. достоверность знания

Text B

  1. абстрактные умозаключения

  1. непоследовательные мнения

  1. философское созерцание

  1. определяющие особенности

  1. защититься от ловушек

  1. самоцель

  1. восстановить уверенность

  1. единая система взглядов

  1. мыслительная процедура

Text C

  1. искусственный интеллект

  1. выявить тенденцию

  1. делать упор на чем-либо

  1. чувственное восприятие

  1. рациональная рефлексия

  1. органы чувственного восприятия

  1. инструменты наблюдения

  1. информация, даваемая в восприятии

  1. врожденные когнитивные структуры

  1. упрощать процесс решения проблемы

  1. значимая информация

  1. имплицитное предположение

  1. метод проб и ошибок

  1. создавать «с нуля»

  1. субъект знания

  1. внешняя действительность

  1. фрагмент знания

  1. основной критерий

  1. ментальная сущность

  1. наделять первостепенным значением

  1. комплексный взгляд

  1. в широком смысле

  1. непрерывный процесс

  1. преследовать цель

  1. привлекать внимание

  1. в определенной степени

  1. исторический обзор

Task 5. [individually]

(a) Write out from texts A, B and C all the adjectives and verbs that collocate with the noun ‘knowledge’.


adjectives / nouns +

+ verbs

verbs +

Text A

Text B

Text C

(b) Organize the adjectives from the list above into antonymic pairs. For those adjectives, which do not have a pair, provide antonyms using a dictionary.

Knowledge can be

e.g. true



© Olga Frolova 2007

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