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  1. Productive and non-productive word-formation patterns

When a word first comes into existence it is built out according to the existing patterns of the elements available in the language.

Word-formation is that branch of lexicology that studies the derivative structure of existing words and the patterns on which a language builds new words. WF – is the system of derivative types of words and the process of creating new words after certain structural and semantic formulas and patterns (Ginzburg); WF – the process of forming words by combining root and affixal morphemes according to certain patterns specific for the language. (Medvedeva).

Words can be divided into smaller sense units which are generally referred to as morphemes -are the smallest indivisible two-facet language units they are not independent (used as parts of words); minimum meaningful language unit (indivisible into smaller meaningful units); abstract meaning. (Ginsburg)

Allomorphs is a positional variant of that or this morpheme occurring in a specific environment.

Ex. im- occurs before bilabials (impossible), ir- before r (irregular), il- before I (illegal), in- before all other consonants and vowels (indirect, inability)

Ex. [iz] in dishes, [z] in dreams and [s] in books

Classification: Semantically: root (express the lexical meaning of the word teach – teacher) and affixational /non-root (they can be derivational (suffix, infix, prefix) - modify the meaning of the root ex beauty – beautiful; functional (inflections) - used to change grammar forms of the word work - works – worked. Structurally free - coincides with the stem or a word-form (television); bound occur only as a constituent part of a word (usually borrowings or affixes) functionally: native (ing, ful, ed, dom); borrowed (fr: ance, ent, ic; lat: ion able, ient; Gr: ine, ia, id (pyramid)); polysemantic (cry, work, able, ant) stylistically neutral (ur, re); profeddional (ogy, eme); literary (super, ultra, extre); familiar (informal) iy=y=ie=ee (daddy, sissy) semantically negative (un, in, dis, non) diminutive (sissy, daddy, starlet, kitchenette); pejorative (уничижительные) (gangster, poetaster, imagineer); abstract (age, ance/ence, dom, hood, ing, ion/tion, ism, ship); lexico-grammatical noun- f. (age, ance/ence, ant/ent, dom, ee, eer, er, ess, hod); verb-f. (ate, er, en, ize, ish); adj-f. (able/ible/uble, ic, ical, ary, ful, ish, ive, less); adv-f. (ly, wards); numeral-f. (fold, teen, th, ty).

PRODUCTIVE: N (er, ing, ness, ship, semi, rich, ite, ism, mini); A (y, ish, ed, able, worthy, wide, well, super, semi, once, made, less, fresh, fold); V (ize, at) (+conversion)

NONPRODUCTIVE: N (th); A (ly, some, en, our); V (en)

Productive pattern: Compound noun: N+N granny-glasses, V=N kill-joy (брюзга), N+V sunshine, V+V make believe Adj.+N new-town, Particle+N incrowd, V+Particle teach in set expressions and phraseological units Compound verb N+V skydive, V+N shunpike, V+V test-market; Compound adjectives N+Adj. capital intensive, V+Adj. fail safe, Adj.+Adj. ready made, N+N skyscraper, V+N turn key (пригодный к использованию), Adj.+N red-brick, Particle+N before-tax, V+V go-go, Adj.+V high-rise, V+particle see-through (прозрачная)